PostsCommentsPayoutsendracsho (59)in #indonesia • 3 months agoRE: White RabbitRabbit is very delicious when satayendracsho (59)in #indonesia • 3 months agoRE: made in acehvery good my bossendracsho (59)in #game • 3 months agoRE: Fun game to play eternal paradoxGame apa iniendracsho (59)in Fascinating Insects • 5 years agoRE: child dragonfly BeautifulGood photographer .. I like the photosendracsho (59)in #esteem • 5 years agoRE: Mochi cakeKayaknya enak mbak.. Kalau melihat bahanya, kayangnya adonan koci - koci..endracsho (59)in #steemimpact • 5 years agoRE: Why I Am Still Here.I have been on hiatus for a year at least cos life is rather tough and busy lately. But I still stay too. This is at least a good opportunity to earn some more dollars aside of a…endracsho (59)in #wherein • 5 years agoRE: Unser kleines Mädchen möchte für den Fasching eine Königin werden / Our little Girl wants to be a queen for the carnival.Ah...i think i know which empress you meant here. It must be the ancestor of the most glorious javanese kingdom ever, right? Her husband was the Javanese king, who dared to…endracsho (59)in #dtube • 5 years agoRE: Kleiner Kobold beim Lernen mehrerer Sprachen. / Training Little Kobold to be multilingual.Ya ampun pinternyaaa. Yang gede2 disini aja kalah rek. Mesti dikasih liat kedua tantenya ini biar terpacu utk belajar lebih rajin. She seems to be having fun with her lessons.…endracsho (59)in #wherein • 5 years agoRE: Lemper recipe (Java style rice cake) / Lemper Rezept (Reiskuchen auf javanische Art)Lemper bungkus nori, rasane kayak apa ya...jadi bau laut pastinya 😝. I never thought that you can make lemper... You never cooked when you're at home 😜. I actually want to…endracsho (59)in #dtube • 5 years agoRE: Little Kobold is showing off her voice again / Der kleine Kobold präsentiert nochmal ihre StimmeWow... In the second video she speaks in 3 different languages, right? She sings in English, then she spoke Indonesian and the last sentence was different. I can't recognize it…endracsho (59)in #dpoll • 6 years agoRE: Should We Raise Curation Rewards From 25/75 To 50/50?Voted for Noendracsho (59)in #tenkminnows • 6 years agoRE: Segelas jus buah naga di siang hariMinta mbak...😁endracsho (59)in #busy • 6 years agoRE: Pecak oncom and tim tofuDi mana2... Hahahendracsho (59)in #busy • 6 years agoRE: Pecak oncom and tim tofuSibuk mencari jodoh... Hahahaendracsho (59)in #busy • 6 years agoRE: Pecak oncom and tim tofuTempat saya namanya Tempe embus.. 😁😁endracsho (59)in #bahasa • 6 years agoRE: WISATA COBAN RONDO(AIR TERJUN JANDA)Yes brother, I'm sorry I didn't tell @ kobold-djawa 😁endracsho (59)in #arkindonesia • 6 years agoRE: Cara mengirim koin Ark menggunakan AndroidTrus cara ambilnya gi mna mbak..endracsho (59)in #arkindonesia • 6 years agoRE: Cara mengirim koin Ark menggunakan AndroidKalu dah di tukar rupiah.. Apa langsung bisa di ambil mbak.endracsho (59)in #bahasa • 6 years agoRE: WISATA COBAN RONDO(AIR TERJUN JANDA)Yes Sis, please come to Coban Rondo Waterfall Tourism 😊endracsho (59)in #bahasa • 6 years agoRE: WISATA COBAN RONDO(AIR TERJUN JANDA)Haha. Iya.. Kerjannya lagi banyak 😁😁😁