#Beer Saturday - A Third Birthday

in BEER11 months ago

I've been to more than my fair share of third birthdays and there is something to be said for a random selection of kids food, some fairy beard, maybe a lolly bag and a cake shaped like whatever cartoon character is the in thing that year.

But most third birthday celebrations are not know for the quality of their beer. That is unless you are celebrating the third birthday of a brewery. Which I was, at my local bar last night. The Brewery in question is called Working Title - who are located in the Australian city of Brisbane. I'm drinking them in the Australian city of Melbourne, about 1800Km south of where they are brewed.

So how would you celebrate a third brewery, Well you would tap three beers called Birthday No 1, Birthday No 2 and Birthday No 3. Those beers would be a West Coast IPA, A Double West Coast IPA and of course a Tiple Werst Coast IPA (I must admit I like this pattern and I thoroughly look forward to their 7th 8th and 9th birthdays, I can even fathom the damage that this brewery could do as a teenager)

So lets see what the three beers bring:

Working Title Birthday beer No 1

It's a single WCIPA, although at the bigger end at 7% and 70 IBUs - It's actually a Gentle smooth beer. Very tasty, super easy drinking, well balanced with a honey aftertaste (or maybe that's the Honey Miso beer nuts I'm eating with it)


Working Title Birthday Beer No 2.
A step up at 9% and you guessed it 90 IBU. This is perhaps unsurprisingly much like No 1 - but just bigger, rounder, hoppier, maybe a little more dankness. Without giving anything away this is my pick of the three beers, this is the sweet spot, not in terms of taste, it's not sweet but in tewrms of enjoyment. This is the beer I will have again, and again and maybe three times just for luck.


Working Title Birthday Beer No 3.

No prizes for guessing that this beer is 11% Alcohol and 111 IBUs. And From the photos you can see a notable difference in the colour of this one.

Now I claim I’ve never meet a triple ipa I don’t love, this might be the first, I mean I don’t love it, I like it, a lot but it’s a little bit of a missed opportunity, they have overdone the malt and therefore it’s out of balance with the hops, leaving it a little sweet. Again it’s still better than 75% of the beers you will drink but really it should have been in the top 15%

I tell you what it was a nice early evening journey with the good brewers of Working Title, and Happy birthday to those little scamps. They should be walking soon, do kids walk at 3 I have no idea?.

Also check out all of this weeks birthday adventures here


What a nice selection, and the colors make the perfect gradient huh

Ohh, what a perfect name you gave to the beers. That's excellent.

Their colors are excellent too