Random Thoughts

in #mymindisalwayson5 years ago

I wanted to share my thoughts with who ever takes the time to read them.

Here it is......

Here we find ourselves in 2019 and we all know how this has played out. So I decide to ask

"What does the 2020's hold for humanity?"

The answer to that question has yet to be revealed. Do we as a whole, really want to know that answer?

I continue with asking several questions that very few have received real answers to.

Is humanity really ready for how far we have pushed technology?

Ready for the upcoming onslaught of 1's and 0's?

Ready to be "plugged in and connected"?

Ready for these created entities that are to be co-existing with us?

Ready to push the boundries of reality?

One can't step ahead without taking a few steps back to see how we got to where we are.

Moving right along with a quick breakdown of each decade of the 1900's to current. To shine a bleak ray of light on something a majority of ths world doesn't look at.

The steady forward progression of time, the beckoning call of the wild, so to speak. That has played such a vital role in shaping our very existance.

It seems that each decade of the 1900's has had something new, yet somehow they've all seemed to of been connected in some way or another. Grand events that took place in a particular decade of the 1900's has had major influence on other events on a Global scale.

Well, the whole last Century has been a turning point for humanity as a whole. With the first person being able to communicate with someone from halfway around the world to Space exploration and continuing to the modern digital era.

Exploring new things like Virtual/Augmented Reality to Crypto-Currencies and the Internet-of-things.

With everything in-between being interwoven into our everyday lives.

The ability to communicate with someone who is 20,000 miles away and yet, they're right next to you, is amazing.

I begin the decade breakdown with saying that I don't have one hundred percent accuracy on these topics or events expressed. By not being there to witness them firsthand. I take from what I have learned on my own accord.

The 1900's, I would imagine was a wild time in history, literally, a wild time.

The 1910's saw the rise of what too much 'power' can bring forth with WW1. Causing many problems for so many people. Parts of the world came together and the rest watched as differences were set aside to achieve a common goal. Yet, did it really do anything?

The 1920's had a glorious time. At this time, being even slightly educated and willing to put yourself out there meant that not only yourself prospered.

"Roaring" if you will.

Then, in the 1930's it wasn't so great. The Great Depression hit and destroyed that happy feeling affecting/effecting hundreds of millions.

Anyone ever notice how no one smiled in those ol' timey photos?

Only a handful of those that prospered from the 1920's held fast.

The 1940's was torn and divided by WW2. This time, there was so much more invested, the whole world was more concerned about the events that took place during this time than they were during WW1.

The 1950's showed a prosperous side, maybe not as good as the "Roaring 20's", but it was more of a industrial revolution.

Diner dates and roller skate rinks were in. Drive-in movie theaters were big also.

Kinda seems that during the 1950's is when Women starting moving from the kitchen as a home maker, right next to Men doing the same jobs. Maybe not as quickly in some places as others.

Technological advances brought forth a rise in machinary and around this time, it is believed by those wonderful, die-hard, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists that "Alien" technology was discovered. <I.e. The Microwave, Color Television, The Beatles. etc. etc.>

The 1960's was a time when everyone just wanted to calm down, smoke some and just be. The world was a little calmer for some.

"Peace. Love. Harmony." ☮❤☯

That was a great, until things started to get out of control.

The 1970's had many things that were still in the mix, with more and more just compiled on. Vietnam was finishing and Disco was in. Atari releases the first home gaming console.

The 1980's brought forth many things. Disco faded as Techno, rap and big hair bands moved onto the scene, Cocaine and political scandals ran rampant.

The 80's also gave us a generation that was caught right in the middle of the old and the new.

Being born between 1980 and 1989 was both good and bad. We saw something that really no other decade got to witness. The "Shift" so to speak. Like I stated. "From the old to the new".

The 1990's gave us wonderful things as well. BlockBuster Video, Toys'R'Us and so much more. When it became open to general public use, the Internet, changed the lives of millions.

Then in the 2000's it seems like it all has just been kinda a blur since Y2K.

Y2K made so many people question so many things. Then, when nothing happened, they had to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Every year seems to be going by quicker and quicker.

So, brings us to the current day. With every aspect of everybody's lives touched in some way by technology.

From Tokyo to the uncontacted Native Tribes of the Amazon. Everyone has seen some technological advance.

It brings back the question of "What's next?

Currently trending are just a few things listed here: Artificial Intelligance, Crypto-Currencies, Google, automated cars, androids, The "Dark Web".

Then we start looking ahead just to find that list plus all sorts of "interesting" things coming to light.

The internet-of-things being right around the corner is something to raise a few eyebrows at.

Something big" that will change everything is coming, what it is or what it will be still is shadowed by a hazy fog.

Thank you to who ever took the time to read my thoughts.