Hello friend of farms in this opportunity I am going to talk about the crops of short cycles.
They are those crops whose vegetative cycle is less than one (1) year, even reaching only a few months, and which must be replanted each time it is harvested. For example, cereals (corn, wheat, barley, rice), tubers (potatoes), oil seeds (sesame and cotton), vegetables. (Tomato, onions, rice ete).
The short cycle crops form an important part of the family diet, within the integral management they are cultivated in alleys and with the application of rotation of crops, to maintain the fertility of the soil and avoid the need to knock down more and more mountains.
The activity has relationships with others on the farm to take advantage of the sub products. The family intervenes its labor in the care of short-cycle crops and obtains products such as corn, rice, beans and soybeans for family feeding.
A part of the production, especially corn, soybean, tropical wheat and capulí is destined for the elaboration of balanced homemade for the minors the same ones that provide eggs and meat and economic income.
The waste from harvesting animal manure is used to make organic fertilizer for the orchard or the same short cycle crop.
Favorable environmental conditions for the development of the cut cycle crop. Emphasis should be placed on edaphoclimatics.
The physical characteristic of the soil determines its water storage capacity and the ease with which the radicle system explores it in the search for water and nutrients.
It is very important that the land is level to avoid stagnation which harms the crop as it favors the organisms that cause corn rot.
When the terrain is very inclined, it should be sown in a furrow that follows the curve of the level and to avoid erosion of the soil.
The most recommended cultivation technique aims to reduce erosion and soil behavior by minimum tillage and slope protection. In addition, the soil must be kept clean of non-organic waste. It is advisable to use distance from appropriate plantings with healthy plants.
Crop rotation
This system is another way to reduce soil depletion. Short-cycle crops can be divided into two groups:
Grasses plants that demand a lot of soil.
Legume plants that provide nitrogen to the soil through the fixation of nitrogen in the air.
It is also necessary to encourage the rotation of crops in the production unit to avoid sterilization and chemical imbalances of the soil. It must be taken into account that the preparation of the soil has the objective of conditioning a good bed to facilitate the germination of the seeds of the crops and the same time keep the ground free of weeds.
Once the land is prepared, the planting is carried out. The task consists in placing the seeds in the ground to start a new harvest.
So after a crop that demands a lot of soil, we plant another one that provides nutrients. For example, in the same plot, rice is first planted, then soybeans, then corn, then peanuts, wheat, and beans.
The rotation of crops also helps us to control pests and diseases, because when changing the host plants the cycle of reproduction of insect pests breaks down.
With the use of alleys, crop rotation and the use of organic fertilizers we can continue sowing in the same plot and over time this system maintains soil fertility without the need to apply fertilizers.
In the first years it may be necessary to apply a fertilization according to the quality of the soil.
System in alleys
This system consists in the sowing of double rows of gliricidia stakes with a distance of 1 m between plants forming separate alleys at a distance of 15-20 meters between them.
Every 3 months the gliricidia is pruned and the vegetal material is incorporated in the soil, so that it decomposes and thus improves the fertility of the soil.
The climatic factors that influence the development of the crop are:
As much the average values as the daily variations and seasons have like important influence in the time of the development of the crop.
These factors are not easy to modify but it is possible to improve them and cultural practices can be resorted to with sowing at the appropriate time so that the crop has favorable conditions. The temperature affects the growth rate of crops in addition to the high temperature accelerates the entire stage of development which can limit growth. On cool nights they are reserved so that the stages of development are shortened.

Water is the essential element for the growth and development of any plant, as in the reactivation of photosynthesis the transport medium and the temperature regulator is the structural element.
Studies carried out express that the consumption of water in the plants, especially that of the beans throughout its development stage, has allowed the highest consumption of water to be in the flowering stage and in the formation of the pods.
The plants respond to the hydric deficit with morphological and physiological changes that allow reducing the loss of water to improve water consumption.
Lettuce: The optimal temperature for the development of the crop is from 16 to 20ºC. During the growth phase of the crop, temperatures between 14-18ºC are required for the day and 5-8ºC for the night, since lettuce requires a temperature difference between day and night. The relative humidity is 60 to 80% and soil pH of 6.5 to 7.
Onion: The optimal temperature for the development of the crop is around 13 and 14ºC with a maximum temperature of 30ºC and minimum of 7ºC. It is cultivated in clay soils such as Francs that are between 2000 and 2800 m.s. The optimum pH of the soil is between 6 and 6.5. The onion is a crop that is not very tolerant to the presence of weeds, its most critical period being that corresponding to its first stages of development.
The nutrients are indispensable for the physiology of the plants, for the realization of several biochemical reactions and for the production of organic materials as a result of photosynthesis.
There are elements that are considered essential since they are directly involved in the nutrition of the plant and in which case there is a deficiency of some of them, the plants will not be able to complete their life; so this deficiency can be corrected by supplying this element.
Macro nutrients are essential nutrients that are needed in large quantities and have to supply it to the soil.
Beautifully crafted publication, thanks for sharing this post with @farms
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