Babyhood - Expect parents in months 0 through 12
Especially the 1st year with your child will be one of the most exciting in your life. Never after will a child go through such a rapid development. This affects the motor development as well as the brain and the emotions. Almost every day, your baby learns something new: See and be amazed!
Your baby will astonish you from the first breath on, but also be one of the biggest challenges. The precious "free" time is reduced to zero, because your newborn needs a lot of care and attention. This remains the same throughout the first year, even if your child is developing rapidly - and in his own way. Even if it is exhausting: Enjoy this time with your child and get to know it with his very individual character.
Babies 1st Month - Parents and children get used to each other
One thing is for sure, you can not spoil your newborn too much. In the first four weeks - and after that - your baby needs love, attention, a lot of body contact and enough to eat. Making babies scream is not a good idea now and then. For the little ones have no other means of expression to communicate their needs. In addition to eating, shouting and tucking the diaper, a baby sleeps during the first few days of life and - weeks mainly - in a more or less regular rhythm. Many babies stick to the 4-hour classic when it comes to breastfeeding, while other babies choose a different or sometimes no rhythm. At the end of the first month, you might get a first smile.
Do not be frightened if your child's face is suddenly full of pustules. The so-called baby or neonatal acne is a hormonal change and disappears after some time by itself.
Babies 2nd month - the baby is increasingly aware of its environment
Your baby is now increasingly aware of its environment. It starts with loud noises, can fix objects for a short time and smiles more and more often. If it is lying on its stomach, it may even lift the head, when hungry it moves the hand to the mouth and sucking on the fingers.
The sleeping behavior of the baby can now change significantly. Few parents are lucky and their child sleeps for 6 weeks, but more often it still maintains an hourly sleep-wake cycle - 24 hours a day. So that your baby has well-rested parents, it should stay in the master bedroom, preferably in the family bed or in the extra bed or baby balcony. This saves the mother frequent nocturnal getting up to breastfeeding.
Babies 3rd month - the baby mimics the parents
Now you can be sure that the smile in the baby face is yours. Many children start imitating the facial expressions of their parents at this age. They can focus their attention for a few seconds and follow moving things not only with the eyes, but also with the head. Pacifying to calm down (either on the pacifier, on the fingers or on the chest) calms your child and helps him to reduce stress. Frequently, evening shrieks begin now - your child processes the experiences of the day.
Babies 4th month - the child demands the attention of his parents
Strength and flexibility of the infant increase almost daily. The baby gets more mobile and that demands your full attention, for example on the changing table. The little one starts using his hands and may even shake a rattle or grab long hair. At this age, the baby brain is developing faster and faster: important are now address and impulses on your part. But be careful not to overwhelm your child and give him rest when it starts to get whiny or tired.
Babies 5th month - the baby starts to babble and becomes more and more curious
From the 17th week of life may be fed. However, the baby should still be breastfed. It can now easily hold its head itself, may even turn itself from the stomach on the back and is always "talkative" and babble still incomprehensible sounds to train his tongue. His curiosity grows too. It is ideal if you bring your baby in a sling with you. Safely protected, it can observe its environment and retreat if the impressions become too much.
Already, your baby can be in the Fremdelphase and be afraid of unknown people. Behind it are insecurity and separation anxiety - your child is safe. Do not fret: Because just the Fremdeln shows that there is a close bond between parents and children. It wants to stay with you, because there it feels safe and secure.
Babies 6th month - it actively discovers its close environment
The baby has arm muscles and also trains them eagerly. It begins to lift itself up while lying down with its arms or tries to pull itself up on tangible things. Even the reflex of reaching for objects in its vicinity becomes more and more pronounced. Hand-eye coordination improves and your child can move items from one hand to the other. Mobile babies should now be secured in the stroller. If it is lying on the changing table, the child must not remain unattended for one second. Now also the first tantrums begin. The baby is frustrated when it does not "do something" or feel misunderstood by the parents.
Babies 7th month - the child experiments and gets teeth
By now, most babies are interested in solid foods. Start now with the food, patience is required, because the child must first learn how to move the porridge in the mouth with the tongue to the esophagus. Also bread edges like many babies like and suck around it. Increasingly your child comes into the experimental phase. It keeps toys falling on the floor over and over again, checking how many times you're ready to pick it up. This does not happen to annoy you, but to explore laws. It wants to know how the world works.
Many babies are starting to teething - and that is often no pleasure. The child is whining and cries a lot, the cheeks are reddened, some children even get a slight fever.
Babies 8th month - time to make the apartment child safe
Maybe your baby is already starting to crawl. It is also possible that it is just learning to turn around. Training is unnecessary. Give your child time to develop at his own pace. Incidentally, this also applies to sitting. If your muscles are strong enough, it will go into that position by itself. Your child now grabs everything he can and puts it in his mouth. It's best to make your home child-proof, because then you have to restrict your exploratory urge as little as possible. This saves screaming and frustration.
Babies 9th month - the own will is developed and announced
Many babies are already crawling happily through the whole apartment and become increasingly independent. This is accompanied by a development of the own will and it is time to say no. This will probably be acknowledged by your child with loud protest. They should respect this will and talk to it, or explain things to them. This applies in particular to changes of location. Do not just pick up your child, but talk to him in advance and tell him what happens next or what you want to do. Your child already understands much more than you think, and the attention given by your voice has a calming effect.

Babies 10th month - first limits must be set
Your child is now able to understand your words, even if they can not speak themselves yet. Explaining and showing is better than forbidding rigorously. On the other hand, clear boundaries are important because they give your child a safe frame. Limit yourself to a few, but consistent no, so avoid excessive frustration and rebellion.
The mobility of your child now creates chaos in the home. Give your child the opportunity to explore crates and the contents of cupboards and put anything dangerous or precious out of his reach.
Babies 11th month - the first words and first defiance
At this age, children often begin to articulate the first words. The baby can now sit and pull up on furniture. It knows its name and can demonstrate its dislike with a violent shake of the head. In the 11th month, the first tantrums can occur, because your child wants to do more and more and not be restricted. Try to stay consistent and calm at the same time.
Babies 12th month - time for big steps
The developments from the 11th month of life are even more pronounced, your child is getting more mobile, may even try the first steps and speaks one-word sentences. Praise for small achievements now does him very well and strengthen his self-confidence and his courage.
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.

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