Save the Date: HiveFest 9 - 10-15 September 2024, Split, Croatia

in #hivefest10 months ago
Countdown terminated on Sep 10, 2024, 7:45 PM

Bok! Fellow Hivers!

We're thrilled to announce that HiveFest 9 will take place in the stunning city of Split, Croatia, from September 10th to 15th, 2024! This year's theme is "Roman' Around", inspired by Split's rich Roman history and architecture.

HiveFest 9 in Split, Croatia!


Join us for 5 days of community-driven events, workshops, and activities, as we bring together the global Hive community in one of Europe's most breathtaking locations. Expect inspiring talks, interactive sessions, and plenty of opportunities to connect with fellow Hivers from around the world. From exploring the ancient streets of Diocletian's Palace to enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the waterfront promenade, Riva, we'll make sure you have an unforgettable experience!

Split, Croatia is the scene of HiveFest 2024
Split is a beautiful coastal city with a rich history and culture. From the stunning Diocletian's Palace to the vibrant waterfront promenade, Riva, there's plenty to explore and discover. And with its warm Mediterranean climate, September is the perfect time to visit!

The event program and venues are curated by Split resident and long time Hiver @Lordbutterfly who you might know of amongst other the Hive WRC Rallycar initiative, the Freechain Documentary and for example the Vibes Music competition.

HiveFest 9: Roman' Around
We're planning an unforgettable experience, building on the success of our previous events in Amsterdam (2022) and Rosarito, Mexico (2023). Whether you're a seasoned Hiver or new to the community, we can't wait to welcome you to Split! HiveFest will take you on a journey through the city's ancient history, with surprises and delights along the way. The full program and venues will be announced soon but rest assured you won't be disappointed.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 21.50.06.png

Mark your calendars and book your flights!
For now, save the dates: September 10-15, 2024. Follow-up posts will include announcements on venues, first names of speakers and performers, ticket sales, and hotel recommendations. But don't wait - book your flights today and get ready for HiveFest 9! Split has an international airport, frequently touched down by main carriers as well as low-cost airlines. Obviously it can be reached by water and car as well!

Follow and Connect

Let's make it an unforgettable experience!

Start your engines,
check, mate!

Team HiveFest
@lordbutterfly, @roelandp

Countdown terminated on Sep 10, 2024, 7:45 PM
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There it is. I teased it quite a bit and the time came to make the official announcement. Set the date and see you all there. 😘

I cant wait to reveal more about the venues because I really wanted to do something very different and unique compared to any other crypto conference out there in order to make it a once in a lifetime experience for the presenters and the guests.

I'm excited to reveal more soon.

I am very excited and look forward to finding out more

This time I think about joining and actually driving there, will the venue/hotel have parking lots?

You can get everywhere on foot. There are a number of parking lots to leave the car.

Sounds perfect! That´s what I like most. Going there with car, but then exploring the area while walking!

Well, hopefully - see you there! :-D

Most likely 👍

I hope I see you there @gtg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))

You too?! Welcome back! 🥳

Wow! :-)

I just happened to log in after years and here it is. So maybe log in on full blast and fly to the Hive Vortex in Croatia and see ya there!

Im sure some of the info we have prepared to share soon might definitely convince to join us there. 😉

Nicely times.

"Oh no!"


I mean, welcome back! :-)
I mentioned you recently during the Hive Workshop in @krolestwo.

Bringing people from the grave

Nice to meet you again, folks.

I will wear my scarf from Amsterdam 2016 because of the winds from the sea.

And I'm sure we can have a blast, like in



See you in 4 months :-)

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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haha will you be joinin as well? Surely now I have to join in!

I will not be in Split.

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Bummer bro! Next time!

Hoffentlich geht's dir alles gut!!

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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BEERHey @twinner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Uh yea! Lets Gooooo! Croatia - Never been there but it's still on my Travel-List. Can't wait to get the Ticket + Hotel Details. Since we have a Date now, we can just start book the flights! <3 AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIIING

It's wonderful. And Split has loads of great tourist attractions nearby, if you want to explore. Glad to see I'm not the only one scouting plane tickets already! xD

Same reply here, you might want to wait a bit. There's no guarantee that discounts we have will be better than a professional travel hacker can get, but it works well for some itineraries :-)

Sir, yes, sir. Thanks for the tip! Hope to see you there, Gandalf! :D

we can just start book the flights!

With that, please wait 48 hours until our special airlines rates for HiveFest will be enabled. More info soon.

Huh 🙂 its coming closer and closer to my place it seems. A wonderful location and September still warm enough to jump into the sea?
Maybe my health improves until then so I could join 🙏

I hope that your health will improve! 🙏 It would be great to meet you!

Yes lets hope for ❤️
Going to Hive fest Split in healthy good condition 🥰 another point to my list of "good reasons to be alive"

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beeber. (1/10)@ph1102!

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If you're there, your health will improve. Well, maybe not in Split, which is still quite a big city, but somewhere near there in a smaller town, without the crowds and stresses :)

Wich town?
Yes, think you are right, but it first has to improve to go on a 6 hours travel 🤷‍♀️

BEERHey @beeber, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Maybe you should try to start with shorter travels?

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Yesterday I told my dad I wish HF 9 would take place in slovenia or croatia and today 💥

You guys rock! 😎

That's a great location and near! 👍

Moji dosedanji obiski mesta so bili zelo malo povezani z navdušenjem. Malo starega mestnega jedra - ostalo pa je katastrofa (ne samo arhitekturna).

My visits to the city so far have had very little to do with enthusiasm. A little bit of the old town - and the rest is a disaster (not just architecturally).

Sem bil že nekajkrat v Splitu, od turizma ni veliko, bolj industrijsko kot ne, ampak za Hive fest pa grem. A se vidimo tam?

Ker imamo dobre prijatelje v Podstrani, ne želim izključiti obiska u Splitu. Vendar se ne upam dokončno zavezati, saj datum zame pade ravno v sezono žetve. Grozdje, jabolka, hruške in zelenjava imajo prednost 😉

Haha, to je tačno. Žetva. Očito imaš puno zemlje. Da nisi neki kulak? 😀
Izgleda da če kod nas biti puno krušaka ove godine, možda ću posle pet godina opet nešto kuvati?

Kar nekaj časa sem potreboval, da sem spoznal, kaj je kulak. 🤔
Ne, to nisem jaz! Veliko kmetijskih površin, sadnega drevja, veliko zelenjave in majhen vinograd (300 trt) - vendar nobenih živali za zakol. Pri nas imajo vse živali ime ... 😊

Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da shvatim što je kulak. 🤔
Ne, nisam ja! Mnoga poljoprivredna područja, voćke, puno povrća i mali vinograd (300 vinova loza) - ali ne životinje za klanje. Ovdje sve životinje imaju ime ... 😊

Pa kulaki su veleposjednici, koji imaju puno polja i unajmljuju radnu snagu da im sređuje sve to. To je po jednom slovenačkom filmu,_socialisti%C4%8Dni_kulak

BEERHey @w74, here is a little bit of from @janasilver for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEERHey @w74, here is a little bit of from @janasilver for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

No excuses this time! 😃
I hope you will make it!

I will! Maybe I'll go to the Aachen, too. I still have to convince my wife to come with me :) 😎

hehehehe... I have the same problems with my wife... So, it could happen that I will go without her... 😱 😂

That's a good idea :)

Amazing news! See you there!

Oh how cool that is something in Croatia this year that is even feasible and you could realize it, combine it directly with vacation. Let's see what everyone else writes about who is coming. It would be cool if I could finally make it this year.

🤞Fingers crossed 🤞 Hopefully 🤞 Hopefully, this time I'll be there.

Croatia in September? It could be interesting as I see it every year in July/August...
Waiting for more details... 🙂

You will have to stay longer at home this year 😉

Living so long at "other home" makes me guest in my parent's house... Not sure how will arrange the trip this year... It will be a very complicated summer for multiple reasons...

I understand, have been away for 20 years too, but still origin home is home. Although it feels different than before.
Hope you can arrange the difficulties and enjoy the Summer

Less tourists! 😂

Hahaha... not sure about that... living in a similar place, and tourist season goes until late October... 😂

Hardly a better place to be in mid September! (🌞)

Will have to see how many days I can make it for, but a long weekend should work😎

This is beyond! Been waiting for the announcement for a while, and it's in one of my favorite parts of the world. In one of my favorite countries. Beyond thrilled. I'm there. Dunno how. But I'm there

Just had a look at the flights(tickets) to Split, Zadar, and Zagreb. Very soon I will buy the tickets.

Just wait with those tickets two more days as there might be better offers available for Hivers.

9th is my Birthday..sounds like a good day to arrive. :)
Most probably coming.

I have to find a way to miss two appointments so that I can even think about being there! I'm really going to do it! And although I only attended one of the editions, it brought back many great memories, as well as the personal connections I made with such a spectacular group of people!

Awesome! I love Croatia! Hopefully see you there guys, September is a great month to visit this lovely country :)

@tipu curate 3

There's a very strong chance that I'll attend this one, even if it's for a few days.

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Awesome! I'll be there

Looking forward to seeing you all there <3


The VSC team will be there!

As everyone can see here, Split is already very excited about welcoming the Hive community in September. 😉


We can only hope that Hajduk Split don't have a home game that weekend ... 😮

Nice! Can maybe only join from the 13th but would still be cool to spend a weekend in Split with the Hive community :D

What a fantastic place for this fest and this looks as if it will be more than doable to reach over here.

Hmmmm, getting the flipflops ready!

Oh, yes yes yes, see you there! :D

This time I’m much closer and September 15th is my birthday, so it could be an awesome opportunity to celebrate!

Awesome. I see hotels rooms and flights decrease very fast. It looks like a small town with everything in walking distance, right?

Wow really, will there be a live stream to follow on that day😍

There is always live stream on YouTube etc

Oh wow really, then I'm definitely going to watch it😍😍😍💯💯

Oh somehow I missed that announcement. I will have to probably pass on this one since I will be in France at that time. But maybe I can make it for 1 or 2 days

finally close to home!
!discovery 50

Waoh, such a nice location you have choosen, looking forward to the time, dates save.

great place for a hivefest 🎉🎉
i hope one day you can organise it in barcelona 👌👌
Great place, weather... all u need 🎉

Yes Please!

Looks great. Well Done! I can't wait to see you there.

DAte is saved, i may not be able to attend it, but i will watch it live .

Wow wow.

Another fun filled event by hivers. Hehe.
I hope to see you all.

Oh yeah!!! It’s that time of the year🥰🥰🥰

Nice, this time actually is on my holiday time, so I can come for a few days, and I will book the flight as soon as possible.

This really looks amazing, we hope to attend this year. 🎉🎥


AMAZING, I wish I could attend and live that experience that must be unique.

Oh my gooood what a great location! But the dates are unfortunately not my thing lol I am going to be in France over this week so I guess I'll watch the streams and read the recaps :D Have a great experience everyone!

Great stuff, let's do it! 🇭🇷

Hivefest, good news and nice one. Kudos to the organizers. 👍

Yay we rock 🏆💫

wow i wish i could join.

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