Let's Talk Gender
This Topic Is A Two Way Street
On "Face the Nation" recently, the there's-still-no-bottom-to-her-stupidity Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained that Congress was "80 percent male," and that this creates, "blind spots in our legislation." It figures that a socialist Democrat, over-educated, under-informed, wide-eyed, clueless imbecile would engage in identity politics. This is the hypocritical left-wing notion that people (Caucasian particularly) cannot be inherently fair-minded, so society needs black teachers teaching black students, Hispanic judges judging Hispanic criminals, Asian firefighters protecting Asian communities, and other such nonsense. In this case, the issue involves gender. Let's talk about gender for a moment, shall we?
As a man, I have reached my limit of the stereotypes involving males (Caucasian particularly) as seen on TV, and in the movies over the past few decades where they are always portrayed as buffoons. Just watch any channel on TV and look at the commercials. Ask yourself who is acting cool, who is acting calm and rational, and who is stumbling and bumbling around all throughout the ad like an idiot? It is always a white male who is acting obnoxious, showing off his big belly and bald head, and generally doing something bad. One of my favorites are the home security commercials, which exclusively show all criminals as white males.
I am sure you believe in equal opportunity for all, so I would like to discuss the downside of women for a moment. All studies show that women are more 'right brain' dominant, and men are more 'left brained.' Left brained people are linear thinkers who tend to be good in math, use facts & logic, and think in words. Right brained people are more imaginative, intuitive, artsy, holistic thinking, and something called 'feelings visualization' (whatever that is). Neither side holds the patent on fairness by the way. Right brain dominant people do not get to believe whatever they want just because it feels good to do so. Facts are not comfort food. John Adams famously said, "Facts are stubborn things," which insinuates that you are forced to believe only that which is factual and true. You do not get to make up your own truth; there is no such thing. I hate when people say, "speak your truth," or refer to "my truth" or "what's true for me." What the hell are they talking about?!
Sadly, because of the 'right brain' dominance, it tends to be women who engage in relativistic nonsense. I have a terrific example from work. It is always a woman who calls about the look of her tablet stating, "I feel it looks different." I then confirm the marking on the tablets, and explain to her that it is the same medication she has been taking. She then responds, "But I feel it looks different. I don't feel it looks the same." I then want to say, "Well, get over it because it is the same!" Folks, facts don't care about your feelings. I know Ben Shapiro likes to pretend that is his quote, but I have been saying that shit for decades.
I'll never forget when Whoopi Goldberg was on Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone" show, and she actually admitted that she derived her political opinions based on how she felt about them. When he confronted her about the fact that it is better to do research and know something rather than just feel about it, she responded something like, "Well, that is how you derive your opinions on things, and this is how I do it." I remember being shocked by that. It reminds me of the time that Bill was interviewing Ted Turner about the Vietnam War. I believe Bill was grilling him about his, and his wife at the time Jane Fonda's, protesting of the war, and asked him what he thought about the North Vietnamese communists coming in after the United States pulled out, and butchering the Southern Vietnamese. Ted flat out responded, "Well, we didn't think about that." Textbook left-winger.
In any case, I believe this may be why most societies throughout history have prevented women from attaining positions of power. Sure, there are exceptions. Ancient Egypt first comes to mind; however, look at what the Koran says about women. Sura 2:282 says: "And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her." In other words, a woman’s testimony often counts half of a man’s testimony. Now, before you chalk that up to misogyny or sexism remember something ... who is it that is all about facts and logic, and who is it all about imagination and 'feelings visualization?' Think about it.
And here it is: The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind." Sahih Bukhari 3:48:826 Also, women seeking an education were forced to attend underground schools, where they and their teachers risked execution if caught. This sort of thing was depicted in a heart wrenching scene in 12 Strong with Chris Hemsworth.
We all know about China's former one-child policy that lead to the death of many girls because traditional rural families favored boys over girls, and all too often resorted to infanticide to ensure they would have a son. Confucianism in China instills the concept of male superiority over women. "In the centuries after Confucius, it became common for writers to discuss gender in terms of yin and yang. Women were yin, men were yang. Yin was soft, yielding, receptive, passive, reflective, and tranquil, whereas yang was hard, active, assertive, and dominating." https://asiasociety.org/education/women-traditional-china
My only point is that this sort of prejudice against women has been going on all over the world since bellybuttons were invented. Today's Western feminists will say it is because men are assholes with too much testosterone and thus muscles, and they only got away with this crap because they held physical domination over women. I see it differently. I see it as the same reason you have to be a certain age before you can vote in any country, you have to be 35 or older in order to be President of the United States, and other age restrictions when it comes to politics and leadership. Why do you think such universal age requirements exist, and were devised in the first place? It is because you can't feel what is right, or true. I don't give a shit what you feel. I want to know what you know, and how do you know it.