The thought from a wise rabbit with some bad habits.
Today whilst at work I was wandering why the retention levels are so low with new users. I have been trying to put myself into the other users on the platforms shoes. The ones that have been here from the beginning or around that time period. Basically the larger accounts that have been on here for two years or so.
These accounts would have seen the struggle when Steem was at a low 0.07 c a coin. There must have been 100 000 users (thumb suck) and no one really knew anyone else. Over time they have all found certain people that have similar interests and have got into a position of having a comfortable following. This doesn't happen over night and has taken months of commitment and many hours of dedication.
New users arrive daily and see it as a "pick pocket" attitude trying to grow their accounts not really understanding how it is done. All they are doing is look at the other account values and wander how the hell did they get there. The majority would say to themselves" look they did it ,then I can do it" not realizing the work that needs to go into it. Social media like Facebook and the likes ,you have family and friends who follow you and reply and it is easy to have a following. On here though you need a genuine following and not 1000's of dead accounts who have already left the platform.
The older users will most likely take notice and engage with a new user cautiously, seeing how he/she interacts and performs. Remember the older accounts would have seen everything, and a bit like the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." They have been round the block and seen ten's of thousands of new users come and go, and will spot something that is different with a new account from all the other users throwing their bullshit replies.
The accounts that have been noticed will be monitored like you would do with a new employee before anything is offered to them. Everyone gets the crumbs with some upvotes but no cake. I don't blame the older users for being on their guard with the defenses up , why would you support someone who will disappear after a month or two.
These are things which are common sense and what I have noticed since I have been on here for 5/6 months or so. I have been supported by so many people on here which has helped me grow. You may ask why and I will tell you why. I don't like talking about myself but I have noticed a group of individuals that started roughly within a month or two of each other and they all have the same traits.
These individuals haven't changed from day one and have been genuine. Thinking back now they do stick out as they do the basics well, which is growing your account the organic way. Posting, commenting and commenting well adding some value. They are part of the community and have been allowed in as the older users see themselves in what these individuals are doing. They haven't been handed anything on a silver platter and it is hard work, there are no short cuts. These individuals are still around so the wise accounts that have been helping them have chosen well.
These are just some of my thoughts on wandering why retention of new users is so low. Attitude and dedication are some of the reasons with a genuine personality and not expecting or taking things for granted. You have to gain the "trust" of others around you before support is shown.
Image source.canstockphoto.com
Uncannily accurate :0)
It makes sense to me.
It's spot on, it really is!
It makes no sense to me.
My comment is a lazy joke
nailed it...
I think so.
It's nice to actually read some wisdom behind growing on steemit. I've asked others with either no response or negative responses. I appreciate the knowledge and thank you for a better understanding.
It's not a closely kept secret but it's just an understanding. You have to keep at it and after a while of consistent work you will be noticed. I have stopped self voting now offering those that want to make curation on my posts more.
Couldn't agree more and I am relatively new and also thank you for supporting me you old dog!!😂😂. Question? Do you spend much time on discord groups. Personally I can't get into them. Number 1 I don't have the time and number 2. The people are very welcoming but they are very close knit. Just wanted to know your opinion. Apart from the legend that is Gina, is discord a must to progress ?
hi blanchy. i joined helpie last week after an invite. these groups support you and are unbelievable. Wait for an invite as it will come as you write decent stuff. I was invited to join a group in steem chat which I am also part of now. Time is an issue though as always. One tip though join @abh12345 curation league it will help you immensely. Just go to his post from last Sunday (comes out every Sunday) and in the comments say please add me.
Yeah I joined the curation league . It’s good . Thanks. Helps a lot. Just need the time to do a bit more behind the scenes!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I have some ideas. A little patience.
So if your account its relative old, and you reach a relative high level, you get support from the other members.
And if you are new, you dont get support, and cant grow, and lost your motivation, and left.
Like in the real life. :D
No. Not necessarily. You just have to be consistent and show you are genuine. Work hard over a period of time but interacting properly and you will stand out.
Time and effort always help. Or not help, but paid :)
"Social media like Facebook and the likes ,you have family and friends who follow you and reply and it is easy to have a following. On here though you need a genuine following and not 1000's of dead accounts.."
im very new on the platform, myself. i had facebook for a coupla months back in 2010, & i only created the account to see someone's pics overseas. never used snapchat, but im an instagram fan. what i like about steemit is the whole decentralized idea where no company owns my contribution & its not crowded by the immatures.
this is truly the "social media" for me...i just need to settle on an account theme. until then, i will check in every now & then for the interesting reads.
Summed it up well here!
I see so many new accounts on here with the attitude that they expect upvotes and attention - not how it works! You need to get to know people first.
Its a hard slog on here and many give up when they realise that it isnt just printing money
I must say that commenting has the most impact on a persons chance to fit in and prosper here, When someone makes a cool comment on my post I like to go and see what they have been up too and comment on their post. With comments If a person doesn't reply to me I move on to a better steemian that appreciates me!
howdy tonight cryptoandcoffe! very well said but you already know that because of all the great comments! great job!