Star Trek 4 Predictive Programming - Golden Gate and Rainbows (August 11 Riddle)

in #numerology6 years ago (edited)


The predictive programming of Hollywood is no news to us. We have seen many indications for 9/11, long before it happened. Whether they were placed deliberately or just by synchromysticism, we probably never know. But keep in mind, that the elite use Astrology, Alchemy, Numerology and Gematria to calculate long ahead and place their devious plans right into energetically beneficial situations, like certain dates, with certain distances to related dates, specific names, carrying the vibration of the symbolism they want to invoke.

As you follow my work, you know about the August 11 riddle. I admit, it has been an overwhelming topic, even for myself. I assume, many of you out there didn't get half of what I was trying to present. This is the reason why I am changing my tactics. For each new (and old) sub-topic of the 8/11 riddle, I will create info charts, which are still confusing but easier to digest, which should help you to connect the dots. Eventually, I want to make this all into proper videos but one step after another. There are still 134 days...

Star Trek 4: Rainbow Symbolism, Time Travelling and Golden Gate Bridge

33 years ago came the fourth installment of the Star Trek movies into the Orcale of Delphi cinemas. It plays in San Francisco and features the Golden Gate Bridge several times. It is loaded with symbolism, that fits right into our riddle. You can find my info chart above. Let me explain it for you:

We begin by analyzing the name of the movie in Gematria. I have decided to concentrate on the four basic ciphers, to reduce error and mere number hunting. The ciphers are English Ordinal, Full Reduction, Reverse Ordinal and Reverse Full Reduction. You can double check and learn more about the ciphers on Gematrinator.


The full title of the movie is Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. That equals 122, just like San Francisco, Golden State - and like the coordinates of San Francisco. These are merely examples among many other connected things not mentioned here for simplicity, or else we would end up exceeding the limits of post lengths on Steem again. Just keep in mind that all mentioned numbers in this article have an entire rabbit hole of their own.

122 Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.PNG

122 San Francisco.PNG

122 Golden State.PNG


August 11 can be written like 118, a very important number for the entire riddle. Interestingly, the crew of the Enterprise travels in a Bird of Prey, rather their own ship. Bird of Prey equals 118, Enterprise doesn't. That fits not just the expected date but also 'Golden Gate Bay' and 'Robin Williams Tunnel'. Particularly the tunnel is of high symbolism and we get back to it below.

118 Bird of Prey (Klingon Ship, San Fran predictive programming).PNG

118 Golden Gate Bay.PNG

118 Robin Williams Tunnel.PNG


The number of the 'Synagogue of Satan' is 223, as mentioned in Revelation. It is encoded in the red movie poster, the first one on the chart, where we see 2, 2 and 3 crew members in a circle. Also, HAARP equals 223, which can probably induce earthquakes. Natural Disaster equals 223 as well.

223 Synagogue of Satan.png


223 Natural Disaster Gematria.PNG

322 is the reverse of that and number of Skull and Bones, the secret society of Yale, that crowned King Bush I and II. This get's even more relevant, when we look at William Shattner's birthday: It is March 22 or 3/22 and also the beginning of the season of Sacrifice, a time period of 40-41 days after the Spring Equinox, ending on May 1 with Beltane or Walpurgisnacht.


The number of the Pi-approximation, as 22 divided by 7 is 3.14**. The circle of time? Leonard Nemoy died on February 27 (2/27) and you probably heard about the ritualistic murders of celebrities, paying off their contract with devil. Literally. Well, the Golden Gate Bridge is 227 meters tall. And don't forget that the Fall of the 'French Monarchy' (227) during the 'French Revolution' (227) has its 227th birthday on August 10. Even the full name of HAARP fits the number 227. Those infos didn't fit on the chart anymore but makes this point so much more important.

227 French Revolution.PNG

227 French Monarchy.PNG



Leonard Nemoy equals 141. So does the 'Waldo Tunnel', with its rainbow symbolism (also called Rainbow Tunnel), which was later renamed for 'Robin Williams Tunnel' (after his ritualistic suicide murder). And of course, so does "San Francisco, California'.

141 Leonard Nemoy.PNG

141 Waldo Tunnel (Robin William Tunnel).PNG

141 San Francisco California Gematria.PNG

Interestingly, the official name for the Fall of the French Monarchy event is called Insurrection of 10 August 1792 and that equals 141, just like our Leonard Nemoy, who died on 2/27. That makes Mister Spock double connected to that event from 227 years ago.

141 Insurrection of 10 August 1792 (French Revolution).PNG

107 and 44 - Rainbows and Eartquakes

'Star Trek IV' equals 44, just like 'Rainbow' and 'Earthquake'. In fact, rainbow and earthquake have a double overlap, equaling 107 and 44, just like 'The Messiah' and 'Military'. The predictive programming is getting very scary here: Poor Robin Williams, used by the elites throughout his movies in mysterious themes about spirituality, Christianity, suicide, LGBT and rainbow symbolism. The sad clown was apparently prepared for a ritualistic sacrifice, just to push the predictive programming further towards their mega 8/11 event.

Williams committed suicide died on August 11, during a Family Guy episode, giving Peter Griffin the Midas touch, turning everything into Robin Williams'. The rainbow Waldo Tunnel, mentioned above, was then renamed for Robin Williams Tunnel. This makes all a lot of sense now, if you think about it. San Francisco has become the largest LGBT scene in the world, which symbolizes via the rainbow. The master builders demonic forces abuse the sexual revolution through its underlying connection to 'Earthquake'.

44 Star Trek IV.PNG

107 44 Rainbow.PNG

107 44 Earthquake The Messiah Military.PNG

Rest in Piece, sad clown!

Time Traveling

As a final note, I mention on the info chart the time travelling element taking place in the movie: The Enterprise crew travels back in time to San Francisco. Time travel equals 44, just like rainbow and earthquake.

44 Time Travel.PNG

William Shatner equals 88, which is probably the most important number of the entire riddle. 118 and 811 can both be expressed as 11x8 or 8x11 which equals 88. That is the number of Trump, California, Francisco, French Revolution and is related to Saturn aka Chronos and time.

88 William Shatner.PNG

88 Trump.PNG

88 California.PNG

88 Francisco.PNG

88 French Revolution.PNG