The blockchain has seen lots of advancements which led to new achievements.Widely utilized coins like ethereum and bitcoin continue to grow and gets more attention(users). This two coins are both in great competition, as they are in different blockchain and each blockchain aims to surpass the other if it is possible, which in turn leads to great developments. This can be otherwise known as healthy competition .As things keep getting better and better in terms of blockchain application it also exposes its shortfallings.
These issues are problems such as performing on large scale, the issue of not being able to share assets across diverse blockchain .For instance, you cannot send ethereum into the bitcoin blockchain, else you risk losing your assets, or not even processing the transaction at all. This is the problem of centralization, its like saying every blockchain for itself. The crypto market as at now is nowhere near 100% decentralization, which seems to be the future. Seele has a remedies to the issues stated above, but before I jump into how it plans to overcome the issues above, I will like to give a breakdown of the SEELE project.
The word seele is german for “soul”. It doesn’t necessarily have any direct connection to human soul, not at all, what is being talked about here is the core of a particular subject matter. This is the reason why SEELE project talks about revolutionalizing a new era of Value Internet. Internet being the core of cryptocurrency.
This is a project with the aim of revolutionizing the blockchain through its advanced technology of neural consensus Algorithm, and the heterogeneous forest working hand in hand. Through the sheer force of this two technologies working hand in hand, it will bring to life seele’s blockchain 4.0
Applying the token economy to promote community donations to share and generate an ecosystem and not just a centralized platform.
Construct new productions relating to value internet, to also enhance the development of the blockchain and generate better productivity from the blockchain
Creating a great platform that will have high speed transaction rates.
A platform that will safely distribute assets.
💢💢- The introduction of a neural consensus that will enhance the fault tolerance from 33% all the way up to 40%.Best thing about this is, all will be done without a break in performance.
💢💢- Heterogenous forest (HF):- This is a network design that has huge ability when it comes to scaling a large amount of diverse applications.
This remedies started above are just one of the few components of the seele’s blockchain
Lets breakdown the major components of the seele’s blockchain
💥💥- Neural Consensus Algorithm :- There is already an established functional consensus algorithm, but this algorithm has some defects. The issue is the fact that security, effectiveness,effiency and scalability do not function together. Seele will overcome this barrier by joing the current algorithm and generating new e-differential agreement, short for EDA. This will give provision for the issues started in this paragraph to function together
- 💥💥Heterogenous Forerst Network :-The fact that technology is advancing everyday cannot be over emphasized.As we all know change is constant, the blockchain technology we currently use runs all transactions on a single chain.We cannot deny that this is working currently, but at the same time, it can be improved. Seele has plans of creating a multichain structure to advance the blockchain and handle things the current blockchaiin might not be able to handle effectively.
💥💥- Value Transport Protocol:- With the current blockchain technology, different projects are built on different blockchains,lets take for example the ethereum,neo and bitcoin blockchains. These blockchains are entirely different, and not in any way integrated . If you try to send neo into the bitcoin blockchain, either you are told invalid address or you risk losing all your funds. Seele brings the VTP(Value Transport Protocol) to change this current trend of generating a medium for general identification.
💥💥- QVIC(Quick Value Internet Connection):- This will bring about faster connections to the internet, as well as provide a wider and stronger network coverage area for internet based operators.
I believe that with the hardwork and effort plus the brilliant goal driven team, Seele can achieve their desired goal and help better the blockchain technology.Which in turn will be of greater good to the crypto economy
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