ONLINE WARDROUNDS Ep 5 featuring Case Reviews and Special Interview Of @Oluwambe!

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)

Steem Medics,

Online Ward rounds
SMSI (steem medics support initiative).
We are sure you had a great time during the Last episode. For those that missed the show, here is a link to the fourth edition#AIR-CLINIC ROCKS! It’s good to be back with another interesting episode of , a special programme for medics on the blockchain. It is a part of @Air-Clinic's sub-project,



These are the steem medics that graced our grand rounds last week:

You all made our second episode a success. We appreciate your contributions.

@air-clinic specially appreciates Dr. @Elvigia

Thank you for honoring our invite. It was great having you on the show. We also learned from you

Case 1 Highlight

The Diagnosis for this was Herpes Zoster

Case 2 Highlight

The Diagnosis for this was Subdural Hematoma


Case 1
A 32-year-Old Man always gives in to his wife over any decision even when he knows this is not tight. He insists on having his wife prepare him for every meal, wash him and put him to sleep. He cries whenever his wife is away.

  • What is your diagnosis? (And what is the basis for making your diagnosis?)
  • What are your DDx?
  • How would you work up this patient?
  • How would you manage this patient?

Case 2
An 84-year-old woman notices sudden increased visual impairment. She is found to have Homonymous Hemianopia.

  • What is your diagnosis? And what is the basis for making the diagnosis?
  • What are your DDx
  • How would you work up the patient?
  • What are your management modalities for this case?

Remember to approach these cases from your professional point of view.


  • As the name implies this is strictly to assist steem medics on their steemit journey.
  • Support will be in the form of community of mutual interests.
  • Qualification verification to improve the quality of steem healthcare.
  • Upvotes and post -curation for verified members.
  • Get part of the rewards for participating in Online Ward rounds.
  • Engaging discussions will be held intermittently to listen to our individual journey on the path of health.
  • Problem-solving and family bonding.


For this week’s TETE-A-TETE segment, meet our guest... @oluwambe

Tell us about yourself

I am Taiwo M.O. from Ogun State, Nigeria. I studied Microbiology, presently on with my Ph.D. I am a DOT officer (Tuberculosis and Leprosy unit) of a Hospital located in Abeokuta. I am a married man with 2 kids. I love indoor games and enjoyed meeting new people.

Why you love @air-clinic

ohhh, air-clinic met my taste. You know what; I came to steemit with a little knowledge about the platform. Initially, I am not an internet person; imagine someone now introducing me to an online platform for the reason of making money... I just declined straight. But the friend really troubled me and I gave it a trial... I was never active until I got to know about air-clinic... Apart from the fact that it is a science/health/medical platform, the engagement of people to discuss life issues is a motivation for me.

High and low point on steemit

Steemit is a nice platform... I love it for the fact that you get rewarded for sharing your knowledge through writing... It's just that it's getting more abused. I'm still getting to learn more about the platform, so, I believe there are better ideas that are coming up...

Challenges/survival story in your specialty

Microbiology is majorly the study of Microorganisms. So, research in this field is very difficult in an unconducive environment. By un-conducive, I mean where you have resources to work with and where the few that are available are out-dated. This is the case in my country. But, all well and good, we have learned to improvise anything that is not available, though not the best especially when it has to do with saving lives.
Motivation to study your career.
What motivates me the most is the relevance of Microbiologist in the eradication of diseases. In this part of the world, the emergence/outbreak of diseases is not new to us... I am just glad of the role the teams of Microbiologists, in which I am part of, took in finding solutions of these outbreaks. Nigeria's reputation in eradicating Polio, Measles, and Tuberculosis etc. is improving...

Final words

Our priority is to save lives, and in doing this, we are putting smiles on people's face. Yes, our environment might not really give back as to our expectations, but trust me, the future looks brighter for us.


  • is an initiative powered by @Air-Clinic aimed at finding and rewarding quality medical posts. We also submit to giant curators who may further reward posts.#AIR-CURIE:

  • every true health professional/student desires to share their knowledge of medicine and the human body with others#Leading-HEALTH-TALKS: . We engage #steem medics in the affairs of @Air-Clinic. You get the opportunity to share knowledge according to your interests and specialty*.

don’t forget to share your interesting case with us; it may be used for a review in our next episode.

We are here for your health!

This article was compiled by @antigenx for @air-clinic




Thank you for having me on the interview segment...
Kudos on your effort@air-clinic

Thanks for consenting to the interview,it was a pleasure talking with you.

Great to have you here sir @oluwanbe and thanks for your interview, was on point. Cheers

Case 2

  • My DX is cerebral (occipital) infarct (stroke).

  • Basis :- Old aged with sudden onset vision loss and homonomous heminaopia.

  • DDx; Stroke, cerbral tumour, conversion disorder, migraine.

Work up:-

  • CT.
  • MRI
  • Angiogram.
  • Fundascopy.


Depending upon time of presentation to emergency department and medical setup.

  • Thrombolysis (tPA)
  • Mechanical thromobectomy.
  • Angioplasty and stenting.

I just love how you usually work up your patients, very detailed.

I love it too @antigenx, he @drqamranbashir is so good at stating out his treatment plan so well. Well done, I could just copy and paste your work up😜

Thanks for d compliment.

Case I
It's difficult, I think it could be emotional dependence. For He has a sick relationship with his partner, submits and idealizes his partner and needs constant attachment and fear of separation.
I would send them both with the psychologist.

Case II
It can be a severe migraine, or a cerebrovascular accident or even a brain tumor. You should know from when you suffer and if it is temporary or permanent.
Among the studies I would do you are: an evaluation with the ophthalmologist, and a neurologist a tomography and brain magnetic resonance.

Case III
Although it is not understood very well, I think It is a left basal pneumonia, because it has cough, fever, decreased murmur in the left lung base.
It must be ruled out that this is an immunosuppressed patient, through hematological tests, chest X-ray.

Lol, psychiatry cases need one to enter that "mode" to be able to diagnose, referring the patient is a good call😀

For case 1
I think the man has dependent personality disorder. With differentials of anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorders, phobia.
Evaluation will be to do MME and psychological evaluation.
Treatment is psychotherapy and support.

For case 2
@drqamranbashir and @elvigia have killed it. I agree with them.

Lol @ they have killed it. Very valid contributions Dr @omaqiin.

Case 3 need editing i think

dyspnoea at the left lung base. ????????

documented penicillin murmur ?????????

I think it is documented pansystolic murmur best heard at left lung base.

if so than my dx is tricuspid regurgitation.

Im sorry about that. Would pull it out.

Nice interview @oluwambe. Nice having you here.