Beer Diary - Good Food & Lavender Mint Beer

in BEER6 months ago (edited)


I'm participating in The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 375.
Thanks @detlev for hosting the fun event every week!

@akipponn is attending Hivefest. I wonder if everyone attending is having a Beer Saturday together right now. I'm excited just thinking about it.


Things been busier than usual lately and I can't seem to get back into my own routine. I'm almost traumatized after work for a while until taking a couple sips of beer, haha.
Today, I'll write about two beers I've had recently.

The first one is the Golden Ale from Taylight, which I've had before. My husband often brings it home, so I see them every time I open the fridge.
On this particular day, my youngest daughter wanted to cook cheese wrapped in mashed potatoes, coat it with panko and deep fried, so I opened a beer and watched her cook. The beer in the photo is my second one of the day! Lucky me!

She mashed potatoes with the skins on, added crispy bacon, salt, and pepper, and tried to make stick shapes with cheese inside, but they ended up looking more like logs.

I thought it was kind of like Western-style croquettes. Well, it is croquettes! Sorry, I’m Japanese. I grew up with eating Japanese style croquettes. It didn’t go well with mayonnaise or ketchup. I tried tonkatsu sauce, but that didn’t seem right either. It was delicious without sauce but I wonder what kind of dipping sauce is used usually. We froze half of them, so I hope to find a sauce that matches before we eat them again.
It can’t go wrong with deep fried food. It went great with the beer.

Next dish is from a different day. It is one of the super quick meals. Avocado and cucumber hand-rolled sushi. You don’t need to roll it and cut it to serve. You can let everyone make their own at the table.

I love avocados. Whoever thought of pairing avocado with rice and soy sauce must have an excellent sense of taste.
I should have made some miso soup too… I was so busy that all I could think about was beer, haha.

I had R&B Brewing Co.'s Flower Shower Floral IPA.
Lavender, rose, mint… maybe it didn’t go too well with sushi but it was nice.

I couldn’t detect the rose scent, but lavender and mint in beer are nice. I would definitely buy it again.

Here's a bonus photo. It didn't turn out well enough for a full post, but I thought I should share a bit of luck with you all. Can you see it? Even though there were many of them, I only managed to capture the splash and a tail...

On my way home from work on the ferry, I came across a pod of humpback whales just minutes before the ferry was docking. The ferry had to slow down, so it held me back to get to my beer …I mean we arrived late🤣 but it was an amazing opportunity to see such a beautiful creature!

Happy Beer Saturday!



The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 375 に参加します。

@detlevさん、毎週楽しいイベント開催ありがとうございます。 @akipponnさんがHivefestに参加しています。今ごろ参加している皆さんとリアルビアサタデーをしているでしょうか。わくわくしながら記事を書いています。








この日は R&B Brewing Co. の Flower Shower Frolal IPAをいただきました。
とっても美味しいビールでしたが、ラベンダー ローズ ミント…お寿司にはちょっと合わなかったかな…




Happy Beer Saturday!


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




That golden ale can looks so expensive! Love the design of the can - it's giving off extravagant vibes.
コロッケ!食べたくなった。。ww ソースねえ。。とんかつソーズしかないですよね。トマトソースは?見た事ないですけど。。😅 I hope you can find a fitting sauce for it.
I also wonder the same - I hope they get to enjoy real life beer saturday on hive fest!

I love the can design as well. I think the price for the long can is around $3 to $5 Canadian when you buy single, but I get them for free! My husband knows the manager of the brewery.

If I get beers for free, I'll definitely enjoy it! 😅

