I am not very good at time management, but who is?
A 30-minute job can be done in a span of 3 hours, but this is not ideal. There are several reasons for this. One problem is that a 30-minute job spread out over 3 hours is an obvious waste of time. But more importantly, it creates bad habits.
When we only need a short span of time but we spread it out over a long period, it creates temptations. One temptation is to divide attention, which is easy since the task needs only a little attention.
Distractions are a huge issue for me. I have found a small army of apps that help me keep the distractions down. But it still takes effort. None of these are silver bullets. You have to be diligent.
Here's the list:
- Be Focused - A variation on the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
- Momentum - Chrome extension to keep you focused when you open a new tab.
- f.lux - This app will change the color of your screen when it gets dark. It will also remind you about how much time you'll have if you go to sleep right when the notification pops up.
- Uptime Robot - Offers a bunch of tools to monitor servers. Includes an RSS feed. I can point it at the servers I want to monitor, then forget it and only deal with problems if they happen.
- RSS Bot - A simple tool to watch the most important RSS feeds. I use it to keep track of server uptimes and other things. It's a great tool to keep you from checking web sites for activity.
- ARQ Backup - Having a good backup solution is like giving your future self a gift of saved time.
- Quicksilver - A way better version of Spotlight.
- DaisyDisk - The best way to visualize how you've made a mess of your hard drive.

Don't forget the time you spend finding the chart to look up what you save. And the time spent reading this reminder about the time spent. And the time trying to figure out if either of those actually make sense. Remember, every second counts toward your life total, including these right now.
True wisdom. Thank you. And I also read somewhere that during 8 hours day, you are fully productive only 2-3 of them
Great blog buddy, Time managment is something, I really need to work on, Great topic and thanks for sharing it :) upvoted and followed.
I've definitely been trying to work on my time management as I've got so many things to accomplish each day! Thanks for sharing your insights, @inertia
Yeah same here :)
Nice! I've also found that I do better under pressure and less time. The more time I have to complete a task, the more likelihood that I'll push it off until close to the deadline. Trying to be better about it!
Good post, and worth my time to read(very bad joke)
I have learned there is a there are two important things regarding Time management and prioritizing; Urgent or not and important or not. This leaves us with 4 options:
Not important – Not urgent: put these things at the bottom of your list, these can be done at the very end.
Important – Not urgent: Put these with the bottom two, they are important but it can take a while as they are not urgent.
Not important – Urgent: These are the ones I dislike the most. Things you have to do right away, which are not important. These will pass by a lot and have to be in your top2 priorities.
Important – Urgent: Why are you waiting? Get on these things right away!
Unfortunately life does not obey this mathematical rule. In fact, we have done very little with the time we have. We do not know how to enjoy time.
Time, ah! Time ... We need it. We want him. We looked for him. However, when looking at the time we spend with a bath, for example, if we reduce it by 5 minutes, we can have 5 more minutes to plan strategy for useful things.
Want more time? Devote yourself to what is really strategic and important. For the rest, take a break!
The best way to solve this is to do. As well?
Plan, but run. Speak, but listen and act. Write, but think and put your hand in the dough.
This article serves as a lesson for me, because I spend a lot of time in NADA, it is a reflection on how to make the most of our time. Thank you for the post @inertia
Haha if I count every second lost I will go crazy, but I will try to follow some tips because I have several projects that do not go out of paper, for lack of organizing the time.
Great post, absolutely loved your post and your image :-)