Why Is the Left Unhinged?

in #politics6 years ago

Why Is the Left Unhinged?

When I wrote conservative opinion columns in my pharmacy school paper, I actually received a written death threat once simply for espousing conservative views. For decades now, I have remarked on the blatant hypocrisy of liberals who brag to everyone how 'progressive,' tolerant, and accepting they are. Then one marvels as they metamorphosize into a tasmanian devil with rabies whenever confronted with someone who does not see the world exactly as they do. So, what accounts for this?


I believe it is from years of indoctrination by various institutions such as the public schools, universities, entertainment, news media, etc., telling them what evil people conservative Republicans are. After all, it is okay to hate evil, right? What they fail to grasp is twofold. First, and most obvious, is that they have become that which they profess to revile. Even if Republicans and conservatives were evil, this left wing lunacy would still be over the top. There are laws against assault, threats, and even libel and slander. Rather than resort to violence, which they never support when it comes to America's enemies, why not convert minds with your superior intellect and well though out arguments? Then defeat the right at the ballot box.


The other thing is that they do not realize they have been manipulated from a very young age. Subliminally, and not so subliminally, they have been conditioned to see the world a certain way. All southerners and midwesterners are racist hicks and sexists, all businessmen are Gordon Gekko, all villains are cigar chomping fat white males, and all Christians are crazy backward-thinking xenophobes. Sounds like a lot of stereotyping, doesn't it?


Some of the things that they believe are so wrong that you have to stand back in awe of the job the 'Left' has done in brainwashing people. I believe we are all born into liberalism, and it is up to us to grow out of it. One major misconception people have is that the KKK was all Republicans. Actually, in reality, the KKK, the Jim Crow laws, and all of that racist shit back in the day was done completely by the Democrat party. In fact, the 1964 Civil Rights Act (that landmark legislation) had nearly unanimous Republican support, while Democrats were unanimously opposed. Al Gore's father Senator Albert Gore Sr. voted against it, and even participated in a 74 day filibuster in an attempt to delay and weaken the legislation. And let's not forget, it was President Lyndon Baines Johnson who said, “I’ll have those n---ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

You will never see this stuff in a textbook. The textbooks straight up lie about American history. Kids are growing up being taught to hate their own country ... THE GREATEST ONE EVER. This is on purpose.

The forefathers were flawed men, but they accomplished some amazing things. Liberals see them as hypocrite slave owners who selfishly wanted their own freedom, but considered blacks as property, or, at the very best, only three-fifths of a person! Kids are not being taught that the Three-Fifths Compromise was the anti-slavery position, and counting slaves as a whole person would have strengthened the voting power of pro slavery slaveholders! They are not being taught that the United States was one of the very first countries to abolish slavery, which still largely exists all of the world to this day! Entire books have been written about this.


Winston Churchill made the astute remark, "If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." It is up to us to explore outside the left wing liberal bubble we are indoctrinated into at a very young age, and listen to conservative and libertarian points of view. This is why defectors always go from left to right; it is pretty much a one way street.


The 'Right' is not what you have been told. Also, one last thing on hypocrisy. You say you hate racists in the same breath that you claim all white people are racist. You decry xenophobes at the same time you shut out conservatives from your campuses. You rail against misogyny as you scream all men are pigs. You preach tolerance and then castigate Christians. You promote diversity at the same time you scold anyone who thinks differently from you. People are individuals. You have made them into caricatures. You should get out more, and get to know them.