Saturday when I mixed Stout and Double NEIPA

in BEER3 months ago

When I looked in my fridge and saw that I only had one can of craft beer left, I knew what was coming.

Running to the nearby market that offers craft beers.
It's the same market where I found the Robocraft refrigerator that I promised: "I'll buy Robocraft until I've tried everything they have to offer."

I thought the end was under control, but when I got to the fridge, I found a lot of new beers.
So Robocraft cooks new recipes without pause.

I picked up half a dozen cans at random, being careful not to pick up one that I had already tasted. Although if I were to repeat someone I already drank, I certainly wouldn't throw it away.
It would end up where all the beers go. In the mouth and stomach of beer lovers.

When I got home, the bag ended up in the kitchen, where I took out and lined up 6 new cans.

I will not list in this post which beers I bought (and I still haven't taken everything that Robocraft has to offer, so the presentation of their beers will continue until further notice), I decided to choose one beer of a style that I have never tasted before.

I decided to lose my virginity with Stout beer 😀

That black beer was preceded by a single light that was waiting its turn in the refrigerator, as the only survivor from the last tour.

Although I took a break between these two beers, the amount of alcohol from both (and especially from the second one) made me pleasantly dizzy.

Gort, dark beer, Stout with 6% alcohol.

Unfiltered, unpasteurized, which brought some new flavors to my palate that I never felt with black industrial beers, which I avoided drinking, because they did not bring me any pleasure.

This Stout, with its thick foam and intense aroma of coffee and chocolate, its chalky structure, brought me both smell and taste.

Roasted barley malt gave it a dark, almost black color, while the hops brought a bit of bitterness in addition to a very malty flavor.

The inspiration for the name of this beer is the robot Gort from the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" from 1951.
The film from 1951 experienced a remake, and Gort entered the craft industry with this beer.

The second beer, left over from the previous round, is
Mechanoid, Double NEIPA, with 7.5% alcohol.

Unfiltered and unpasteurized beer, due to increased hopiness, very aromatic beer, with lots of fruity, tropical notes.

The smell and taste of this beer delighted me.

Although the strength of this beer is felt only after the second or third sip, it is not bitter.

Next time I'm stocking up on Robocraft beers, I'll definitely be doing this again.

Maybe this beer has a slightly higher percentage of alcohol than I like, but its smell and taste are perfect and it will find its way to my palate in the future.

Addition to such a delicious beer, there was salty, roasted sunflower in the shell, so in the end I need more beer.

But I wasn't allowed to open another can, because with the third, I would have ended that #beersaturday night drunker than I should have been.