Tons of good news today from all directions. Steem hardfork, new DTube version and Jeff Berwick discussing the power of intention and Karma.
Steem Hardfork 20
With the very long anticipated Steem hardfork 20: Velocity we finally get the update that will widen the bottle neck of account creation. The technical aspect is complicated how it is now and it will be complicated after the update - so let's not get into that. But long story short: it will be much easier and faster to get a new account. It was something that was holding back Steem like nothing else.
More interesting is the reduction of the 30-minute curation window down to 15 minutes. This means that we don't have to wait until the 30 minute mark anymore to upvote in order to receive the full curation rewards. This time is now cut in half. At the same time they will now burn the self-voting share that was leached away from the curators when the authors immediately self-upvoted their posts. This means there will be a lot more curation rewards paid out in general which will make curating more profitable again.
The coolest of the smaller changes are that comments are now allowed to be posted as quick as upvotes - every three second. This is so much nicer if you want to quickly answer a few comments on your own posts. And then we have the** reduction for the seven days waiting period after canceling a delegation down to five days**. This lowers the opportunity costs of the undelegating process by 2/7th which will come in handy in times where everyone delegates SP around.
DTube v0.8
Another long awaited upvote is coming from DTube with version 0.8. They went fully open source which will make a lot of Utopian fans very happy. They integrated notifications like and created a more stable infrastructure for the videos.
The most shocking news was the life-streaming feature for DTube. This makes DLive and DTube now full-on competitors as they cover 100% of the same niche. I guess the free market will decide whether that move was useful or not. I think it is cool that we have two platforms for videos and streaming now.
Less of a shock but still kind-of a biggy is the new DTube messenger. Since there is no such thing as a messenger on Steemit or Busy people had to move to third party applications before. Now we can at least communicate via DTube. And the tech behind it seems to be pretty revolutionary as it incorporates gun, a decentralized graph database technology.
Jeff Berwick Interviews Christof Melchizedek
healing via light, energy and sound. But what really opened my eyes was his profound understanding of the esoteric knowledge of how we shape our reality via our thoughts.Ok, this is a totally different kind of information but I watched this interview from @jeffberwick aka @dollarvigilante with this man called Christof Melchizedek from the Innerversity of Divine Perfection. I had never heard about him before but what he was talking about astounded me. He is talking in the video about
They speak about intention and how it is a key in shaping our reality. I am experiencing this all my life but more then ever since I focus on my intention regularly. 1UP is a great example for this. I have basically manifested into reality by keeping at it without giving up on the idea.
This is not new information and I have written about this recently a few times. But he is able to put it all into a persepctive of how everything can be broken down to energetic wounds in our childhood or even in previous lifetimes which effect us via Karma. The way he is able to bring all the different perspectives and teachings together that I have heard before but was not able to connect like this. It was simply mindblowing. Even Jeff was completly speechless but had to admit that it all made perfectly sense.
This is why I love the Anarchapulco inventor so much. He is open minded and able to change my life through a single interview while doing the same for himself and thousand others. There is something about Jeff that has influenced me like few other things. And it is not just himself. It is his entire enturage and the people that he attracts. I feel being part of the gang although I never spoke to Jeff before. I surely would like to change that next year.
Those 15 levels of energy would be good to implement them into the 1UP project game system. So it syncronizes it with the universe. Gamification of Universe Energy.
Good thinking. I will give this a tought!
Steem hardfork seems great, I've noticed how at 30 min you're trail comes in.
Dtube live, nice....
I've only heard of Drunvalo Melchizedek. I'm going to watch this video.
Power of intention is so real! We are energetic beings and so many of focus on this physical plane and forget about our energetic world that is just as real! Love your stuff @flauwy!
Finally some great news and a big relief for all the believers in this great project :D
Do you have information when HF 20 will be implemented?
Tuesday, September 25, at 11:00am EST
Thanks for the info, that means we will have problems with post and upvote again. a few days before and after. Like last November.
Uaaah godd info! Thanks! Reestem!
This is pretty damn nice. Specifically to steemit, i like the idea of reduction of curation windown and more curation rewards by reducing the impact of self votes.
Great information sir,I appreciate your beautiful creativity
Thanks for sharing this post
good to share have a beautiful weekend @flauwy
Thnx for the information....
Some usefull informations. Thanks man :)