[ENG/DEU] Daily report about processed votes from the CryptoCompany Voting Service

in CryptoCompany CEOlast month
Authored by @PowerPaul



As always, here is today's overview of the activities of the CryptoCompany Voting Service.

Wie immer, hier die heutige Übersicht über die Aktivitäten des CryptoCompany Voting Service.

It's late here, my eyes are burning, so I'm going to do it quickly today. However, I am repeating the following paragraphs from yesterday so that all (new) readers are informed:

As announced in the last article about the voting service on @cryptocompany, I am also currently working on revising the pricing for the voting service. The purpose of this is - as already discussed in the article - to reward active participants and supporters on CryptoCompany. On the other hand, antisocial blockchain users may pay more. I have already written enough about what, how and why in the article. Today you will get a first insight into the changes, as they are already partially visible here in the layout. As soon as the work and the new pricing are completed, there will of course be a corresponding info post about it.

I hope you like the new layout here and that it gives you even more transparency about your CryptoCompany. If you have any constructive criticism, please let me know!

At the same time, changes are of course also being made to the Voting Service website in order to integrate the upcoming functionalities. There, as well as here in the article, I will of course also expand the information on how the voter works in detail, which discounts are possible, why an article is voted earlier or later or why it may not be voted at all. Everything step by step - as you can see, I'm on it.

But don't worry (or celebrate) just yet: the new pricing model will only be applied once everything is ready. As I said: the info post will follow. I expect all aspects to be finalized within the next week.

Spät ist es hier, die Augen brennen, darum heute in aller Schnelle. Jedoch wiederhole ich die folgenden Absätze von gestern, damit alle (neuen) Leser informiert sind:

Wie im letzten Artikel über den Voting Service auf @cryptocompany angekündigt, arbeite ich gerade auch daran, die Preisgestaltung für den Voting Service zu überarbeiten. Damit bezwecke ich - wie bereits im Artikel erörtert - aktive Teilnehmer und Unterstützer bei CryptoCompany zu belohnen. Auf der anderen Seite dürfen unsoziale Blockchainnutzer mehr bezahlen. Was, wie, warum, dazu hatte ich im Artikel bereits genug geschrieben. Heute bekommt ihr einen ersten Einblick über die Änderungen, da sie nun schon teilweise hier im Layout ersichtlich sind. Sobald die Arbeiten und die neue Preisgestaltung fertiggestellt sind, gibt es natürlich einen entsprechenden Info-Post darüber.

Ich hoffe das neue Layout hier gefällt euch und vermittelt Dir noch mehr Transparenz über deine CryptoCompany. Wenn Du konstruktive Kritik hast, dann freue ich mich natürlich, wenn Du mir davon berichtest!

Parallel dazu finden natürlich auch Änderungen auf der Website des Voting Service statt, um die kommenden Funktionalitäten zu integrieren. Dort, wie auch hier im Artikel, werde ich natürlich auch das Informationsangebot ausweiten, wie der Voter im Detail funktioniert, welche Rabatte möglich sind, warum ein Artikel früher oder später gevotet wird oder warum eventuell auch gar nicht. Alles Schritt für Schritt - Ihr seht, ich bin dran.

Aber noch keine Sorge (oder Freude): das neue Preismodell findet erst anwendung, wenn alles fertig ist. Wie gesagt: der Info-Post folgt. Ich rechne mit Fertigstellung aller Aspekte innerhalb der nächsten Woche.

Votes from @ccceo.voter and his trail within the last 24 hours:

Votes von @ccceo.voter und seinem Trail der letzten 24 Stunden:

Link: actifit-drstealth-20250127t054551184z
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-27 05:48:06 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:33:32
Additional Data: 10.31 HP delegation = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 100 CCD for a 10% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: the-power-to-dodge-attacks-b0e11607d6a24
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-27 00:17:25 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:32:56
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: eight-weeks-of-no-smoking-tobacco-free
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-27 00:11:59 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:32:24
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: time-the-lil-guy-on-the-farm-zzzz-ens
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 23:58:56 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:31:29
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 550 CCD for a 55% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: splinterlands-social-media-challenge-ulfga-the-blighted-the-resilient-dragon-debuffer
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 23:51:11 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:30:54
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 400 CCD for a 40% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: opening-gladius-cases-and-brawl-result-59o
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 23:18:37 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:30:06
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: enptbr-my-strategy-in-soulkeep-512
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 22:43:29 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:29:43
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: go-straight-fast-and-hard-stupid-meta-but-proven-well-dhe
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 21:26:50 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:28:58
Additional Data: 713.56 HP delegation = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: ten-hsbi-and-two-duo-token-giveaway-week-46-2jj
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 20:02:33 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:28:24
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: investment-bbh-project-21-days-after-joining
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 17:57:11 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:23:59
Additional Data: 1,803.36 HP delegation = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: crowdfunding-comic-books-late-books-is-youtuber-richard-meyer-taking-a-shot-at-iconic-comics
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-26 01:26:25 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:17:29
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 600 CCD for a 60% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: first-month-of-stacking-dxw
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-02-01 00:42:58 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:16:32
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 700 CCD for a 70% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: market-paint-on-the-wall-street-art-in-benin
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-31 18:15:12 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:15:33
Additional Data: 102.00 HP delegation = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 900 CCD for a 90% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: an-unexpected-lunch-break-celebrating
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-31 13:43:17 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:14:52
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 800 CCD for a 80% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: we-are-alive-thrifting-for
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-31 13:10:22 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:14:18
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 800 CCD for a 80% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: i-like-teaching-new-residents-ehp
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-02-01 03:45:47 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:12:07
Additional Data: 4,502.68 HP delegation = X% discount
6640.633... shares (7.5665%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 1000 CCD for a 100% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: moon-karts-my-game-activity-and-progress-in-season-14-my-next-seasonal-goals-engita-7ag
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-02-01 00:06:29 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:12:00
Additional Data: 2,021.97 HP delegation = X% discount
103.063... shares (0.1174%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = X% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 1000 CCD for a 100% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Link: a-satisfying-dining-experience-at
Status: Voted
Timestamps: Ordered: 2025-01-31 15:19:57 / Processed: 2025-02-01 06:11:51
Additional Data: 0 HP delegation = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0%) at the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool = 0% discount
0.000... shares (0.0000%) at the CCD:ATX Diesel Pool = 0% discount
X 100% votes for @cryptocompany postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @powerpaul postings during last 7 days = X% discount
X 100% votes for @ccceo.voter postings during last 7 days = X% discount
Final Price: Paid 1000 CCD for a 100% vote, due to X% discount. Result: X.XXX HTU & X.XX% ROI

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your day!





So for vote, only 100% will be considered?


[@PowerPaul:] Maybe. I am still in the process of thinking about if I count onle 100er or count 10% + 50% + whatever over the time. I will figure that out during the next days. Right now - but I don't want to promise - I am leaning to accepting 10, 20, 30 votes too. But I will se the final script as soon as I finished calculation and programming.

Hive a great start into the new week!



My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@r1s2g3, I sent you an

A busy voting service :)

[@PowerPaul:] Oh yes. So busy that I am running out of mana (< 80%). But I am in the process of remoldelling the mechanism to keep up with the high demand.

Iris, Hive a great start into the new week!



The first time I saw my future Wife was at the local Zoo.
I just knew she was a keeper.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@irisworld, I sent you an

Do I read "discount"???? Eyes on! !BBH

[@PowerPaul:] Yes. Upcoming feature. For rewarding real Hivians and/or community members.

Will be rolled out during next week I hope.

Hive a great day!



I’m skeptical of anyone who tells me they do yoga every day.
That’s a bit of a stretch.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@ironshield, I sent you an


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @r1s2g3 tipped @ccceo.voter

@ccceo.voter, I paid out 0.027 HIVE and 0.006 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.