Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences | 2018-11-17

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Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems

Multivariate Spatiotemporal Hawkes Processes and Network Reconstruction (1811.06321v1)

Baichuan Yuan, Hao Li, Andrea L. Bertozzi, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Mason A. Porter


There is often latent network structure in spatial and temporal data and the tools of network analysis can yield fascinating insights into such data. In this paper, we develop a nonparametric method for network reconstruction from spatiotemporal data sets using multivariate Hawkes processes. In contrast to prior work on network reconstruction with point-process models, which has often focused on exclusively temporal information, our approach uses both temporal and spatial information and does not assume a specific parametric form of network dynamics. This leads to an effective way of recovering an underlying network. We illustrate our approach using both synthetic networks and networks constructed from real-world data sets (a location-based social media network, a narrative of crime events, and violent gang crimes). Our results demonstrate that, in comparison to using only temporal data, our spatiotemporal approach yields improved network reconstruction, providing a basis for meaningful subsequent analysis --- such as community structure and motif analysis --- of the reconstructed networks.

Interacting particles with Lévy strategies: limits of transport equations for swarm robotic systems (1807.10124v3)

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez, Heiko Gimperlein


L'{e}vy robotic systems combine superdiffusive random movement with emergent collective behaviour from local communication and alignment in order to find rare targets or track objects. In this article we derive macroscopic fractional PDE descriptions from the movement strategies of the individual robots. Starting from a kinetic equation which describes the movement of robots based on alignment, collisions and occasional long distance runs according to a L'{e}vy distribution, we obtain a system of evolution equations for the fractional diffusion for long times. We show that the system allows efficient parameter studies for a search problem, addressing basic questions like the optimal number of robots needed to cover an area in a certain time. For shorter times, in the hyperbolic limit of the kinetic equation, the PDE model is dominated by alignment, irrespective of the long range movement. This is in agreement with previous results in swarming of self-propelled particles. The article indicates the novel and quantitative modeling opportunities which swarm robotic systems provide for the study of both emergent collective behaviour and anomalous diffusion, on the respective time scales.

Assessing biological models using topological data analysis (1811.04827v1)

M. Ulmer, Lori Ziegelmeier, Chad M. Topaz


We use topological data analysis as a tool to analyze the fit of mathematical models to experimental data. This study is built on data obtained from motion tracking groups of aphids in [Nilsen et al., PLOS One, 2013] and two random walk models that were proposed to describe the data. One model incorporates social interactions between the insects, and the second model is a control model that excludes these interactions. We compare data from each model to data from experiment by performing statistical tests based on three different sets of measures. First, we use time series of order parameters commonly used in collective motion studies. These order parameters measure the overall polarization and angular momentum of the group, and do not rely on a priori knowledge of the models that produced the data. Second, we use order parameter time series that do rely on a priori knowledge, namely average distance to nearest neighbor and percentage of aphids moving. Third, we use computational persistent homology to calculate topological signatures of the data. Analysis of the a priori order parameters indicates that the interactive model better describes the experimental data than the control model does. The topological approach performs as well as these a priori order parameters and better than the other order parameters, suggesting the utility of the topological approach in the absence of specific knowledge of mechanisms underlying the data.

3s-Unification for Vehicular Headway Modeling (1811.05325v1)

Milan Krbalek, Michaela Krbalkova


We explain why a sampling (division of data into homogenous sub-samples), segmentation (selection of sub-samples belonging to a small sub-area in ID plane - a segmentation zone), and scaling (a linear transformation of random variables representing a standard sub-routine in a general scheme of an unfolding procedure) are necessary parts of any vehicular data investigations. We demonstrate how representative traffic micro-quantities (in an unified representation) are changing with a location of a segmentation zone. It is shown that these changes are non-trivial and correspond fully to some previously-published results. Furthermore, we present a simple mathematical technique for the unification of GIG-distributed random variables.

Dynamics of the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi Oscillator Network with Asymmetric Order Parameter (1811.04427v1)

Bolun Chen, Jan R. Engelbrecht, Renato Mirollo


We study the dynamics of a generalized version of the famous Kuramoto-Sakaguchi coupled oscillator model. In the classic version of this system, all oscillators are governed by the same ODE, which depends on the order parameter of the oscillator configuration. The order parameter is the arithmetic mean of the configuration of complex oscillator phases, multiplied by some constant complex coupling factor. In the generalized model we consider, the order parameter is allowed to be any complex linear combination of the complex oscillator phases, so the oscillators are no longer necessarily weighted identically in the order parameter. This asymmetric version of the K-S model exhibits a much richer variety of steady-state dynamical behavior than the classic symmetric version; in addition to stable synchronized states, the system may possess multiple stable (N-1,1) states, in which all but one of the oscillators are in sync, as well as multiple families of neutrally stable asynchronous states or closed orbits, in which no two oscillators are in sync. We present an exhaustive description of the possible steady state dynamical behaviors; our classification depends on the complex coefficients that determine the order parameter. We use techniques from group theory and hyperbolic geometry to reduce the dynamic analysis to a 2D flow on the unit disc, which has geometric significance relative to the hyperbolic metric. The geometric-analytic techniques we develop can in turn be applied to study even more general versions of Kuramoto oscillator networks.

Chaotic Dynamics

Entanglement production and information scrambling in a noisy spin system (1806.04686v3)

Michael Knap


We study theoretically entanglement and operator growth in a spin system coupled to an environment, which is modeled with classical dephasing noise. Using exact numerical simulations we show that the entanglement growth and its fluctuations are described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. Moreover, we find that the wavefront in the out-of-time ordered correlator (OTOC), which is a measure for the operator growth, propagates linearly with the butterfly velocity and broadens diffusively with a diffusion constant that is larger than the one of spin transport. The obtained entanglement velocity is smaller than the butterfly velocity for finite noise strength, yet both of them are strongly suppressed by the noise. We calculate perturbatively how the effective time scales depend on the noise strength, both for uncorrelated Markovian and for correlated non-Markovian noise.

Classical three rotor problem: periodic solutions, stability and chaos (1811.05807v1)

Govind S. Krishnaswami, Himalaya Senapati


This paper concerns the classical dynamics of three coupled rotors: equal masses moving on a circle subject to cosine inter-particle potentials. It is a simpler variant of the gravitational three body problem. Moreover, the quantized system of n-rotors has been used to model coupled Josephson junctions. Unlike in the gravitational problem, there are no singularities (neither collisional nor non-collisional), leading to global existence and uniqueness of solutions. In appropriate units, the non-negative energy E of the relative motion is the only free parameter. We find analogues of the Euler-Lagrange family of periodic solutions: pendulum and isosceles solutions at all energies and choreographies up to moderate energies. The model is integrable at asymptotically low and high energies but displays a fairly sharp transition from regular to chaotic behavior as E is increased beyond . This is manifested in the dramatic rise of the fraction of the Hill region of Poincar'e surfaces occupied by chaotic sections and also in the spontaneous breaking of discrete symmetries of Poincar'e sections present at lower energies. Interestingly, the above pendulum solutions alternate between being stable and unstable, with the transition energies accumulating from either side at E = 4. The transition to chaos is also reflected in the curvature of the Jacobi-Maupertuis metric that ceases to be everywhere positive when E exceeds four. Examination of Poincar'e sections also indicates global chaos in a band of energies slightly above this transition.

Phase locking of a pair of nano ferromagnetic oscillators on a topological insulator (1811.05551v1)

Cheng-Zhen Wang, Hong-Ya Xu, Nicholas D. Rizzo, Richard A. Kiehl, Ying-Cheng Lai


We investigate the magnetization dynamics of a pair of ferromagnetic insulators (FMIs) deposited on the surface of a topological insulator (TI). Due to the nonlinear nature of the underlying physics and intrinsic dynamics, the FMIs can exhibit oscillatory behaviors even under a constant applied voltage. The motion of the surface electrons of the TI, which obeys relativistic quantum mechanics, provides a mechanism of direct coupling between the FMIs. In particular, the spin polarized current of the TI surface electrons can affect the magnetization of the two FMIs, which in turn modulates the electron transport, giving rise to a hybrid relativistic quantum/classical nonlinear dynamical system. We find robust phase and anti-phase locking between the magnetization dynamics. As driving the surface electrons of a TI only requires extremely low power, our finding suggests that nano FMIs coupled by a spin polarized current on the surface of TI have the potential to serve as the fundamental building blocks of unconventional, low-power computing paradigms.

Quantitative estimation of effective viscosity in quantum turbulence (1811.05374v1)

Vishwanath Shukla, Pablo D. Mininni, Giorgio Krstulovic, Patricio Clark di Leoni, Marc E. Brachet


We study freely decaying quantum turbulence by performing high resolution numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) in the Taylor-Green geometry. We use resolutions ranging from to grid points. The energy spectrum confirms the presence of both a Kolmogorov scaling range for scales larger than the intervortex scale , and a second inertial range for scales smaller than . Vortex line visualizations show the existence of substructures formed by a myriad of small-scale knotted vortices. Next, we study finite temperature effects in the decay of quantum turbulence by using the stochastic Ginzburg-Landau equation to generate thermal states, and then by evolving a combination of these thermal states with the Taylor-Green initial conditions using the GPE. We extract the mean free path out of these simulations by measuring the spectral broadening in the Bogoliubov dispersion relation obtained from spatio-temporal spectra, and use it to quantify the effective viscosity as a function of the temperature. Finally, in order to compare the decay of high temperature quantum and that of classical flows, and to further calibrate the estimations of viscosity from the mean free path in the GPE simulations, we perform low Reynolds number simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations.

Interaction between active particles and quantum vortices leading to Kelvin wave generation (1811.05342v1)

Umberto Giuriato, Giorgio Krstulovic


One of the main features of superfluids is the presence of topological defects with quantised circulation. These objects are known as quantum vortices and exhibit a hydrodynamic behaviour. Nowadays, particles are the main experimental tool used to visualise quantum vortices and to study their dynamics. We use a self-consistent model based on the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation to explore theoretically and numerically the attractive interaction between particles and quantised vortices at very low temperature. Particles are described as localised potentials depleting the superfluid and following Newtonian dynamics. We are able to derive analytically a reduced central-force model that only depends on the classical degrees of freedom of the particle. Such model is found to be consistent with the GP simulations. We then generalised the model to include deformations of the vortex filament. The resulting long-range mutual interaction qualitatively reproduces the observed generation of a cusp on the vortex filament during the particle approach. Moreover, we show that particles can excite Kelvin waves on the vortex filament through a resonance mechanism even if they are still far from it.

Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases

Theoretical investigation, simulation and empirical analysis of the growth pattern of traffic oscillations in the Euler coordinates (1806.04287v2)

Junfang Tian, Martin Treiber, Rui Jiang, Xiaopeng Li, Bin Jia, Ziyou Gao


The formation and development of oscillations is an important traffic flow phenomenon. Recent studies found that along a vehicle platoon described in the Lagrangian specification, traffic oscillations grow in a concave way. Since stationary bottlenecks are more intuitively described in the Eulerian framework, this paper investigates whether the concave growth pattern of traffic oscillations in the Lagrangian coordinates can be transferred to the Euler coordinates (i.e. the concave increase in standard deviation is no longer measured across the vehicle indices but as a function of the road location). To this end, we theoretically unify these two ways of measuring oscillations by revealing their mapping relationship. We show that the growth pattern measured in the Lagrangian coordinates can be transferred to the Euler coordinates. We believe this finding is nontrivial since the scenarios are significantly different: while in vehicle platoons (Lagrangian view, non-penetrable moving bottleneck), the speed variance for a given vehicle is ideally constant, the drivers in the Eulerian setting (penetrable stationary bottleneck triggering the waves) experience all amplitudes, first the big ones and then the small ones. To test this proposition, we performed simulation using two different kinds of car-following models. Simulation results validate the theoretical analysis. Finally, we performed empirical analysis using the NGSIM data, which also validates the theoretical analysis.

One-sided scaling limit of multicolor box-ball system (1808.08074v3)

Atsuo Kuniba, Hanbaek Lyu


A random box-ball system starts with occupying each of the first boxes independently with a ball of random color from , where balls of color 0 are considered as empty boxes. The time evolution is defined by a successive application of the combinatorial , and possesses a -tuple of Young diagrams as the complete set of conserved quantities. We show that the induced carrier process is an irreducible Markov chain and that the associated energy function scaled by converges as at an exponential rate. This implies that each of the invariant Young diagrams converges to some limiting shape as if we scale its rows by . By establishing a large deviations principle, we show that this limiting shape is unchanged under conditioning the initial measure on the highest states. Using these results, we give an explicit formula for the limiting shape of the invariant Young diagrams by Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz.

Evacuation simulation considering action of the guard in an artificial attack (1810.05918v1)

Chang-kun Chen, Yun-he Tong


To investigate the evacuation behaviors of pedestrians considering action of the guard and develop an effective evacuation strategy in the artificial attack, an extended floor field model was proposed. In this model, the assault on pedestrians, the death of pedestrians and the capture of the guard were involved simultaneously. An alternative evacuation strategy which can largely reduce the number of death was developed and effects of several key parameters such as the deterrence radius and capture distance on evacuation dynamics were studied. Results show that congestion near the exit has dual effects. More specially, the guard could catch all attackers in a short time because the attackers would have more concentrated distribution, but more casualties would happen because pedestrians are hard to escape the attack due to congestion. In contrast, when pedestrians have more preference of approaching the guard, although the guard would take more time to capture the attackers result from the dispersion of attackers, the death toll would decrease. One of the reason is the dispersal of the crowd and the decrease in congestion would be beneficial for escape. Another is the attackers would be killed before launching the attack to the people those are around the guard, in other words, the guard would protect a large number of pedestrians from being killed. Moreover, increasing capture distance of the guard can effectively reduce the casualties and the catch time. As the deterrence radius reflecting the tendency of escaping from the guard for attackers rises, it would become more difficult for the guard to catch the attackers and more casualties are caused. However, when the deterrence radius reaches a certain level, the number of deaths would be reduced because the attackers would prefer to stay as far away as possible from instead of the position where they could attack more people.

Von Neumann regularity, split epicness and elementary cellular automata (1804.03913v3)

Ville Salo


We show that a cellular automaton on a mixing subshift of finite type is a Von Neumann regular element in the semigroup of cellular automata if and only if it is split epic onto its image in the category of sofic shifts and block maps. It follows from [S.-T"orm"a, 2015] that Von Neumann regularity is decidable condition, and we decide it for all elementary CA.

Cellular automata approach to synchronized traffic flow modelling (1805.05555v2)

Junfang Tian, Chenqiang Zhu, Rui Jiang


Cellular automaton (CA) approach is an important theoretical framework for studying complex system behavior and has been widely applied in various research field. CA traffic flow models have the advantage of flexible evolution rules and high computation efficiency. Therefore, CA develops very quickly and has been widely applied in transportation field. In recent two decades, traffic flow study quickly developed, among which "synchronized flow" is perhaps one of the most important concepts and findings. Many new CA models have been proposed in this direction. This paper makes a review of development of CA models, concerning their ability to reproduce synchronized flow as well as traffic breakdown from free flow to synchronized flow. Finally, future directions have been discussed.

Pattern Formation And Solitons

Variational approximations using Gaussian ansatz, false instability, and its remedy in nonlinear Schrödinger lattices (1811.06480v1)

Rahmi Rusin, Rudy Kusdiantara, Hadi Susanto


We study the fundamental lattice solitons of the discrete nonlinear Schr"{o}dinger (DNLS) equation and their stability via a variational method. Using a Gaussian ansatz and comparing the results with numerical computations, we report a novel observation of false instabilities. Comparing with established results and using Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion, we deduce that the instabilities are due to the ansatz. In the context of using the same type of ansatzs, we provide a remedy by employing multiple Gaussian functions. The results show that the higher the number of Gaussian function used, the better the solution approximation.

Large-amplitude periodic atomic vibrations in diamond (1811.06260v1)

George Chechin, Denis Ryabov, Stepan Shcherbinin


Symmetry-determined nonlinear normal modes, which describe large-amplitude vibrations of diamond lattice, are studied by specific group-theoretical methods. For two of these modes, corresponding to vibrational state with and without multiplication of the unit cell, we present their atomic patterns and dynamical properties obtained with the aid of the ab initio simulations based on the density functional theory.

Maximum temporal amplitude and designs of experiments for generation of extreme waves (1811.01524v2)

Marwan Andonowati, N. Karjanto


This paper aims to describe a deterministic generation of extreme waves in a typical towing tank. Such a generation involves an input signal to be provided at the wavemaker in such a way that at a certain position in the wave tank, say at a position of a tested object, a large amplitude wave emerges. For the purpose, we consider a model called a spatial nonlinear Schr"odinger equation describing the spatial propagation of a slowly varying envelope of a signal. Such a model has an exact solution known as (spatial) Soliton on a Finite Background (SFB) that is a nonlinear extension of Benjamin-Feir instability. This spatial-SFB is characterized by wave focusing leading to almost time-periodic extreme waves that appear in between phase singularities. Although phase singularities and wave focusing have been subject to a number of studies, this spatial-SFB written in the field variables has many interesting properties among which are the existence of many critical values related to the modulation length of the monochromatic signal in the far fields. These properties will be used in choosing parameters for designing experiments on extreme wave generation. In doing so, a quantity called maximum temporal amplitude (MTA) is used. This quantity measures at each location the maximum over time of the wave elevation. For a given modulation length of SFB and desired maximum amplitude at a position in a towing tank, the MTA readily shows the maximum signal that is required at the wavemaker and the amplitude amplification factor of the requested signal. Some examples of such a generation in realistic laboratory variables will be displayed.

Planar and Radial Kinks in Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Models: Existence, Stability and Dynamics (1808.02928v2)

P. G. Kevrekidis, I. Danaila, J. -G. Caputo, R. Carretero-Gonzalez


We consider effectively one-dimensional planar and radial kinks in two-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon models and focus on the sine-Gordon model and the variants thereof. We adapt an adiabatic invariant formulation recently developed for nonlinear Schr{"o}dinger equations, and we study the transverse stability of these kinks. This enables us to characterize one-dimensional planar kinks as solitonic filaments, whose stationary states and corresponding spectral stability can be characterized not only in the homogeneous case, but also in the presence of external potentials. Beyond that, the full nonlinear (transverse) dynamics of such filaments are described using the reduced, one-dimensional, adiabatic invariant formulation. For radial kinks, this approach confirms their azimuthal stability. It also predicts the possibility of creating stationary and stable ring-like kinks. In all cases we corroborate the results of our methodology with full numerics on the original sine-Gordon and models.

Family of Potentials with Power-Law Kink Tails (1810.12907v2)

Avinash Khare, Avadh Saxena


We provide examples of a large class of one dimensional higher order field theories with kink solutions which asymptotically have a power-law tail either at one end or at both ends. We provide analytic solutions for the kinks in a few cases but mostly provide implicit solutions. We also provide examples of a family of potentials with two kinks, both of which have power law tails either at both ends or at one end. In addition, we show that for kinks with a power law tail at one end or both the ends, there is no gap between the zero mode and the continuum of the corresponding stability equation. This is in contrast to the kinks with exponential tail at both the ends in which case there is always a gap between the zero mode and the continuum.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Hypergeometric First Integrals of the Duffing and van der Pol Oscillators (1706.02506v3)

Tomasz Stachowiak


The autonomous Duffing oscillator, and its van der Pol modification, are known to admit time-dependent first integrals for specific values of parameters. This corresponds to the existence of Darboux polynomials, and in fact more can be shown: that there exist Liouvillian first integrals which do not depend on time. They can be expressed in terms of the Gauss and Kummer hypergeometric functions, and are neither analytic, algebraic nor meromorphic. A criterion for this to happen in a general dynamical system is formulated as well.

On the Integrable Structure of Super Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes (1811.06324v1)

Nils Kanning


The maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four-dimensional Minkowski space is an exceptional model of mathematical physics. Even more so in the planar limit, where the theory is believed to be integrable. In particular, the tree-level scattering amplitudes were shown to be invariant under the Yangian of the superconformal algebra psu(2,2|4). This infinite-dimensional symmetry is a hallmark of integrability. In this dissertation we explore connections between these amplitudes and integrable models. Our aim is to lay foundations for an efficient integrability-based computation of amplitudes. To this end, we characterize Yangian invariants within the quantum inverse scattering method, which is an extensive toolbox for integrable spin chains. Making use of this setup, we develop methods for the construction of Yangian invariants. We show that the algebraic Bethe ansatz can be specialized to yield Yangian invariants for u(2). Our approach also allows to interpret these Yangian invariants as partition functions of vertex models. What is more, we establish a unitary Gra{\ss}mannian matrix model for the construction of u(p,q|m) Yangian invariants with oscillator representations. In a special case our formula reduces to the Brezin-Gross-Witten model. We apply an integral transformation due to Bargmann to our unitary Gra{\ss}mannian matrix model, which turns the oscillators into spinor helicity-like variables. Thereby we are led to a refined version of the Gra{\ss}mannian integral formula for certain amplitudes. The most decisive differences are that we work in Minkowski signature and that the integration contour is fixed to be a unitary group manifold. We compare Yangian invariants defined by our integral to amplitudes and recently introduced deformations thereof.

On the Increasing Tritronquée Solutions of the Painlevé-II Equation (1804.03173v2)

Peter D. Miller


The increasing tritronqu'ee solutions of the Painlev'e-II equation with parameter exhibit square-root asymptotics in the maximally-large sector and have recently appeared in applications where it is necessary to understand the behavior of these solutions for complex values of . Here these solutions are investigated from the point of view of a Riemann-Hilbert representation related to the Lax pair of Jimbo and Miwa, which naturally arises in the analysis of rogue waves of infinite order. We show that for generic complex , all such solutions are asymptotically pole-free along the bisecting ray of the complementary sector that contains the poles far from the origin. This allows the definition of a total integral of the solution along the axis containing the bisecting ray, in which certain algebraic terms are subtracted at infinity and the poles are dealt with in the principal-value sense. We compute the value of this integral for all such solutions. We also prove that if the Painlev'e-II parameter is of the form , , one of the increasing tritronqu'ee solutions has no poles or zeros whatsoever along the bisecting axis.

On singularities of dynamic response functions in the massless regime of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain (1811.06076v1)

K. K. Kozlowski


This work extracts, by means of an exact analysis, the singular behaviour of the dynamical response functions -- the Fourier transforms of dynamical two-point functions -- in the vicinity of the various excitation thresholds in the massless regime of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain. The analysis yields the edge exponents and associated amplitudes which describe the local behaviour of the response function near a threshold. The singular behaviour is derived starting from first principle considerations: the method of analysis \textit{does not rely, at any stage}, on some hypothetical correspondence with a field theory or other phenomenological approaches. The analysis builds on the massless form factor expansion for the response functions of the XXZ chain obtained recently by the author. It confirms the non-linear Luttinger based predictions relative to the power-law behaviour and of the associated edge exponents which arise in the vicinity of the dispersion relation of one massive excitation (hole, particle or bound state). In addition, the present analysis shows that, due to the lack of strict convexity of the particles dispersion relation and due to the presence of slow velocity branches of the bound states, there exist excitation thresholds with a different structure of edge exponents. These origin from multi-particle/hole/bound state excitations maximising the energy at fixed momentum.

Dispersionless integrable hierarchies and GL(2,R) geometry (1607.01966v4)

E. V. Ferapontov, B. Kruglikov


Paraconformal or geometry on an -dimensional manifold is defined by a field of rational normal curves of degree in the projectivised cotangent bundle . Such geometry is known to arise on solution spaces of ODEs with vanishing W"unschmann (Doubrov-Wilczynski) invariants. In this paper we discuss yet another natural source of structures, namely dispersionless integrable hierarchies of PDEs (for instance the dKP hierarchy). In the latter context, structures coincide with the characteristic variety (principal symbol) of the hierarchy. Dispersionless hierarchies provide explicit examples of various particularly interesting classes of structures studied in the literature. Thus, we obtain torsion-free structures of Bryant that appeared in the context of exotic holonomy in dimension four, as well as totally geodesic structures of Krynski. The latter, also known as involutive structures, possess a compatible affine connection (with torsion) and a two-parameter family of totally geodesic -manifolds (coming from the dispersionless Lax equations), which makes them a natural generalisation of the Einstein-Weyl geometry. Our main result states that involutive structures are governed by a dispersionless integrable system. This establishes integrability of the system of W"unschmann conditions.

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