It is most expedient and important that human race should not forget that there are three major commodities that are essential to human surviving in this earth and that is food, clothing and shelter, without this three commodities we don't have a chance of survival of which admist this three commodities, food happens to be the most needful or most essential commodity.
The land in Nigeria is ever green, it is a feasible soil for farming and planting and it is fertile, it is a kind of soil where any where is practically available and useful for planting, seed grows nearly in every corners of the street in Nigeria and most times on its own, which shows how farming can be feasible in the country over the years.
Nigeria has a huge population presently with an estimate of about 200million people, of which the rate of unemployment keeps increasing all over the world and even in Nigeria, unfortunately there are several ways to make it in the country, money essentially is not about hardworking but it is about adding values to people and our immediate environment and that is what I see about this great platform STEEMIT.......... A community where value is added to countless of individuals everyday.
Most times people driven by money think that when you work then you have access to money,...... capital NO.....the secret of wealth is the ability to add values to life and people around you, world richest men are people who sat down and try to get a solution to an existing and trending problem in there immediate environment.
Nigeria over the years have been practising different forms of farming in the country which personally I see as a lucrative business and finding solutions to our immediate environment challenges, what we see around us as problems and how we get out of it providing solutions to the masses is the secret of wealth........
This are some of the examples of farming practice in Nigeria.....
Mixed farming : This is a kind of farming that has to do with cultivation of crops alongside with the rearing of animals.
Mono cropping: This is the growing of one type of crop on a land for a particular season.
Continuous cropping : This kind of farming in Nigeria is the planting of a particular crop for seasons.
Crop Rotation : This is a systematic patterns of planting different types of crops on a piece of land..... Mostly planting deep rooted crops follow by shallow rooted crops.
Animals farming : This is basically rearing of animals alone.
Cropping system : A kind of farming where crop patterns are utilized in a given farm base on the availability of technology usage.
Cropping sequence : This is a kind of farming where crops are planted following one another from one year to the other, season or no season.
Double cropping : This type of farming in Nigeria has to do with growing of two crops in sequence on the same land and the same year.
Triple cropping : This is the practicing of farming by planting three crops in sequence on the same piece of land.
Multiple cropping : This is the growing of three or more crops on the same land and most times one crops is always harvested before another one is planted.
Inter cropping : This is the growing of two or more crops simultaneously on a land close to each other, though there are various types of inter cropping.............. (A) Mixed inter cropping. (B) Row inter cropping........