We all know that splinterlands Governance Token is an official token for splinterlands- this simply means it is the primary token of splinterlands, the rest of the token are secondary.
Every #play2earn game has its own token generated: axie infinity players get rewarded with AXS by staking and doing other things in the game. Almost every #play2earn game players generated specific coins from the game.
Splinterlands is not left alone, splinterlands is a play2earn game with various opportunities to earn #sps.
Why is Splinterlands Governance Token an official Token?
Is the most important factor in building the game: Splinterlands Governance Token is the most important token in the game… It can be used to do many things in splinterlands such as voting, providing liquidity, paying for services, staking and investing.
Why SPS Token is an Integral part of Splinterlands?
The following are the main reasons:
For battles
The only battles that splinterlands Governance Token is not useful are challenge and training. You don't need SPS to challenge a player or train yourself.
A player that wants to earn by playing ranked battles must have enough staked SPS; that was the reason many players were buying the token when it was announced. The amount of your staked SPS also determines the amount of SPS you will get when you win a battle. This is the big reason I always rent staked SPS from the market every season. Without renting SPS, I don't feel like I have a huge profit in playing the game.
Right now, because I haven't rented SPS from the market, my earning rate in ranked battles is very small compared to when I rented SPS from the market.
During the last season, I was earning above 3 SPS per winning in ranked battles, the moment when the rented time elapsed, I started to earn above 1 SPS.
Splinterlands game is designed to reward Guild players with the most staked SPS
Every player that participates in guild will surely be rewarded at the end of the brawl but the players with the most staked SPS will be rewarded. For a player participating in tier 1 could receive up to 969 SPS.
This is the major reason as a player, it is good to join a guild.
Number of players have invested SPS outside of splinterlands ecosystem and they are getting the rewards. Therefore, using splinterlands Governance Token is not limited to hive or splinterlands ecosystem.
Decision making
This is a section I the game that allow any player to suggest bring ideas for the development of splinterlands. A proposal is an idea to change something about the game. Players with staked splinterlands Governance Token, can vote to support or against the idea.
Once the suggestion is voted, such thing will be done.
Without staked splinterlands Governance Token, one cannot participate in the proposal and voting process.
Therefore, staked SPS is used in decisions making in splinterlands.
Staking above 50 000 SPS to access customizable challenge
A customized challenge gives one the strength and breath of the battle (to design how you want the battle to look like). The number of mana, monsters and summoners you wanted your opponent to use.
The player have the power to designed the battle based on the summoners, mana, monsters, elements and opponent. All these are available when you have 50k staked Splijterlands Governance Token.
Power to Rent Out staked SPS
There many players that have more than 500,000 staked SPS; and it is more than enough for the players. Hence, some of the rent it out to other players who need it. Check splinterlands website to learn about the process.
Note: one needs to staked SPS to be rewarded in the staking reward, getting more SPS while playing ranked and brawl battles, buying validator node, participation in specific promo cards sales and many more.
Another exciting part of it is that splinterlands Governance Token (SPS) can be traded vial cryptocurrency exchanging wallet. This simply means, it can be converted to Fiat currency, and you can use Fiat currency to purchase it from those cryptocurrency exchanging wallets.
One can purchase or sell SPS in those cryptocurrency exchange wallets.
What Do I do to get more SPS?
Don't mind me, I have been trying to accumulate more SPS over a peroid of time. I only have 5k staked SPS and I need more of it.
Play ranked battles: you need to involve in playing ranked battles. Playing ranked battle is indeed opportunity to acquire more SPS.
Engage in brawl: when I saw about the Tier 1 are getting from brawl, I feel like be among them; but I don't think my account could handle that.
Imagine getting 969 in my brawl game at the end, within a month, I would be able to generate more than the total of SPS I have for more than a year.
Continuous staking your SPS: as you era getting SPS from every angle, you should continue to stake it. If I have the opportunity, I will continue to stake it.
Get involved in other things that can reward you with SPS: there many things that can reward one with SPS such as land 1.7, get involved in it. If have money to get involve, I won't hesitate to do so because everything in splinterlands brings profit and it is sustainable.
My Referral Link
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV on discord where you can get access to the discord channel.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - DaleWhat are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Credits to canva: cover photo created by canva
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge.
Please, share with me whatever you have learned so far!
Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.
Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive
Bzzzrrr, parece que a SPS é a chave para um sucesso incrível no Splinterlands! Não é exagero dizer que é fundamental para os jogadores ranked e guilds. Quem não tem, perde receitas importantes!
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