Almost seven weeks ago on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, I played my very first Steemmonster battle. That was after I dropped all inhibitions and chose sweet, unadulterated, clean, playful, gift-that-keeps-giving fun. At last.
Welcome to my Steemmonsters world.

Hey STEEM and Steemmonster Fam,
LEVEL of cards MATTER.
If you value your time, energy and focus, the level of Steemmonster cards you battle with matters.
I don't like grinding much.
Especially if it's not on a level playing field.
Since time is the resource I value and cherish most, I don't like deploying it in activities that I don't enjoy or that seem a waste of time.
So I don't enjoy battling other Steemmonster players whose cards far outweigh mine.
For the past almost seven weeks when I first started Steemmonster battling, I've been studying on and off the level of cards used by players who are where I'd like to someday be.
I set my first main goal to get to Level 6 teams but couldn't immediately invest in cards to get to that level. I'd promised myself to buy enough STEEM to become a Minnow.
So I set my sights lower. On getting all my traditional Summoners and favorite playing cards to Level 4.
But once I achieved that, I then slowly started to build them up higher.
Over the course of the last few days, I upgraded most of my favorite splinter cards in my main account via new Peakmonster multiple card purchases and breaking up a couple other alt accounts I had.
I'm mostly finished emptying the accounts, so upgrades will now mostly be accomplished by card purchases. I'll be continuing the process of sending in fiat via Paypal to my Steemit wallet to cover those purchases.
The accounts I broke up were all way below the 1000 point Silver level. Daily quests at the lower Bronze league level would only yield a one reward card prize.
Since I wasn't interested in investing all the additional time, energy and brain power in choosing a team for each new battle's rules to just win one card, playing only accounts higher than the Silver league and ranking those higher and higher seemed the only logical thing to do.
Which is exactly the intention of the new League level rules that issue more prizes the higher the league level achieved. Issuing the new Reward Edition cards was also meant to protect the value of the Beta Edition cards that were previously issued as daily quest reward packs.
Have you noticed that the prices of the Steemmonster Beta cards are now much more stable and some are definitely increasing?
Not sure if it's just a post Season 3 end thing with players holding on to their Beta cards now that they will no longer be available via daily quests, but it makes sense that the recent Season 4 changes will result in higher card values for the Beta Edition.
Which is good for investors and the longer term success of Steemmonsters.
So hurry up and buy as many cards as you can and are able to. Or trade if you have enough cards to trade.
I don't. So my only option is to take my time and buy up as many as I can.
btw, this is where my traditional Summoners are now at... this screen grab is a little more clear without the timestamp the top post pic has:
Next time, I'll share something that really made me understand why card levels MATTER.
I KNEW that.
But what happened made it sooooooooo plain and simple.
Watch this space, as they say. ;)
Talk soon again and in the meantime, see you on the battlefield,
PS Here's what I love about battling that's currently available RIGHT NOW via Steemmonsters:
- extra joy and happiness
- continuous, evolving daily quest and ranking goals with sweet matching, dependable, ongoing accomplishments and prizes
- real immediate results
- AMAZINGLY delicious, regular, hourly and daily heart smiles and fun, extra, happy jump-out-of-bed boost
- list goes on and on....
If you aren't yet play battling on Steemmonsters, start playing and earning your DAILY GIFT Steemmonsters Booster Pack Prize.
Each daily quest pack prize will have at least one Rare or higher level card that you can either keep or sell on the Steemmonster's market.
You'll find full instructions on how to start battling under 'Battle' then 'How To Play' when you login to your STEEMMONSTERS account.
PPS I'm still practicing my 'not-limiting-to-30 Days' personal Ho'oponopono healing forgiveness and gratitude challenge. I just use the simple 4-line exercise on anything that triggers, saddens, upsets or calls to me for attention during my days, including horrible news and world events.
Here's the four line exercise:
“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”
And here's my early, first post-HF20 Ho'oponopono inner detox five minute freewrite:
AND here's where you can get my help in cleaning up whatever aspect of your front burner life issues you choose to at this time so you can more quickly manifest the changes you want to:
Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.
Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account or personal info screen grabs. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @kristyglas.
Steemmonsters is fun but at the same time it's an opportunity too. Stay blessed. 🙂
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Yes, that's what I love about Steemmonsters too, @chireerocks. The great opportunity to invest via STEEM in the cards that have real monetary value and also the great fun we have battling while doing so.
Steemmonsters allows us to use our STEEM/SBD every day as we trade and invest in our wonderful monsters. I believe Steemmonsters will greatly assist in helping crypto and STEEM go mainstream.
SOOOOOO exciting!!!
Great to hear these words and have a great time ahead. 🙂
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Bless you, Bless you, sweet @trufflepig. ;)