Data / Date: 7 października (October) AD 2023
Liczba osób / People: 43
Godziny otwarcia / Opening hours: 16.00 - 1.30
Dyżur / Doorkeeper: Dawid (@hallmann)
Sobota. Odbył się HiveBeeCon, czyli spotkanie społeczności Hive. Zgromadziło ono użytkowników (i nie tylko) z różnych krajów. Królestwo odwiedzili: @anialavender, @asia-pl, @blind-spot, @deepresearch, @delishtreats, @dobranoc, @edje, @ergorg, @evelynchacin, @growandbow, @gtg, @hallmann, @hiacynt, @jocieprosza, @justynao, @lemony-cricket, @litosci, @livinguktaiwan, @llunasoul, @lpa, @m31, @mipiano, @mtyszczak, @mynewlife, @osavi, @ph1102, @phortun, @prawdawtvmowili, @priyanarc, @psypek, @szejq, @szmulkberg, @thebeedevs, @zirochka i inni.
Saturday. There was the HiveBeeCon, a meeting of the Hive community. It brought together users (and non-users) from different countries. The Kingdom was visited by: @anialavender, @asia-pl, @blind-spot, @deepresearch, @delishtreats, @dobranoc, @edje, @ergorg, @evelynchacin, @growandbow, @gtg, @hallmann, @hiacynt, @jocieprosza, @justynao, @lemony-cricket, @litosci, @livinguktaiwan, @llunasoul, @lpa, @m31, @mipiano, @mtyszczak, @mynewlife, @osavi, @ph1102, @phortun, @prawdawtvmowili, @priyanarc, @psypek, @szejq, @szmulkberg, @thebeedevs, @zirochka and others.
Królestwo można wspierać:
przelewając dowolną kwotę na konto bankowe: Fundacja Tradycji Miast i Wsi, 16 1090 1740 0000 0001 2088 2593 (Santander), tytuł: "dar na cele statutowe KBK"
wpłacając darowiznę poprzez zrzutkę
przesyłając tokeny HBD na konto @fundacja (zasilają one Fundusz Rozwojowy KBK)
You can support the Kingdom by:
1. Sending any amount of money to our bank account: Fundacja Tradycji Miast i Wsi, 16 1090 1740 0000 0001 2088 2593 (Santander Bank), description „dar na cele statutowe KBK” (donation for the support of KBK statutory activities).
2. Making a donation via the Zrzutka service.
3. Sending HBD tokens to the @fundacja account (they will go to the KBK Development Fund).
I was missing in that picture! 🥺 Sorry for having to leave so soon, but it's hard for me at 37 weeks pregnant. Pawel and I had a great time! All of you are very nice people and we hope we can meet again soon. But if we go back to Krakow soon, I will go for another Brisscola which I loved. Thank you all for such a great time! A hug! 🤗
The first trip with your child must be to Krakow! :)
I agree with you! :)
Thank you so much for hosting us yesterday @hallmann.
It was lovely to meet old and new friends and the venue was ultra cool. It's a pity we didn't get round to paint the hefroms. I was really looking forward to it, but the excitement of meeting and chatting with everyone else over took everything else 😁
Thanks for coming! Yeah, after yesterday's meeting I realised that we need 2-3 days to paint the hefroms ;) It needs to be organised longer next time.
What a day and what an evening!
Thank you for hosting the event and thanks everyone for such a good time! It was a pleasure to meet you all and I hope that we will meet again soon!!!
I hope so too!
It was absolutely amazing, thank you so much guys for organizing this epic event! I´m still on my way back to Prague but I will write a post about it soon! :)
Posílám díky a pozdravy do Království! :)
@tipu curate 7
Díky! Jak už jsem psal, bylo to lepší než baklažán!
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/58) Liquid rewards.
From where I can get this photo except blockchain? :D
Only blockchain! :)
Thank you so much for welcoming us at @krolestwo @hallmann.
We had such a lovely time! It was a pleasure to mee you. You were an amazing host and we loved your brisscola! 😁
And you are amazing guests :) Brisscola is waiting in the fridge for you!