Don't give 'em the satisfaction.


Life can be a lot of fun only if we find our true selves and people who are truly for us. No backbiting, no hating, no sort of negative energy. But, life is a rollercoaster ride as it gives to us both parties; positive and negative vibers.

It was kinda sad yet funny(maybe as she put it out) as I read a tweet by a lady from X. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry for her. You know, when people are hurt, sometimes, they just try to act strong in the face of many(making a joke) while their heart is ripped apart by the claws of someone so close to them.

According to her, someone who she saw as her bestie(female friend) opened an account on twitter to drag her for something she didn't do while she(her friend) used her main account to counter the attack from the person. I can't imagine what the lady must have been going through at that rough moment.

You know, having a friend who fights for you will make you more connected to the person. And I bet she must have been until she found out the person who was pouring hell on her and the person soothing her are the same. Lol, how crazy life can be with human activities.

It'd be hard for someone like that to love or even trust again, and that is another high-profile traumatic event for the person. Tons of questions would keep her head ringing with;

"When was he or she ever real?" Just like Stephen King said;

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.

And that sort of thing is painful, but we have to live life anyway, right? We can't because of the wrong someone has done to us and classify every other person that comes our way. We can't allow that sort of feeling to take our life because the moment we do, we end up pushing away those who really care. Those who understand and are for us. So, don't let that happen.

Just because someone's action failed us terribly does not mean we have to fail ourselves, too. I know it is hard, and I can't even begin to comprehend how deep the wound or scar the person left was. It must have been scary. I don't know about your emotional side and how deeply affected you must have been. But I do understand pain because I have felt it too. Therefore, don't let your pain win. Heal and move on because life hasn't ended.

There's still a lot you'd get to see and amazing people you'd get to meet soon. There's still much to life. Don't give anyone the satisfaction of being bullied emotionally. Stand up and move because there's still so much positivity waiting to hug you.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


How could she do something like that to her friend, she should have confront her, if she was doing something she didn't like, that would have been a very good thing to do, and her friend would have apologize, then it all go, dragging her in public was unfair.
You are right, we shouldn't let bullied win over us 🥰🙏

That's it. Some people just prefer hating on you even if you didn't do anything to them. They are just like that.

Yeah, we should never allow that. Thanks for stopping by 🙂.

You are welcome

And I bet she must have been until she found out the person who was pouring hell on her and the person soothing her are the same. Lol, how crazy life can be with human activities.

They say the heart of a man is desperately wicked. Imagine such cruel friend and betrayal. The lady who is the victim would have issues trusting people because of this. It's indeed a traumatic situation to experience but just as you said, such a person should not allow pain to win but to stand up and keep fighting.

Yeah, desperately wicked. It is just sad that one has to go through this after facing a series of struggles in life. It'd be very hard for her to trust again, but she just got to stand up and keep fighting.

Thanks for stopping by Princess 😊.

 7 months ago  


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