A veces solo tenemos que salir del nido para crecer. Me refiero a crecer espiritualmente. Encuentro un paralelismo entre salir del nido y salir de nuestra zona de confort.
Se que cuesta salir del acomodo. Yo, imagino que como todo ser humano, lo he experimentado en primera persona. Necesitamos de estabilidad en nuestra vida, es cierto, pero esa estabilidad no está divorciada del cambio.
La vida es dinámica, dialéctica. Está conformada por ciclos. Hay células en nuestro cuerpo que se regeneran despues de cierto tiempo. Eso indica que hasta en el micro universo se dan cambios.
Entonces... ¿Por qué nos cuesta salir de nuestra zona de confort? Razones hay muchas. Cada quien tiene las suyas. ?Quiza sea pertinente entonces hablar de por qué me cuesta salir de mi zona de confort?
Pretender responder a esa pregunta supone mirar sin tapujos hacia adentro y encontrarse/me con la imagen de uno mismo. Pero también supone ir mucho más profundo, requiere hurgar en aquello de lo que no soy consciente.
A fin de cuentas, casi nadie se siente cómodo analizando sus inseguridades. Por ejemplo, no me sentía comodo en algún momento de analizar por qué mi situación financiera no era la que deseaba.
Prefería culpar a otro por el hecho de que después hacer estudiado tanto, mi profesión no me diera el fruto que esperaba. Sin embargo, otros que no tenían mi "nivel profesional" parecía que tenían más recursos económicos que yo.
¿De quien era culpa? Mejor dicho: ¿De quien era la responsabilidad? Hubo un punto en que debí aceptar mi responsabilidad en el asunto. Me di cuenta de que me faltaba algo que seguramente no le faltaba a aquellos que si tenían lo que yo no.
Primero debo aclarar que aunque las comparaciones son difíciles de eve evitar, también sin nefastas para nuestro desarrollo. Mejor dicho, creí que muchos de nosotros no sabemos compararnos.
La comparación debe ser con nosotros mismos o en el mejor de los casos, compararnos con otros pero desde una actitud de aprendizaje. ¿Que cualidades ha desarrollado ese otro que yo pueda incorporar de modo funcional para lograr mi crecimiento?
Pero... Volvamos al punto central del post. Aceptada mu responsabilidad debí darme cuenta de que me me escudaba en frases como: "Yo no he estudiado tanto para dedicarme a eso".
Pero si aquello que haces no te da los resultados que necesitas, cuando mínimo trata de encontrar el cambio necesario.
En el fondo lo que había detrás de esa frase era temor a enfrentar lo desconocido. Quizá también tenie al fracaso. Pero es que el fracaso es una oportunidad de aprendizaje, de desarrollo. ¿Por qué le tenemos tanto? Responder a esta pregunta creo que da para otro post.
En mi opinión no existe una receta directa al desarrollo, al crecimiento personal. Ese trayecto está lleno de muros, escaladas, desvíos, caídas, desvíos, etc. El modo de adaptarnos a ellos es dándole un lugar en nuestra vida. Considerarloe como algo normal.
A mí mente acude el recuerdo de mi profesora de Educación Física de primer grado de primaria. En una ocasión en que nos fueron a vacunar contra algunas enfermedad que no recuerdo cuál era, todos teníamos mucho miedo.
En su turno, previo a que nos vacunaran, todos estábamos muy nerviosos. Casi ni le permitamos impartir la clase. Entonces se detuvo y nos dijo: "Les voy a enseñar una frase mágica que va a hacer que el pinchazo no duela: ¡Que venga la fiera, que la estoy esperando!
Creo que esa actitud podemos asumirla para saltar del nido. Solo así haremos cotidiana la sensación de incomodidad ante lo desconocido. Solo así podremos transformarnos y crecer.
Agradecido por tu compañía hasta el final, te dejo un abrazo de amigo.
Texto traducido al inglés por DeepLTranslate.
Imagen tomada con mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi.
Sometimes we just have to leave the nest to grow. I'm talking about growing spiritually. I find a parallel between leaving the nest and leaving our comfort zone.
I know it's hard to get out of the comfort zone. I, I imagine that like every human being, I have experienced it in first person. We need stability in our lives, it is true, but that stability is not divorced from change.
Life is dynamic, dialectical. It is made up of cycles. There are cells in our body that regenerate after a certain time. That indicates that even in the micro universe there are changes.
So... Why do we find it hard to get out of our comfort zone? There are many reasons. Everyone has their own. Perhaps it is pertinent then to talk about why it is difficult for me to get out of my comfort zone?
Trying to answer this question means looking inward and finding oneself/me with the image of oneself. But it also means going much deeper, it requires digging into what I am not aware of.
After all, almost no one is comfortable analyzing their insecurities. For example, I was not comfortable at some point analyzing why my financial situation was not what I wanted it to be.
I preferred to blame someone else for the fact that after studying so hard, my profession did not give me the fruit I expected. However, others who did not have my "professional level" seemed to have more economic resources than me.
Whose fault was it? Rather: Whose responsibility was it? There was a point when I had to accept my responsibility in the matter. I realized that I was missing something that surely those who had what I didn't lacked.
First of all, I must clarify that although comparisons are difficult to avoid, they are also harmful to our development. Rather, I thought that many of us do not know how to compare ourselves.
Whose fault was it? Rather: Whose responsibility was it? There was a point when I had to accept my responsibility in the matter. I realized that I was missing something that I surely did not lack in those who did have what I did not.
First of all, I must clarify that although comparisons are difficult to avoid, they are also harmful to our development. Rather, I thought that many of us do not know how to compare ourselves.
The comparison should be with ourselves or in the best case, compare ourselves with others but from a learning attitude. What qualities has that other developed that I can incorporate in a functional way to achieve my growth?
But... Let's go back to the main point of the post. Having accepted my responsibility, I should have realized that I was hiding behind phrases like: "I have not studied so much to dedicate myself to that".
But if what you do does not give you the results you need, at least try to find the necessary change.
What was behind that sentence was a fear of facing the unknown. Maybe it was also fear of failure. But failure is an opportunity for learning, for development. Why do we have so much of it? To answer this question I think there is room for another post.
In my opinion there is no direct recipe to development, to personal growth. This path is full of walls, climbs, detours, falls, detours, etc. The way to adapt to them is to give them a place in our life. To consider it as something normal.
I remember my physical education teacher in the first grade of elementary school. On one occasion when we were going to be vaccinated against some disease that I don't remember what it was, we were all very afraid.
On her turn, before we were vaccinated, we were all very nervous. We almost didn't allow him to teach the class. Then he stopped and told us: "I am going to teach you a magic phrase that will make the prick not hurt: Let the beast come, I am waiting for it!
I think we can assume this attitude to jump out of the nest. Only in this way will we make the sensation of discomfort in the face of the unknown a daily occurrence. Only in this way can we transform ourselves and grow.
Thank you for your company until the end, I leave you a friend's embrace.
Text translated into English by DeepLTranslate.
Image taken with my Xiaomi Redmi phone.
I feel like fear of the unknown is what keeps us in our comfort zones and we we get older our becomes harder to come out of them. Some enjoy the challenge of the unknown more than others, though.
I agree with You. Every person have their own way to face the circunstances in his/her life. Sometimes life put us un circunstances that make us feel unconfortable once again until we have move and leave it. Thanks for your time and visit!
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