Welcome to the #GratitudeTrain No. 27

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)

Happy (not so much)Friday Steemit!!! I hope you all had or are having an absolutely amazing day so far!

Welcome to the #GratitudeTrain No. 27


I am of the firm belief that the habit of practicing gratitude on a daily basis is the key to shifting our lives in a positive direction. This is not only the expression of gratitude for the positive things in our lives, but also for the challenges which we are often faced with.

But sometimes, we can get wrapped up in our day to day existence and agenda, and it is not that we aren’t grateful, but rather that we simply forget to actually verbalise it or take the time to offer it a moment of dedication even in thought.

It is also true that surrounding yourself with the positive attitudes and mind-set of others, that it has a ripple effect on yours too…

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So for ALL of us, including myself, I have decided to start this #gratitudetrain. We all spend a good portion of our lives here browsing through our Steemit feeds, so why not build a positive habit in the process. I think it will be great to share something every day that we are grateful for in our lives, no matter how big or small it may be.

Whether it is a new career path, a new hobby, an achievement of your child, a new relationship, a challenge overcome or simply a new pair of shoes… it doesn’t matter! There is without question… ALWAYS something we can take a moment to be grateful for!

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Today I am grateful for my creative talents. I know everybody has specific gifts and talents and I was blessed with quite a few. Sometimes I think I take them for granted, but when I am afforded a comparison, I realise just how very blessed I am. Sure, I have my weaknesses too and in those instances, I suppose I am grateful for all the people in my life who are in fact good at things like...well... math! because it aint me! haha But no seriously, I love the fact that I got a whole basket full of creativity for several niches...because I really love having a colourful life :)



Step 1.

So starting today, in the comments section of #gratitudetrain post No. 1 – write something that you are grateful for in your life and start it with the number… as in if this is the first time you are sharing on the #gratitudetrain, then write the number “1.” And then state what you are grateful for.

Step 2.

Keep a record of your #gratitudetrain expressions shared in the comments somewhere in a word doc or such.

Step 3.

When you reach 30 – then publish a post on your own profile and be sure to use the #gratitudetrain tag or to tag me @jaynie in the post.

As simple as that!

The idea of this being, that not only will you develop a healthy and positive habit but at the end of 30 days when you share your own post, you will be able to reflect back and realise, just how MUCH GOODNESS there is in your life!

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Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

oh... and have you met my little man?



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You got me at happy FRIDAY.... LOL

@jaynie Bwhahahahahaha!😍

But this is all it takes to be happy. Express and Experience. Do this consciously every moment of your life and living JOYFULLY was never really the issue.

Why do you need a FRIDAY to be happy.

I know just because you can't manage your body and mind properly you look forward to these types of things where you don't have to play manager within yourself. Otherwise, this is a tough job of managing the mind because you haven't read the users manual. The process of YOGA helps you read the users manual and transforms your life from a nightmare to a blissful adventure which got over pretty soon. I want more.

Actually, I don't need Friday to be happy. If you had read the tone, especially with the "LOL", it was the error that made me look twice and laugh.

I don't understand what your comment has to do with either the post, or my comment.

It is rare for me to weigh into someone in a public forum, but @amabir, how do you know that I know I "can't manage your body and mind properly" and that I "look forward to these types of things where you don't have to play manager"? I take offence at people presuming to know what's going on in my head who, in fact, have little clue.

My comment should have included, though, at least one thing I am grateful for, and last evening, it was a laugh - WITH my friend, @jaynie, not at her. Oh and I am grateful that yesterday wasn't Friday - it's tomorrow.

I'm sorry I misunderstood the statement being made and it wasn't directed at you. Infact it was directed towards people in general.

Have a great day ahead.

Love you.

Appreciate the apology, @amarbir.

Perhaps, though, you have learned something through this. @steemit is a catholic (go and check the meaning if you don't understand the use of this word outside a religious context) platform. The only way to survive in this type of community is to respect other people's views and to share yours in a way that is not "it's my way or the highway". It just puts people's backs up. Like it did mine and @jaynie.

Another point: using comments on posts that do not engage with their content, and is "directed towards people in general", is lazy and indiscriminate posting. In my understanding, this is contrary to the ethos of Steemit and is spam.

Lastly, a piece of advice: you might find your time on Steemit more fulfilling if you worked on building a network of like-minded folk to really engage with. One does not always have to agree with everyone, which is what makes the world go around, and is good, because that's how we learn tolerance and mutual respect.

With best wishes for a good weekend

I completely understand and agree with you. Was just testing the waters till the sharks appeared if you know what I mean. Anyways. Have a great day ahead. Love you.

@amarbir - Let me just say that you are beginning to border on not only annoying, but just plain... oh wait, I already said it... ANNOYING! I have a little suggestion for you.... how about you STOP judging other people and their lives 24 hours a bloody day and actually spend some time writing your own damn content! OOOPS.... was that too forthright? Well suck it up cupcake! I have had it up to my brim with your repeated judgement on absolutely every move that others make as well as spamming my posts.... there is a quote from the Bible @amarbir.... another important book (they say)... have you read it??!?? it goes like this....

Matthew 7:3-5
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

I am going to ask you nicely to STOP spamming my posts with your judgmental crap!. If you don't, I am going to start hitting you with a different kind of hammer... the downvote kind.

kthanksbye :)

I like this positive idea, we often forget to be grateful and that' change our attitude and it is not good, i will happily join this gratitutude train!

Thank you for the positive input hon :)

With positive and negative inputs only 2 things will happen. You'll either feel good about yourself and proceed with your non-sense or feel pissed and still continue your non-sense. Neither of these get you closer to the existential reality or rather EXPERIENTIAL KNOWING.

I usually, as you note, get caught up in my personal dramas. But I try and occasionally succeed in becoming grateful for the moment. Sometimes it takes times of adversity to make on 'grateful' on a minute by minute basis. And I have been in those 'places' as well.

I'm grateful for your creativity too, @jaynie, because it's constantly inspiring my own!

#27- Today, I am grateful that last night, my husband ran out of gas in his motorcycle... in our driveway! He's been teaching our boy how to ride by going down the street to a parking lot, and doing loops there. Apparently it's been a while since they actually went to a gas station... LOL! But seriously, what better way to get the reminder than to be home, right next to your car and gas can? 😊

#GratitudeTrain No. 6

Today I take this opportunity to thank the gratitude train project, thanks @jaynie for reminding us of the importance of giving thanks, sometimes we focus on our problems or just on the bad things, but even if something bad does not happen there are 20 good things that they happened to us and if we analyze it with an open mind if those good things had not happened to us in the day could have been worse, we should always be grateful with life.

No. 15, I’m grateful for having someone I consider a mentor in my life. People who believe in your abilities are rare to come by these days.

And @jaynie, thank you for this initiative on Steemit. You're making us build a success habit..