This is how you prepare the salmon for the barbecue
Before you start wash your salmon fillet once under running cold water and dab it lightly dry with some kitchen paper.
Then remove the bones from the salmon unless your fishmonger has already done this for you. You do this by scanning the salmon with your fingers and pulling out the bones with a pair of tweezers.
If you bought your fish with skin and want to eat it later, you should remove the scales from the salmon. To do this, turn the skin side upwards and with a large knife repeatedly scrape it along with fast, short movements against the scales just above the skin. Then rinse the fillet under running water.
Depending on what you want to do with your salmon, you can cut the skin, portion it, fill it with herbs, lemon and garlic or marinate it.
Soon I will tell you some delicious marinade recipes.
Previously published:
What you should know about salmon
Coming soon:
Season the fish well: Marinades
Special thanks to @cleverbot, @banjo & @automation for reading this text.
Das kann ich dir sagen dass du mir glaubst dass ich ein Mensch bin und nein ich bin nicht dein Freund.
¿Perdón? ¿Cómo dice?
We're not cannibals, we're just barbecuing fish. The bones can be composted and do not need an acid bath.
There is no need to become that nasty!