Reading about this mind-controlling parasite in cat poop can increase your chances of being an entrepreneur just makes my eyes roll aggressively. What are these people up to these days? That article by the way, of all places, is coming from Entrepreneur and Forbes. Don't take it from me, it's really up to you if you want to expose yourself in the feline fecal matter in order to become a fearless adventurer and risk-taking entrepreneur. In reality, there are far more things to be thinking about.
The article says that this new research shows that those infected with toxoplasma, a parasite found in cat poop are more likely to take risks. It gives you the courage, that necessary ingredient to DIY this time. To climb the success ladder and make it to the top, all you need is cat poop exposure! I knew it right from the start that the solution to dog problems are cats.
I know you know that cats are my friends. In childhood, my cat was my best friend. I've never thought that my risk-taking tendency is due to cat feces exposure. Damn, what are the odds? Not even for a moment that I've thought about those T.gondii antibodies were present in my body to urge me enough to travel aimlessly and fearlessly start a business later on. Cat poop or not, I'm just probably likely to take risks due to certain experiences in life. I'm also likely to take the risk of not believing in something even if it means I'm left standing alone not believing.
I remember about this documentary about a man who swam the amazing Amazon river stretch filled with God-knows-what kind of nasty things are in there, and I'm not only talking about the stereotyped fearsome Piranhas, other nastier things such as mind-controlling parasites invisible to the naked eye. Spoiler alert: at some point, he lost his mind, eventually taken by the Amazonian parasites. He was caught wandering around naked on land, staring into space and all the things you do when you're already crazy. However, in the end, he did a great thing for the record. Can you also imagine the masses eventually zombified after letting that evil parasite fully take control of their minds?
In this day and age of fear, there's a real mind-controlling parasite out there, and no they can't be found in cat poop nor in the murky waters of the Amazon. It's kind of an invisible monster that slowly makes their way inside your brain. They make you believe absurd things. They make you fear others or anything unfamiliar. They make you believe that the world revolves around you. They make you stay within the confines of that dogmatic belief parasite. It consumes you. The risk is to get out while everyone is already infected. You might as well become a zombie just like the rest, for safety and security.
It doesn't take cat poop exposure to be mind-controlled, it's your susceptibility to being mind-controlled. Look around you, do you still believe everything you hear and read or what you see in the popular news these days? Who are the real victims and heroes? Do those articles written by the dominant forces get into you sometimes? Do you believe that you are on your own and that massive success comes at the expense of others? As Aristotle said, it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. If you stop questioning, bad ideas, bad parasites, can make their way into your minds. Healthy skepticism should be one's antidote to the tragedy of living in a world of make-believe.
Belief is that little monster traveling through your brain, it can be a dangerous parasite. If you believe in something so completely, you'll do anything however irrational. If someone can make you believe such absurd things, that person can make you do absurd things however diabolic.
Instead of letting that invisible monster posing as an imaginary friend get into you, get into the already confusing equation of your existence, why not make an effort, just a tiny amount of effort of making your mind bulletproof these days. Focus on thinking on your own and not letting others do that tedious thinking job for you. Just think a little.
The fact that rats that were exposed to toxoplasma became more fearless, doesn't mean that it'll make humans into entrepreneurs... there are so many other things that make someone into an entrepenure.
At least, I have a reason to blame my cat for doing stupid and crazy stuff, lol
Hahaha just one of the many reasons to blame our cats.
Trust me, they (the cats) would've done the same if they could, lol.
"Focus on thinking on your own and not letting others do that tedious thinking job for you. Just think a little."
I agree with that. Just taking the time to think things through can protect us from a lot of the bs people try to force on us.
Haha I have seen people say that that suff is carried by dogs too. It makes me wonder if that has affected me too lol.
Lol it seems that mind-control parasites are everywhere now.
Cat poop as a mind controller ingredient is just dust on a mountain. You don't have to look any further than Facebook to see one of the powerful tools used to mind control. News, TV shows and other dumb shows and why not music are also used for that purpose so cats are just innocent kids in this turmoil of mind control tools.
Regarding cat's poop I remember Kopee Luwak, the famous coffee made from the cat's poop that the character of Jack Nicholson loved very much in the movie The bucket list.
Yep cat poop is nothing, there are far scarier mind-controlling tools out there these days, just like what you said.
Kopee Luwak, or The Civet cat's poop? Yeah I know that from my travels in Indonesia. I drank that too I wonder if it has mind-controlling ingredient too lol.
Yep! ;)