Hola mi Steemians
DOMINION - Mein Wochen-Airdrop Favorit - My weekly Airdrop favorite /25.08.2018
25 DOM
Wert/Worth ($7.25)
Brings property trade and property management to the blockchain. Very promising project from The Netherlands. Dominium is over 200 years in business. They buy property with the ICO-money and with the yearly profit they will buy back your coins and burn them.
Dominium is airdropping free DOM tokens to the first 50,000 participants. Participate in this exclusive airdrop to get 25 DOM tokens. Also get 25 DOM for every referral or 100 DOM ($30) for a business referral.
Get your free tokens here
- Signup for an account
- Join Dominium Telegram group and follow Dominium Twitter.
- Join Airdrops.io Telegram channel and Airdrops.io Twitter.
- Open the Airdrop Form, scroll down and fill out with your details. Important:
You have to use the same email address that you used for registering on the Dominium website.
You can refer unlimited friends (referral link in form and in dashboard after easy- KYC (level 1)).
Hier gehts zu weiteren Airdrops/Claim another airdrop tokens here:
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- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Monday/Montag 13.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Dienstag/Tuesday 14.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Mittwoch/Wednesday 15.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Donnerstag/Thursday 16.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Donnerstag/Thursday 16.08.2018 - TEIL 2
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Freitag/Friday 17.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Freitag/Friday 17.08.2018 - TEIL 2
- BANCRYP - Mein Wochen-Airdrop Favorit - My weekly Airdrop favorite 17.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Samstag/Saturday 18.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Samstag/Saturday 18.08.2018 TEIL 2
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Sonntag/Sunday 19.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Montag/Monday 20.08.2018
- TOP 3 AIRDROPS - Dienstag/Tuesday 21.08.2018 //REMINDER
- 21.08.2018 - MY HOT WEEKLY AIRDROP : VERTEX - Worth up to $72.5
- Harambee - My daily TOP Airdrop - 22.08.2018
- VERTEX- My daily TOP Airdrop - 22.08.2018 - Worth $72.50
- AIRDROPS ON FIRE! - MUST HAVE - 4 - 5 * rated, hurry only a few days
- 24.08.2018 - My HOT weekly AIRDROP: XTribe - Cardonio - DYLYVER
Hasta luego.
mikeCee aka Captain Mike Sparrow the steemian of the caribbean
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How to participate in Airdrops - https://blog.coinswitch.co/airdrops-everything-you-need-to-know-84b2fa0d005d