Ganymede is a demonstration collection of web implementations exploring various ruby scripts and api calls posted on the STEEM blockchain, see:
This project is hosted publicly here:
Ganymede, Jupiter's largest satellite, by Voyager 1 on the afternoon of March 5, 1979 from a range of 253,000 kilometers (151,800 miles).
This project also serves to demonstrate a Ruby on Rails project that can access the STEEM blockchain using the Radiator gem.
$ git clone [email protected]:steem-third-party/ganymede.git
$ cd ganymede
$ bundle install
$ rails s
Once the server is running locally, browse to:
Get in touch!
If you're using Ganymede, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me what you think! I'm @inertia on STEEM.
I don't believe in intellectual "property". If you do, consider Ganymede as licensed under a Creative Commons License.
This is simply awesome! Your thoughts go hand in hand with one of my favourite motto "All for one and one for all!!!" Thanks a bunch for sharing. Namaste :)
DUDE - I was JUST thinking the SAME thing!
This is pretty awesome man thank you for posting!
Great work @inertia on Radiator! It's excellent to see our developer toolkits growing with a Ruby wrapper. No doubt many Rails developers can benefit.
Cool app! Good work!