πŸƒ My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun | 30/03

in #runningproject β€’ 6 years ago

I just finished a 4.872km run that lasted about 0hh:20mm:1ss !


This morning I woke up feeling even worse than yesterday, with a really painful throat that still feels as dry as the Sahara. Needless to say it made Parkrun very hard going this morning, and even with the beautiful 15Β°C sunshine I was 'blowing out my arse' for most of it. My breathing was really off, and it made running at tempo very uncomfortable as I usually having my breathing absolutely nailed down.

On a positive side, I ran my second fastest Parkrun ever - recording a finishing time of 19:57. If that were my result for last week, I would still have been very pleased and it shows that last week's result of 19:31 was not a fluke at all - it's testament to the intense training I've been doing over the past few weeks. We ran a slightly different course due to some temporary resurfacing of one of the paths, which definitely added some distance to the usual distance and gave us a stretch over some grass but ultimately it wasn't much to complain about!

Tomorrow I planned to do my last long run before the Norwich Half, about 14/15km at race pace to give me some conditioning, but I'll play it how it goes with this little bug I've managed to get hold of. If I feel as bad as I did this morning, I'll delay it until Monday, any later than that and I'll just have to scrap it. I'm also considering whether it's wise or not to do Parkrun this coming Saturday before the actual event - I did tell myself that in 2019 I'd attend every Parkrun, and I have been true to my word, but I'm a little skeptical on whether it's a good idea.



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You have uploaded 31 running activities, and 12 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

  • πŸƒ My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun (PB!) | 23/02 - 4.995km @ 3:55 min/km pace.
  • πŸƒ My Running Log | Andover Parkrun | 23/02 - 4.97km @ 4:04 min/km pace.
  • πŸƒ My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun | 30/03 - 4.872km @ 4:06 min/km pace.
  • πŸƒ My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun | 02/03 - 4.94km @ 4:10 min/km pace.
  • πŸƒ My Running Log | Norwich Parkrun | 09/02 - 5.0km @ 4:17 min/km pace.

Over these 12 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 59.69 kms at an average pace of roughly 4:17 min/km!

Looks like you went a bit faster than usual this time! Nice work!

Every day is a good day when you run.
Kevin Nelson