PostsCommentsPayoutsalabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 6 years agoRE: MFTU: Decentralized radio broadcast platformThe area that interest me most is the aspect of wining token as a listener but my question is this. Is this MFTU token available for wining on any kind of music you listened to…alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 6 years agoRE: AXNET: REBUILDING CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING IN THE BLOCKCHAINWaoh what a great idea of combining centralized and decentralized security challenges and solve the issues arising. AXNET nailing it.alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: BBOS: Changing the tides of business operations globallyWaoh i just the are where you said all proposals within Blackbox Network are determine by vote which required collective a decision. Meaning the holder are all the decision…alabastershine (25)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoRE: DAEX: DISTRIBUTED DIGITAL ASSET CLEARING AND CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE PLATFORMIt gonna be a turning for the whole cryptosphere if Daex can pull true with providing security against cyber attack. Great platform youve gat there @Daex.alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: DAEX: A CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE AND DISTRIBUTED DIGITAL ASSET CLEARING ECOSYSTEMSo happy to read that Daex have centeralised exchange at mind because their security has being a challenged. Daex idea of impriving security for these exchanges is a brilliant one.alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: DATUM: BETTER DECENTRALIZED AND SECURED STORAGEI hope Datum pull through this great project and keep to their word of not sharing individual data to third party unlike some social media do. I love the aspect of self destroying the unwanted data.alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: METAHASH: BRINGING CONSENSUS AND UNITY ACROSS THE CHAINLots of good things on this platform. Decentralized, secure, swift, low transaction fees and lots more fromMetahashalabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: FuzeX: The Future of Cryptocurrency UsabilityFuzex features are great idea by sychronising their card with wallet. In a case whereby i wish to own some of their coin will they be willing to ship this card to my country…alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: EPIPHANY – Changing the old ways of payment within the financial institutionI always love neo base project. Epiphany idea of building on neo blockchain has won my investment. Thanks for this awareness your articule made me discover this neo base projectalabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: OPIRIA: Private Data Collection and Sharing"Opiria is a blockchain based platform that was created for users to sell their personal data to corporations and companies, and also get paid in exchange with PDATA tokens." So…alabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: UNIVERSAL LABs: Data storage platformThis if a sure invest for me. Will keep the sale date. Thanks for the awarenessalabastershine (25)in #airhawk-project • 7 years agoRE: FTEC – FIRST CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING ECOSYSTEM FOR BOTH NOVICE AND EXPERIENCED TRADERAfter reading through this i wish to make an investment. I hope they will push on with their map.alabastershine (25)in #exchange • 7 years agoRE: INTRODUCING NEBULA EXCHANGE: A BRAND NEW CRYPTOEXCHANGEThis article just gave me the full insight to what nebula intend doing. Nebula will sure change crypto to the better.alabastershine (25)in #airhawk-project • 7 years agoRE: BIITNAUTIC REVIEWWish they develop an app and make their services for small commodity traders so that i can start my mini importation stuffalabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: ENHANCING DATA USAGE : THE QUADRANT PROTOCOLOkay thanks for the prompt replyalabastershine (25)in #air-hawk • 7 years agoRE: ENHANCING DATA USAGE : THE QUADRANT PROTOCOLNice project at Quadrant. Please will this data services be available in my country Nigeria?alabastershine (25)in #ethereum • 7 years agoRE: SEELE - A SOLUTION TO THE DEFICIENCIES IN BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYSeele the next bkockchain solutionalabastershine (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: SEELE: A Blockchain for the FutureSeele one of the best blockchain solution provider through internet. Good job you gat there at team of seele dev.alabastershine (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: Quant Network: Solution to current blockchain limitationsQuant the next big thing to blockchainalabastershine (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: Quant Network: Solution to current blockchain limitationsQuant the next big thing to blockchain