steem-slap - Added 20,000 Combinations

in #ruby8 years ago

This is just for fun. If you're writing a bot that needs some silly random STEEM specific text, this ruby gem will solve that problem.

One example of a bot that does this is @banjo:

demonstration with @battleaxe


gem 'steem-slap'

Then, in your ruby project:

require 'steem-slap'


Which returns text like: smurfs sneak with a rejected book entitled Beard Care by dantheman

Get in touch!

If you're using SteemSlap, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me what you think! I'm @inertia on STEEM.


I don't believe in intellectual "property". If you do, consider SteemSlap as licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 License.


great post love it.

cool ruby gem. What do you mean by 'steem specific text'?

Like, "steem themed." But I didn't want to rhyme.

This is very good information. thank you for sharing it @inertia

Are you threatening me!? My bungole will not wait!

No. is there something wrong in my writing. I'm using google translate. if any wrong i apologize

Español? Es bunghole! Habla, blah habla, habla habla, habla bunghole...

Gracias por avisarme.

Do you have T.P. for my bunghole? I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.

Nece post i follow you and i like post you dear friend @inertia