How to Write a Vote Bot in Ruby

in #radiator8 years ago

Now that Radiator supports transaction signing, I thought I'd combine it with the existing streaming capability. So this is a simple bot that mirrors other users and votes on the same things (posts and comments). It only upvotes if the original vote is an upvote.

To use this Radiator bot:

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full git openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle config git.allow_insecure true
$ gem install bundler

I've tested it on various versions of ruby. The oldest one I got it to work was:

ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13 revision 50299) [x86_64-darwin14.4.0]

First, make a project folder:

$ mkdir radiator
$ cd radiator

Create a file named Gemfile containing:

source ''
gem 'radiator', github: 'inertia186/radiator'

Then run the command:

$ bundle install

Create a file named tail_voters.rb containing:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'


wif = 'Your Posting Wif'
voter = 'your-account'
list = ['inertia', 'fyrstikken']
url = ''
stream = url)

puts "Watching for votes by: #{list}"

stream.operations do |operation|
    op_key = operation.keys.first
    op_value = operation.values.first

    print '.'

    next unless op_key == :vote
    next unless list.include? op_value.voter
    next unless op_value.weight > 0

    author =
    permlink = op_value.permlink
    puts "\nVoting on: #{author}/#{permlink}"

    tx = wif, url: url)
    vote = {
      type: :vote,
      voter: voter,
      author: author,
      permlink: permlink,
      weight: 10000
    op =
    tx.operations << op
  rescue => e
    puts e.inspect

Then run it:

$ ruby tail_voters.rb

The above example would vote for anything inertia and fyrstikken vote for.


See my previous Ruby How To posts in: #radiator #ruby


Good job. Bots are evils ;)

Great to see more bot code open source 😆

If you'd like to contribute this to the Steem FOSSbot project, let me know, I would love to make you a collaborator, or "repost" this myself as a repo. 🙂