Today is a big day for me, a milestone in my life! One Week Without Coffee!!!! ☕ Can you believe it? I can 😁 I did it!!! One Week Without Coffee!!!!
At first I've said I want to have a week without caffeine and than I'll see. After the first day I said I want to quit. Now I say the same! No coffee!
I'll be honest with you. Sometimes I crave for coffee but not because of the taste. That's something I can live without. What I need is the boost that coffee used to give me. Read my initial post about understanding coffee addiction.
I know I could have energy drinks or black tea instead but like I said in my first post, changing one addiction to another?
What can I say after the first caffeine free week is that I feel free! I'm not chained to coffee any more, I'm free! Now it's only a matter of willpower! Let's see if I am strong enough to stay away from it for good!
How many of you would have thought I can do this? 😀 Be honest, I don't mind.
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Today is really big day friend...
Awesome article..
Thank you!
I've gone without coffee for a week or two in the past. It definitely feels good to be free of it once you get past the withdrawal stage, but I actually enjoy coffee and the experience of making and consuming it so I never stay away for long. Congrats on your journey, though!
Many thanks @robsteady!
Great job, Erika. I was sure you will succeed. 👏
Wow, how good to know you trust me 😀 Thanks Roxy! 💕
I told you I trust you. Never doubt this. 🙂
You're a sweetheart ♥️😘
Well done!
Thank you @h-p-oliver!