They don't make 'em like they used to, a phrase we could probably say about most things these days with products and services fast declining in quality due to cost-cutting, cheaper manufacturing methods, cheaper or sub-standard materials and the fact things are simply not made to last as long; thanks consumerism.
This can be seen across many industries from clothing to vehicles, food quality, building products, general service standards and, of course, with electrical good like mobile phones, televisions and computers. It's the last one that has had me a little annoyed over the last few months.
I purchased a Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 in mid-2020 which cost me quite a few bucks. You can see it in the picture above and...I'll never buy another one.
It has an i7 Intel processor, 16GB RAM and a 512GB SSD and was pretty fast and performed well...at first. The problem is that after about a year some of the keys failed so I had to switch to an external keyboard. Then the battery began to give me less performance which I was able to deal with mostly, then it started running super-hot so I had to get one of those fucktard cooling pad things with the in-built fan...and then the mouse pointer got laggy and glitchy and...that's when I thought about cleaving the fucken thing in half with an axe.
It's an intermittent thing and I've tried different ports for the wireless mouse, bought a new one, updated the drivers and I've even had one of those home-visit PC techs come to look at it...the problem persists along with the others.
Back a while ago...
I started looking for a new laptop several weeks ago and decided Lenovo or Hewlett Packard were my two options. I'm not a gamer and don't use my laptop to watch videos or for streaming so was more interested in a robust and good quality unit rather than a kick-ass graphics card, speakers so on; I'd heard these two might fit the bill.
I eventually narrowed it down to the HP Probook 450 15.6" G10 which has the same specifications as my heinous Surface Laptop 3 although only has a 256GB SSD hard drive - not a problem as I use external drives mostly. It's actually a little cheaper than what I paid for the Surface Laptop 3 too; that's a good thing.
Only yesterday...
The HP laptop has been sitting in Hewlett Packard's online shop's shopping cart for a few days, with some other goodies as well, but I was holding off buying it.
I have a strong, need over want ethos and despite having the ability to buy what I want when I want it I always think about purchases and ensure the item is being purchased for the right reasons, not just because I want it. I've been super-frustrated with my laptop lately and it annoys me every time I get on it but it works, sort of, and so I have been holding off on buying a new one. My partner told me to just go and get it, as have a couple others - @meesterboom you're a good-bad influence you know - but I'm holding off, being sensible and deferring to me need over want ethos; I guess it has to feel right and I want to do the responsible thing.
That was yesterday...but now...
I'm typing this post on my brand fucken new HP Probook 450 15.6" G10 which I purchased yesterday from the store, not online...and it's glorious! That's it below. #blameboomy

It all came to pass because my Microsoft Surface Laptop got so hot whilst charging yesterday that I was afraid it'd spontaneously combust...and that fucken glitchy mouse annoyed me one too many times as well.
I drove to the shop, did a deal (actually a little cheaper than the HP online store) and came back with the Hewlett Packard laptop...and some other goodies. I'm pretty chuffed with it to be honest; it's super fast due to the (ten-core) Intel i7 processor and despite it being fucken annoying to set up and get everything sorted it's good to go now and...no more glitchy mouse pointer or exploding laptop batteries.
I made a legit attempt to hold out on getting a new laptop, many months in fact, but I guess one needs to weigh up the frustration-factor of it all, eventually something's going to give and in this case I had no choice but to buy a new one as the old laptop wasn't going to suddenly get better, and I'd not like it to burn my house down. I should be good to go for a while now, hopefully longer than the three and a half years the Surface Laptop lasted, but who knows these days right?
Have you ever gone through this process with a computer or other product that wasn't working as it was supposed to? Do you give in to want buying over need buying? What's your thought process around purchasing big-cost items like computers, how do you justify it and, in fact, how do you justify any large purchase in your life? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments below.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
Go probook and #blameboomy, he knows what's right!
Bet you fecking love it!
I'm blaming you for everything from now on.
And yeah man, it's pretty sweet indeed...I hope it stays that way.
It will start that way for at least a year. Then Microsoft will release a buggy version of windows that messes everything up!
Yeah, you're probably right...at that point...I'll #blameboomy
My new favourite tag!
Yeah it's a good one and...who's to blame for it? Yep you guessed it, #blameboomy
Congratulations on your selection!
I'm glad you didn't decide on Lenovo, because I got a Lenovo ThinkPad T16 business laptop and I'm not satisfied. It's not as fast as my old HP and it heats up a lot. So much so that the hot air blowing from the right side where I use the wireless mouse bothers me.
When it comes to buying electronics, apart from the price/need ratio, and desire, I always look for a brand and model that has as long a warranty as possible...
Either free, extended or to pay for it. To at least in some way insure myself for a longer period of time from crashing the device...
My thinking about buying electronic equipment is like a binary language. Either 0 or 1.
It works or it doesn't work.
What does it mean to me if something is "still new, not even three years old" if it has failed or is starting to fail.
It's a little easier for me, when fail completely, then there's no thinking, just go to the store and choose a new one.
When the situation is like yours, that it works partially, I think a little longer, but in the end I still decide to buy a new device (if it can't be serviced - they used to make it last longer, so it's better to repair the old one if possible, because it will maybe work longer repaired like that than the new one I buy 😀).
Thanks man, and yeah I think I made the right decision. I was initially very happy with the Surface Laptop but it started to degenerate quite quickly, more so than any other computer I've ever had. I had replaced my MacbookAir (I had for over five years) with it and was enthused at first but it soon lost it's shine. The heating up issue was provably the biggest concern as I generally charge during the day and I'm not always here. So, it was time to go.
I've been trying to extend the life of the Surface Laptop, resisting the urge to replace it but like you say, zeros and ones...It works or it does not and with the issues it had, it wasn't working as intended.
I'm not sure what I'll do with the Surface Laptop now...maybe I'll take it out onto a property and send it to hell with a rifle round? Hmm, that might make a good video for Hive.
Yeh the obscelescence is built in because peopel are going to throw it out and upgrade to a new model anyway/it's a conspiracy theory to force you to upgrade.
I had a similar experience with Surface Pros, aside from the being satisfied with it part XD Got one to try out because the hybird tablet/laptop thing was intrigueing but it couldn't really do the things I needed it to do (which in its defence is probably more than most people that would get such a device would ask of it) and also I just really, really, really hate Microsoft (it had been literal decades since I last used Windows so I was like well maybe things are different now and nope I still hate it). After some time I replaced the Surface Pro with my MacBook Air and was trying to figure out what to do with it when it made the decision for me by expanding the battery alarmingly and was summarily dispatched.
My big rigs and phones are always the highest end things I can afford at the time (the big rigs for the kind of work that I do and the phones it's mostly the camera specs and internal storage that kill me pricewise), the laptops are the ones I'm constantly arguing with myself about as my instincts are to do the same again and just get the highest spec one I can afford, but in reality I don't need the highest spec one I can afford as it's not my main rig and I only extensively use it once every couple of years. The rest of the time it's been whenever I've been at work waiting for the bigs to finish up doing roleplaying notes and hiving and this year lesson planning.
And that was how I ended up with a MacBook Air instead of a MacBook Pro XD
But the idea is that I should be able to sit on the thing for at least 5 years before I have to start thinking about replacing and I've usually gotten at least that out of the Apple devices that I've owned over time (I am pretty sure my Surface Pro lasted about as long as yours, and I can't remember how long my last Fitbit lasted, the current one will be entering its fifth year soon).
Which has led me on to completely switching systems in the near future for pretty much the exact complaint you were writing about. My next laptop is going to be one of these. I still haven't decided whether I'm going to get a 13 or 16, I love the smaller form factor and lighter weight of the 13 and 11-13 is what I've always had with laptops, but the 16 has so many more cool things. I'm planning on running Arch Linux + KDE (same as my big rig) on it and the modularity means that like my big rig I should only have to replace parts moving forward as opposed to throwing out the whole unit and getting another one.
My next phone is going to be one of these and currently this is my next watch (aaaaahhh wish me luck with the last two whenever I get them XD).
Hope the new laptop works flawlessly and does everything you want for ages and ages and ages :D
I've heard that as phone upgrades come through they degrade the phones on purpose, slow the processor, diminish battery life and so on, just to get people so annoyed they buy a new one...It works too. I had my MacbookAir for over five years and towards the end it was a little shitty but I thought five years was a good deal; I hope this HP lasts that long. I think you'll go well with your MacbookAir.
I looked at the Surface/tablet thing but ended up going with the Surface Laptop thinking it was more suited to my needs, and it was...I just didn't expect it to degrade so quickly. Lesson learned. I hope this HP is a better one; I did some research, asked around (not the guy at the store either - lol) and I think it'll do the job.
I thought of you, (happens from time to time) and your big rigs and even thought for a time about a desktop compute (old-school style) but I wanted portability as I move about the place a lot. I have a laptop for work and all, but I often take my own too as I never do personal stuff on my work computers, they're encrypted and secure and all - no place for anything non-work related.
That Framework lappy you linked looks pretty good, I like how you've got it all planned out. I Don't go to that degree with computers but I generally start saving for a new one the moment I buy a new one knowing that I'll need a new one when my current new one isn't a new one any more. Lol.
Long live the HP lappy, may it provide a millennia of service!
I have heard that too, probably part of the built-in obscelence plan! Though I think battery life goes down regardless. I have also heard that the processors have to be slowed down in the older phones slightly as otherwise with newer os and software they might run to hot and explode either figuratively or literally (which seems to be a thing that Surfaces and Samsungs do). Having done no research at all on this I have no idea which one is more true.
Thinking about it I'm pretty sure the MacBook Air is entering its fifth year too, as I think I got it kind of in a hurry for the last time I was heading home which was 4 years ago. Still going reasonably strong, little bit laggy but I don't know if that's from built in obsolescence, the fact that I've dragged it through three major OS updates since I got it and I think there's more eye candy in each one (I love eye candy XD) or just general age.
If you don't need the power, a laptop would definitely work better precisely because you can just haul it around wherever. My sister mains a laptop (16" MacBook Pro) and it does her fine, she can just pick it up when she's coming out to the mainland for her annual holidays and then head back home with no disruption to her artistic schedule. I was semi-contemplating seeing if I could do the same but I feel like I would almost definitely melt a laptop XD
Except I haven't had to do that anymore because J promised when I went down this route that he would do the tech support side of things (because I don't really have time for the research and build process anymore), so after a few years when I start having minor performance issues he does the research and I get part upgrades and then everyone else gets upgrades from my operational leftovers.
So there's that if you like the build/repair side of computers but maybe not so much if you don't XD
I think you might be right with the processor speed thing. Although, I also think they retard them from the outset so that when they do upgrades it actually seems like they did something but all they really did was put back a little of the performance that should have been there from the outset. Who knows, one day there'll be a big news story on it and we'll all know we've been lied to...like we are with most other things.
I knew we'd be save for new one when we get a new one because a new one will be an old one eventually a new one will be needed buddies! You just seem the type. Lol.
Also, I think you better stay away from the lappy's, you're a big rig gal after all.
I believe you will have good luck with it. I am on my third or fourth HP laptop now. 6 if you count @Pooky-jax 's HP's. She has a Dell Latitude supplied by her employers also.
This is my current one. About 2 years old and still running 24-7. Ryzen 7 is a pretty good processor.
My daily driver out on the road is a Panasonic Tough Book. i7
It has een a pretty good unit. I run Linux only.
HP brothers at last!
I'm pretty sure I've made the right decision and I'm settling into the new laptop well. The keyboards is a little wider than my Surface Laptop was so I'm hitting some wrong keys I'll get usekl ti fip shoon ahnd kno ope weel eva knorw.
That toughbook is well...it's tough. I like those type of computers, they make everything to be so sleek and flimsy these days...That's one of the reasons I went for this Probook HP, all it's designed a little better and built more robustly than the cheaper versions. Sure, I had to pau more but I this it was worth it.
I hope you folks have a great Christmas, don't tell me you're driving the prime mover bro, that'd upset me. Have a great time, relax, eat too much and start thinking about designing a great 2024! Merry Christmas.
Great Reply Bro. Made me smile between hacking up a lung. Been home since last Friday. I've been working on the cleanup thru this flu bug bullshit. Heavy on the horse paste. (Ivermectin) that will kick it out of me. Just sucks and slows my roll a little on this property project. 18 hours on the Kubota Wed/Thurs/Friday with a crab claw grapple attachment. Made 9 more piles the size of the Prime. Added to the 20 or so the Forestry department will be coming in to do a controlled burn on late Jan/Feb. Cleanup is now at about 60-70% .
The Prime will not see the highway till next year. Fired it up yesterday and let it run a bit. Updated the ELD logs to show current.
Pond is full for the first time over a christmas break in many years. So there will be a few campfires beside that in the next two weeks along with the annual New Years Eve campfire.👍🔥
Keep the good posts coming bro. I read what I can. Christmas day will be a wet one here so between the ham and potatoes I will do some Hive catching up.
We think of you and yours from time to time. We hope this christmas and new year is good for all of us. We are the good guys. We deserve it.!
The prime is parked up but you're still as busy as a...as a *truck driving krazzy dude. I've got the flu also, been pretty bad actually, fever and all, however at least it wasn't the chinese flu, covid-chan. I'm slowly getting better but it knocked me about due to other health issues you're aware of.
I like the sound of those fires man, piles that bit would be epic, I'm sad I'll miss it. You'll do a post though right? I'd guess you'll get some great flame shots.
How long did it take to screw around with the ELD? Is that complicated? I guess you'll know if you buggered it when things start going haywire in January. Lol.
I'll pass on your best to others of course, and expect you to do the same and Cleo says hi also. She's laying in her spot (everywhere is her spot) with her lizard you sent a while back. Remember that? She still loves it.
Haaaaa... We love us some Cleo.
Live shot at 12:27 am here.

Sammi Jo is Never far from me.
And our noob Blizzard (Smudge) Briggs. Is also my newest stalker.

Sorry bout the quality (low light) television and christmas tree lights only.
ELD driver status update took about 2 minutes. Ok twelve... Ten year Old slow samsung Tab A tablet mounted on dash running Motive Logging App. took ten minutes to boot up.
Good Night bro. 😵😴
Isn't it hilarious, every photo inside a cat-lover's home has at least one cat toy in it! Lol.
Good afternoon Galen, the first thing is to tell you that I'm glad you enjoy your purchase. About the question right now I am without a laptop, it broke a couple of days ago, it had been warning me for a while that I had to change my computer, however I have held out until now, here is my answer. I guess it's because of what my parents taught me. Best regards
Hey there, good to hear from you, but not good your laptop broke. You know, that's what I was a little afraid of, besides the obvious risk of fire due to the heating issue. I was concerned it'd simply fail and I'd be left without a computer. Sure, I have my work one but I do not do anything personal on my work computers. I can't imagine you feel very happy about yours, I'm sorry.
I think your parents probably taught you what mine taught me, that is to look after what you have, don't buy things unnecessarily, don't waste resources and don't buy things on credit. Maybe not those exact things but similar I assume. I hope there's a work-around for the situation.
All the best.
Hi Galen, I'm logging in to Hive less regularly because of my laptop problem, but I'll be stopping by anyway. About the computer everything is fixable. You comment what my parents taught me, for sure everything about all the points you indicate we both learned similar things. From other things they taught me, I am now in the moment to break other learnings that limit me. It is never too late. A big hug
I noticed you weren't around as much and figured it may be because that ignorant greasy little piglet downvoted your comments on my post recently; it makes sense that it's because of compute issues though. I'm sorry that is happening as I know it can be quite stressful especially if there's thing one wants or needs to do on the computer. I hope it's a situation that can be rectified soon.
I also hope you have a nice Christmas day when it arrives, I'm in mine now...breakfast is done and I'll relax a little before putting lunch together later. I've got a couple movies planned today, some reading and music. Low key, just how I like it.
Hi Galen, it will take me a few days to solve my computer problem, the dates are what they are and I have to be patient. About what you say about the negative votes of a person, there are things that I can not change, in the same way that there are things that will not change my way of acting. This is one of them. Best regards
I figured, but some would change their behaviour over the perceived loss of a few cents; I should have realised you would not.
Good luck with your computer.
I think laptops are very prone to failure. That is the cost of their compactness. The keys need to be thinner, the battery is expected to deteriorate over time, it will accumulate dust and will eventually heat up. If you want to try to give your old laptop a second life, you can probably bring it to a technician, have them clean the inside of the laptop, and let them do a fresh install of the system. It should be faster than before, but definitely not faster than what you have now. You can use it as a multimedia station or something.
Possibly, they pack a lot into a small space. IO had a MacbookAir for over five years though, and it only started failing towards the end of that time - unfortunately I replaced it with the Surface Laptop I mention here. lesson learned.
I'm thinking I'll take the laptop to a guy (or gal) and see if it can be addressed and for how much money; I know someone I could give it to who would appreciate it. We'll see. how it goes.
It is a good choice... HP brand is good one... I always had the office laptop with me so never needed a personal.one, but then when the need arises, I get too confused....I am not a gamer neither a developer, so was looking for something to match up my basic requirement. And then ultimately I afforded one after a good deal online shopping cart.....it was again thanks to #hive that made the purchase possible.
It's cool that Hive helped you buy your laptop. I recall sending some money to someone on Hive a little while ago, in an underprivileged country, who spent it on a laptop they required for work and Hive. It felt nice. They then proceeded to bugger off completely and disappear. Oh well, that doesn't negate my generosity I suppose.
I used to get the bare minimum with computers but would outgrow their usefulness so quickly so now I get the best I choose to afford at the time whether I need the features or not, but I still make sure it's suited and not a gaming-oriented computer. I don't need that nutbaggery in my life.
Merry Christmas 🌲🌲
It is always good to make smart purchase ...🥂🥂
Dude, I got a Surface Pro 4 a year or so ago with Windows 11, and it is the most annoying machine I've ever had. It drops the WiFi constantly, it's slow and just kind of doesn't work a lot of the time. I actually started using my old Surface Pro 3 with Windows 8 again and it honestly works fine. It needs to be plugged in all the time now, but at least it actually works every single time I try to use it. I don't know why the Microsoft machines got so bad suddenly, I don't know if it's Windows 11 or the hardware themselves... but I used to be so smug when my partner had various problems with her Macbook and I never had any issues... no smug no more.
Anyway, glad you've got a machine that you won't want to axe or sets you on fire.
Oh man, you just reminded me about the wifi drop out! Mine dropped off even the ability to find the wifi settings! That wasnt a good day and the axe was almost deployed. #WTBF
I can't understand how a company that did things so well went so wrong with this computer. Mind boggling. As I said earlier in this post and in other comments though: #blameboomy
I can picture your smugness...and then your wife's smugness when your computer let you down and her's did not. Nothing quite like some shared smugness now and then.
Merry Christmas mate.
Oh yeah, it's Christmas for you right now! Merry Christmas man, hope it's delicious and fun.
Delicious is the minimum requirement, I think it'll be so. 😂
I picked up an LG laptop a while ago and it has been quite nice for me. Lenovo used to be IBM and when that was the case they were some of the best laptops you could get. Now that they split off, they aren't much different from anything else. Most of the components come from the same place anyway! Congrats on your new laptop. New toys are always fun!
I've had an LG lappy too and I quite enjoyed it. Lasted around four years and I only really got rid of it as I went to Macs.
I actually didn't know that about Lenovo, one learns new things every day right? I recall IBM being great computers although that was back in the day when I had an Amiga 500. (I'm sure you'll remember what I refer to there.)
This new one has been good so far. I set it up into last night and today it's working a treat. I negotiated in a (free) new protection package over the AVG I was using, Trend Micro is lighter as far as the drain on the system goes and has some cool features so I've been getting that set up and learning how to use it. Of course getting my other stuff all set up took some time but it's all pretty much done. Hopefully I'll not have to do it again for five years and by that time AI might have taken over and we'll all be slaves doing their bidding.
I have an M1 Mac Mini in my basement that I use as a streaming server. I like the LG because it is light and easy to travel with. I know this probably sounds crazy coming from a tech guy, but I don't buy AV software anymore. The product that comes installed on Windows natively is used by many large businesses and it works well for them. As long as you are careful and you have something, it fits the bill for most users. Since you will be using your stuff for work, I can understand wanting something a little more.
I know a few people who don't run much in the way of Av but then I know some who run a great deal, like my organization, and some private others. I tend always to run it although am also quite careful what I do on the internet and where. I guess we can only be so protected and those who want in will get in, generally. I'm not super techy so don't know a great deal about computers, I do what I can though.
I think that is smart. I think also think that is why it is good that Microsoft just started building it into their OS. It just makes things easier.
I noticed that, it's called Wolf Security. I actually turned it off in preference to the other, but it's good to see things are moving apace in that regard, with cybercrime such as it is there's a need.
There definitely is!
I think we can all agree with this, especially when it comes to technology. A good example is my laptop which is already 12 years old and still working but a computer bought a lot later already faces some of the struggle the old buddy has to go through after a long battle. Not to mention phones that feel like they have only two years lifetime but if I open up a box with one of those old phones that had nothing to do with touchscreen and fancy stuff, are still working.
Manufacturers want things to last less and less so we all need to buy more, it's a good business model financially if the balance between the product being a total failure and lasting just long enough can be found. But, it's for reasons like this humanity are burning through resources, pumping harmful contaminants into the air and ocean and...is doomed.
You use a laptop that's twelve years old? I'd say you got value for money there for sure.
Yep, that's where I write most of my articles for hive actually. There's not much you can do with it as it's quite laggy but did take care of it and upgraded the ram and it's still going. But yeah, I usually refuse to buy something new unless the thing I'm currently using is not broken.
It's a miraculous laptop for sure. 😀
My current laptop is the first new laptop I have ever bought. I do play games, and drafting or video editing do take some serious resources. I'm mostly happy with it, but due to pop the back and blow out any dust bunnies nesting inside soon. The big-cost purchase most recent for me was some expensive boots, and I detailed that in a recent post. A new (to me) used car is next on the to-do list. Life gets expensive, and spending poorly when money is dear is a huge risk always nagging at my mind.
New laptops are the best although there's a lot of cheap technology out there making second hand ones great value I guess. With people changing over for no apparent reason as well, just to have the latest, I guess there's probably some good quality units around.
Life is getting more and more costly these days with no sign of letting up; I often wonder how people cope but they manage to somehow, to a point; credit spending I guess.
Someone else suggested I get my old Surface Laptop overhauled and I might go ahead and do that to be honest. I know someone who could use a complimentary laptop and would appreciate the gesture. I'll be making some enquiries next year and see what sort of cost is involved.
Boots are expensive for sure (I saw that post you did). I have my eye on some Merrell Tactical boots at the moment...I'm going to try and resist all year.
I'm still furious about the Cash for CLunkers program which paid people with taxpayer dollars to destroy the inexpensive cars we need for affordable transportation and spare parts. And that's only one link of the economic policy chains holding us down. I bought the boots because they will never get cheaper, and they may become literally invaluable if we can't find a way out of this economic mess. Honestly, my reluctance to assume debt has been my best financial decision ever. It's been not a lot of fun living poor, but I don;t have debt looming over my head, and it's hard to put a price on that feeling.
I didn't know about that cash for clunkers thing...seems bonkers. And yet they keep pumping out cars, millions and millions of them with shorter and shorter lifespans. Par for the course for humans I guess.
I'm with you on the next two points; I am a prepper and am on it all the time, always looking for things that may come in handy and especially for things that are likely to be needed but are rising exponentially in cost. A good pair of boots goes a long way. With the debt thing...I agree. I've had some in my day, houses mainly, but I soon learned a better way forward and as the debt fell away I felt better and more free as it did.
There's so many people out there who can't, or don't want to see what's coming and...well, it'll not go well for anyone, but least of all those people.
At work I manage over 100 HP ProBook laptops. Many have been in use for more than 5 years. I have been a big HP fan of the business product lines.
OK, that bodes well for me and it seems a common theme, people advocating HP. Let's hope I didn't get the one dud computer they ever made. Lol.
Look... when I lived in Argentina I worked a lot in the design field and my brother is a computer technician, so he used to build me a custom-made one, but not a notebook but a desktop one, one of the big ones. He repaired it or did what was necessary, but if in that sense I look at the quality and performance and only buy when it is necessary and not by desire, I would say in all areas of my life, although I like something I buy sometime.
Now I have an ASUS Notebbok, I bought it 4 years ago and it works great. At the time I bought it I didn't think about going back to design, but now I'm doing it. As far as I can design, the only thing I can't do is big works or 3D design, but it works very well.
Asus make a pretty good laptop, they're quite popular here, I actually had one as a company supplied work one and it was fine.
It's good you manage to do what's you need on it, and four years is a good run.
For now I'm doing well but you know? I want to make better designs... I'll have to think of a better one haha.
I have an old Microsoft Surface Laptop 3...it'll be very cheap! 🤪
But does .... for design work? 🤣
Noooo the processor heats up, so it doesn't work for me.🤣
Well, I am not an expert in these things but Lenovo was also not a bad option if you have gone for it. Yeah, it is said that it is mostly used for gaming but I have tried it myself, overall performance is good.
Coming towards your purchase hp probook and this is something really amazing you got bro. Got some really amazing features like that 11pro windows. Wow
I got the HP as stated, but I could go back and get a Lenovo two...I mean, I could have one laptop for each hand! 😄
I think I made the right choice but had I got the Lenovo I would probably be just as happy. I'm just glad to be able to use my computer without the glitches that were slowing me down.
Yes of course, you don't have to ask your parents first that I want to buy that thing so gimme some bucks 😁😜
Yup, as long as it satisfies you.
My apple watch 2 gen exploded when the battery started to fail. They replaced it right away and I have since upgraded to gen 9
Unstable batteries are an issue. I recall particular Samsung phones combusting some time ago, it's a worry. Hopefully when yours did there was no damage to yourself, and it's a good thing they replaced it. Did they ever get to the bottom of the reason for it?
Seems like with any manufacturer there are good models and bad models. But in terms of reliability, you don't know until it is too late.
I agree, and I guess it comes down to third-party components, a change in engineering or design concept, change if leadership and other such things. It's sad that it's the consumer that bears the brunt of the cost initially though.
I received a Microsoft Surface Laptop for a work computer a few years ago and it was a pile of garbage. It convinced me that Microsoft puts profit before quality. Not that I needed a lot of convincing for that.
Where were you before I bought mine...you could have saved me a lot of trouble and money! 😁
Seriously, I don't understand how these companies get away with it, making products that are so prone to failure. You're the forth person who has said as much about the MSL on this post alone! My experience made me somewhat gun-shy on getting a new one, as in what to get, but I hope I've made a good decision. It seems to be working well so far.
I'm glad you found one that's working well so far. Most people I know who had to suffer using a Surface say the same thing. I don't know how Microsoft gets away with it either.
The amazing thing is when I received my Surface for work, my co-workers were envious. But after using it for a while I was like, y'all are lucky you don't have to use this piece of trash, LOL. There were so many things wrong with it I can't list them all.
I have never gone wrong with a Dell. I'm using a five-year-old Dell Inspiron for my personal computer that still meets my needs.
Yeah, Dell are pretty good, that was my last work computer actually. I'm happy with this HP so far, fingers are crossed that continues so I don't have to break out my axe.
Please post a video if you ever do break out your axe, LOL
Haha! Well that's for sure! I have guns too...so maybe a slo-mo computer shooting video could also work.
Your Surface deserves that and it well send a very clear message to Microsoft 😆
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