PostsCommentsPayoutsjazzyon (25)in #bizshakeico • 6 years agoRE: BIZSHAKE-REDIFINING SAFER AND SECURED TRANSACTION OF PRODUCTSI will surely patronize in this project for i have been faced with the challenge of secured transactions some time now.jazzyon (25)in #cryptassist • 7 years agoRE: CRYPTASSIST- THE BEST EVER SERVICE RENDERED UNIVERSAL CRYPTOCURRENCY PLATFORMTrading on Cryptassist’s own fully licensed spot exchange and shop with personal debit card that can be refilled using any of the top 50 cryptocurrencies makes me enjoy the concept of the project.jazzyon (25)in #wonoico • 7 years agoRE: WONO-MAKING MARKETING SERVICES EASIER AND CONVENIENTConvenience on exchange platform is very crucial to investors and bounty hunters. Wish the team best of luckjazzyon (25)in #aiascoinico • 7 years agoRE: AIAScoin-THE BEST EVER MASTERNODE NETWORK ON CRYPTOCURRENCYFast, secured and transparent transactions on the blockchain technology has been a challenge for investors, traders. Nice initiative by the team to curb these challengesjazzyon (25)in #cryptosoukico • 7 years agoRE: CRYPTOSOUK-WHY ONE MUST JOIN CRYPTOSOUK PLATFORMOffering digital currency pairs and the main fiat that you like to market is a good initiative by the team.Wish the team best of lucksjazzyon (25)in #vividico • 7 years agoRE: VIVID-THE SOCIAL CRYPTOCURRRENCY APP AND BENEFITSManagement of personal portfolio on cryptocurrency has been what i have been aspiring for. Wish the team best of lucksjazzyon (25)in #mastercoinico • 7 years agoRE: MASTERCOIN- THE BEST EVER SERVICE RENDERED CRYPTOCURRENCY PLATFORMGetting secured wallets on exchange platforms has been a challenge nowadays. Very thankful of the team bringing up such an initiative.jazzyon (25)in #mefyico • 7 years agoRE: MEFY-PROVIDING TOTAL HEALTHCARE SERVICES TO HUMANThe health of human-being is a major concern to be addressed. Wish the team best of luckjazzyon (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: ORVIUM- REMODELLING THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION INDUSTRYGreat project team...sustaining the scientific publication is a good idea and would help inform the general public betterjazzyon (25)in #stealthico • 7 years agoRE: STEALTHCRYPTO-WHY ONE MUST JOIN STEALTHCRYPTO NETWORKSecuring consumers data has been a major challenge in today's world and i hope this project will solve those issues. With the team best of lucksjazzyon (25)in #sportsfixico • 7 years agoRE: SPORTSFIX-DIGITAL SPORTS CONTENT WITH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYSupport from fans will really help the sports teams. This is a good initiative by the Sportsfix team.jazzyon (25)in #mementumico • 7 years agoRE: MOBILEBRIDGE-EASING STRESS ON MARKET TRANSACTIONSThere was the issue of market transaction where people waste time to make purchases. This project will indeed curb that stress. Good work done by the teamjazzyon (25)in #ubbeyico • 7 years agoRE: UBBEY-ENSURING OWNERSHIP OF CLOUD DATA STORAGE ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYCloud data storage will really help in Keeping some important files in this technological world. It is a nice project by the team.jazzyon (25)in #quadrantico • 7 years agoRE: QUADRANT PROTOCOL-ADDRESSING ISSUES WITH DATA AUTHENTICITYData authentication?This has been a project i have been looking for. Big ups to the teamjazzyon (25)in #veiagico • 7 years agoRE: VEIAG-CREATING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP AMONG SECTORS WORLDWIDEA very good initiative by the team. Much interested at the agricultural sector. Will have to invest in this project.jazzyon (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: CRYPTOSOLARTECH- MAKING RENEWABLE SOURCE OF ENERGY FOR EFFICIENT CRYPTOCURRENCIES MININGProject to the moon. It is such a nice conceptjazzyon (25)in #flogmallico • 7 years agoRE: FLOGMALL-WIDENING THE WORLD'S ONLINE TRADING SYSTEMThis is a project i have been looking for. Good work be the teamjazzyon (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoRE: QURREX-THE UNIVERSAL CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE PLATFORM THAT HAS THE BEST OF SERVICE.Project to the moon by the team.Wish to always read such.jazzyon (25)in #qurrex • 7 years agoRE: QURREX-THE BEST EVER SERVICE RENDERED UNIVERSAL CRYPTOCURRENCY PLATFORMI wish to invest in such a nice project. Good initiative by the teamjazzyon (25)in #stealthcrypto • 7 years agoRE: STEALTHCRYPTO ENSURING COMMUNICATION SECURITYThis is a very nice project