PostsCommentsPayoutsblacktones (-8)(1)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: 2023, you old bastard thingblacktones (-8)(1)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: 2023, you old bastard thingCareful what you say. If he thinks you're only here for monetary gain, you'll get nothing.blacktones (-8)(1)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: 2023, you old bastard thingTurning a page on a calendar changes nothing unless you're self-deluded into thinking it does.blacktones (-8)(1)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: 2023, you old bastard thingInteresting how you make comments on posts that are all about you . Your level of self-centeredness is impressive, but you have a long way to go to beat gaylenkp's…blacktones (-8)(1)in Photography Lovers • last yearRE: Dark visionYou must be bored to be here.blacktones (-8)(1)in Photography Lovers • last yearRE: Dark visionblacktones (-8)(1)in Galenkp's Stuff • last yearRE: On leave but workingblacktones (-8)(1)in Galenkp's Stuff • last yearRE: On leave but workingIt's always I want, I want, I want, ME, ME, ME where you're concerned.blacktones (-8)(1)in Galenkp's Stuff • last yearRE: On leave but workingYou make yourself look pathetic with all your whinging over small things.blacktones (-8)(1)in #life • last yearRE: HorgrustGrow some brains along with a backbone and learn how to use both you pathetic pussy.blacktones (-8)(1)in DBuzz • last yearRE: cartoon photo of a rabbit and a duck The rabbit and duck cartoons are very cute, ...Hilarious!blacktones (-8)(1)in DBuzz • last yearRE: cartoon photo of a rabbit and a duck The rabbit and duck cartoons are very cute, ...Boot licking spineless @meesterboom is also too stupid to see clearly.blacktones (-8)(1)in DBuzz • last yearRE: cartoon photo of a rabbit and a duck The rabbit and duck cartoons are very cute, ...You're just too stupid to learn anything Hypocrite.blacktones (-8)(1)in Outdoors and more • last yearRE: When there's no foodSure it is. You kill how many kangaroos, deer, etc. Why don't you eat those? Nope mate, you just kill for the sake of killing animals and humans too.blacktones (-8)(1)in #israel • last yearRE: When Hamas Came To Rape, Abuse and MurderYou do the same dirty dealings to others you Hypocrite.blacktones (-8)(1)in ThoughtfulDailyPost • last yearRE: Time to spendIf you were capable of any real instrospection and saw inside yourself, you'd see your complete lack personal integrity reflected back at you Hypocrite with your fake facade…blacktones (-8)(1)in Reflections • last yearRE: The architectObssessive abuse of the downvote button with your alt account @positivum with a Palestinian flag as an avatar again. Last time I checked, you aren't Palestinian, you…blacktones (-8)(1)in Reflections • last yearRE: The architectHilarious!blacktones (-8)(1)in Reflections • last yearRE: The architectNobody does needy @galenkp bootlicking quite like you Boolicker Queen!blacktones (-8)(1)in Reflections • last yearRE: Stitched together And if you don't push them off the platform as you have done with so many users who didn't do what you wanted exactly how you wanted and demanded.