In a lot of pictures similar to these, I practiced being comfortable within my skin and embracing all the magic that came with being a voluptious woman!😍❤️❤️
It's been years since I've felt my jawline! But also years since I've learned that self-love is of highest essence when it comes to growth! 🌱❤️
Have you ever felt as if you didn't belong?
That the stores never had your size
and that people always looked at you a minute longer than they did others?
Have you ever felt the face of disgust breathing down your neck as someone asked "Did you gain weight?" for the sake of conversation?
I have. And I can tell you it hasn't been a jolly ride.
Growing up I used to be the big girl. My classmates would make fun of me, home wasn't a safe space, because family would treat me different because of the way I looked.
I've been bullied and stones were thrown at me for being A BIG GIRL!
If you're reading this, you have every idea of what I am talking about right now.
But I am here to tell you to turn the page around! Might you be skinnier than the rest or fatter than the rest, if you want to be happy, you have to make the conscious decision to first accept who you are and slowly learn how to love every inch of it.
4 years ago I would have never thought that I would be as confident and happy with myself as I do today. It's all about perspective. Make it count! I am rooting for you ❤️❤️❤️