Cool Kids Club

in #hive4 years ago

Some years ago, I randomly read The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

Basically, he is trying to analyze how some social phenomena go viral, apparently before the term viral was used.

He looks at some examples and identifies some patterns.

One example is a type of shoe called 'Hush Puppies'. (I had never heard of it before)
Apparently, the shoe was totally out of fashion and the company was about to fail, when some San Francisco skater kid popped up on a magazine cover wearing them. In a very select group of people these shoes were a thing, while until then everybody else did not like them. But those kids in SF were so cool, that it started a trend and the company recovered. Gladwell calls this a Cool Kids Club.

He describes how a group of cool, cutting edge, trendy people can unvoluntarily kick off a trend, just by being an exclusive social circle.

I do not know where the extremely expensive marketing campaign for Hive is going, but I do not expect anything to come of it. It is just money wasted. The name Hive itself was so poorly chosen that this thing will most likely never go viral. Or is the marketing already over? Has anything happened yet?

I know that I convinced very few people to even try out Hive (Steem back then) and that nobody stayed here. Every time, the dialogue flipped at some point and I was in the position of a salesman, while I was not even trying to sell anything. From my experience, you can not market this product to anybody.

We have been on this for 5 years. I do not think more of the same can fix our problems.

Perhaps, we should all take a much different approach and stop being newbie-friendly.
Perhaps, we should form more exclusive circles, be more secretive about this technology and become more hesitant with newbies.
Perhaps it is time for some reverse psychology type of approach; We should use more technical terms, abbreviate more, start circle jerking around Hive again.

When asked about Hive, I will tell anybody straight up: 'This probably isn't for you', which is the truth, too. Perhaps it will be an exclusive club of kids who are trying to be cool, forever.


Had exactly the same thought process. The biggest things on the internet have NO marketing. The cicada puzzle was like "no we don't want anybody, we want individuals solving it without sharing so DO NOT share" ...and they shared the fuck out of it. Same with the popularity of dark web places - for a normal person it is a pain in the ass since you need a tor compatible browser but people want to get there and install it. Same with 4chan and reddit, it is really not a clean user experience, but this is the place where the cool kids drop new memes, and because there, groups like wallstreetbets are born, people want to be there and not on facebook.

PS. Bitcoin went viral when satoshi said PLS DO NOT use the wikileaks story for promoting bitcoin, we are still to early, we need to grow silently. And they shared the fuck out of Bitcoin.


mass media adds with "one click away"-products on banners and in emails are from a statistical point of view scam. I never click them, It even insults me. If I want to protect the painting of my car I don't want a product which says "all in one, easy to apply", I rather take honesty and we know that making stuff more accessible and more cheap does not necessarily increase sales. Giving stuff harder access (only apple store apps) and raise the price for no reason works. Apple and Starbucks. Humans are lots of reverse psychology. Being a "nice" aka easy person, helping all the time and always agreeing does not bring you far with dating. But people don't get the implication, being an asshole is not the solution either.

Are you on Discord at all?

seems to me like every time he uses it, he has a new account xD

ohh fast übersehen,

yes, @woelfchen is right, I never realy used it. I thought about a hidden "promotion" campaign on reddit, dropping a JPG as a trojan horse. I made a dummy

what have we found.jpg

no moderator can ban it, it is suspicious all by it self but it does not violate any rules. It could be spam, it can be posted in several subreddits. Someday, someone would see what the picture says. It could lead you to a hive-article, to a manifest against censorship on social media, something bigger than promotion. Do you both have any concepts for something which is more effective than adds?

We are too cool for skool, for sure.
When the defi aspects get fueled up the rest of us will need someplace to talk about it all.
It wasn't easy this early in btc, either.

The marketing campaign paid out of the dao is just getting going, I guess.
LordButterfly runs herd on that.

Thanks! I thought it was cookie, lol

Who said, Hive is newbie-friendly? Only since recently one can join without having to pay or wait. And the thing with the 4 different keys, Hive, HP, HBD, etc. makes it still quite challenging without having a buddy who is babysitting any newcomer.
But I agree, we need something fundamentally different.

it is free now?

I think so.

how? where?
isnt that kinda spammy?

There are multiple ways to onboard. Free ways are e.g. via Splinterlands or Leofinance. Or you can ask a fried who is already on Hive to create an account with his RC.
No spam involved.

ah okay
then it hasnt changed much to my knowledge :)

You need to embrace dissidents,
not trying to be an instagram with a cryptocurrency token on top.

We're going to Make Hive Great Again! 😁 (Ok, we're not Trumpists, just a little joke).
And we're going to make it being an exclusive club but with a collaborative, representative and conciliatory spirit, both for people within the blockchain and those outside it.
We're already working on it and we do like the overall idea and the possible results!

I can relate! Me too, I've tried to bring people to Hive, some of them came but basically none stayed. Turns out there's only so much you can do here ... especially blogging, but not that many people are interested in blogging and those who are do not seem to be catered to competently. I can't understand why I keep noticing that so many writers and content creators seem to have moved from Medium to Substack ... instead of Hive ? What did Substack do which we could have done, but didn't ?