To see what came before, check the links below -- for the story of a dog and his old boy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
so many butterflies, so little time (if you look closely, you can see little yellow butterflies all around...
(image by Krazy Uncle)
Thursday 27th
Dawn – doggy is whining – must get up… ooohhh old body’s stiff not co-operating... getting up is a misnomer... rolling outta bed is more the reality… meeting the floor on hands and knees is better than the alternative, although not as good as standing… but, at least the meager rush of adrenaline, kinda woke me up… and, I’m Up, I’m UP! I’m really up!
Okay where is Karl and what the heck’s going on?. Untangle blankets... that bed sure looks good... maybe I'll lie down for a minute? and scratch, scratch, scratch at back door… a few whines, from the dog or me, not sure?
Yea… that’s the start to my day. I did manage to fake myself out for about twenty minutes that Karl would stop scratching at the back door… and then I had dreams he was digging through the paint on the door and door frame and my boss/landlord was having me removed forcibly from the property by a big burly Sheriff's Deputy… aaarrgh! I’m up, I’m UP!
I go to the back door and greet Karl in my most Disney like singing voice /s – only to be greeted in return by a wiggling tail, wagging the dog – then the puppy dog's loving brown eyes – damn doggie's lucky he has those big brown eyes!
Okay, really it wasn’t that bad being up at 7:00am this morning what else was I gonna do, sleep? Considering I went to bed at 2:00am that’s not bad on a day off, right?
After staggering around a bit, and doing all the necessaries, I went to town and got some supplies. When I came back I rustled up some breakfast for Karl and I. Then I hit my keyboard working on a book, I’d like to finish. It didn’t take as long to reach the end of the section as I expected, sometimes that’s what the Muse wants. Now, I need to wait a bit until the Muse tells me to what say next. I do know the direction I’m going, but sometimes I need the voice of my Muse to drive me there.
Karl and I went for a nice walk, and when we got back I decided to show you where he lived when he first showed up at my house. The first pic you see is the old corral, and the second is a salt lick station for cattle. Karl lived under that structure for a couple days until I could entice him to come up to the house. The ranch keeps the old corral up, barely, so as to grandfather it in if they decide to rebuild the corral and start cattle ranching again. There are feeding troughs along the edge of the road that are the biggest part of this corral and to be able to use them is a great advantage to the ranch if they decide to raise cattle again. Those feed troughs have probably been there for about fifty or so years, and even though they are falling over. Well, being they may come in handy, someday it’s best to leave the remains, remaining.
upper image is the old corral, bottom is the salt lick station
(image by Krazy Uncle)
Right before I started writing today’s update, Karl started barking and raising a fuss out my back door. That is the first time he ever did that. I bolted outside to see what all the ruckus was and… nothing? Then in the distance I could see, and then hear one of the ranchers bring his rattly old cattle/horse trailer up the road towards my house. Karl heard this too, and decided to set chase. Damn, so much for only chasing ATVs and motorcycles. I have been able to call him back when he takes off, most of the time? And, this time I was able to use my voice to stop him before he got to the road, but he did go quite a ways before I got his attention, he locks on hard sometimes. We have to do better.
I’ve also been working on ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ with him. It’s not easy and I don’t do it for long, but each day he and I make a little more progress. Hopefully Karl and I will be able to do some of the basics soon. Right now, I do have the time to attempt to do these things. And, I did order a book recently that was suggested by a friend, and I hope to put its techniques to use soon.
Sun’s almost down and the end of the light side of day is coming, time for some food for Karl and I, and we hope you have a good night!
Stay tuned!
project doggy take off -- Elon Musk don't have nuthin' on Karl (image by Krazy Uncle)
To see what you’ve missed so far here are the links to the previous installments.
The Stray Dog part 1:
The Stray Dog part 2:
The Stray Dog part 3:
The Stray Dog part 4:
The Stray Dog part 5:
The Stray Dog part 6:
The Stray Dog part 7:
The Stray Dog part 8:
The Stray Dog part 9
The Stray Dog part 10:
The Stray Dog part 11:
The Stray Dog part 12:
The Stray Dog part 13:
The Stray Dog part 14:
Those born under the sign of the dog in Chinese astrology are considered to be loyal and discreet, though slightly temperamental.
Thank you my friend
Dogs need a line drawn in the sand they get to that mark, every time you follow with his 'name' and 'no' in a strong voice, in time they learn to go no further than that line. Voice command is the strongest out there, keep having fun training.
Karl and I came to terms on this issue... kinda
My biggest concern with him running off, of course the danger he could be in. I know that he knows how to survive in this area, but I'm still concerned with coyotes and motorized traffic...
The last installment of The Stray Dog will be published today... but, don't worry there's plenty more to come... Karl's a great story...