God is in control of our lives, he knows every event of our life since we are born, He knows what will happen to each one of us in the future, Yes! He knows everything, and he knows why you are now going through a certain situation, many times things happen in our lives that we do not understand and that no matter how we analyze that situation we do not find any logical answer because you wonder why if you are a child of God is in an unpleasant situation, because if you are a child of God you are lacking in many things, because if you are a child of God your problem is not resolved soon, and is that no matter how hard we try to find an answer we find, there are doubts, insecurities, frustrations, despair and you feel like you are in a dead end, you feel against the sword and the wall.

But at that time we do not think that everything happens with a purpose, we do not think that maybe this difficult situation is going to teach me something that God wanted me to learn, there are men in the Bible who went through difficult situations, we see a Moses who from his birth was chosen by God to fulfill a very important purpose, he had to learn to be patient and tolerant, he had to learn to be brave and to face the problems because he was the leader of the people of Israel for a long time and to be a leader is not easy, had to deal with a people who were extremely rebellious and ungrateful, had to learn to talk more with God, learned to spend more time with God, learned to be guided by God and depend on Him, learned to obey God.
We also remember the story of José, who since he was a teenager had to go through very painful situations in his life, was sold by his own brothers and bought as a slave in Egypt, was harassed by Potiphar's wife, was locked in jail by many days, it was a difficult situation to handle, he was in a situation in which he had to learn to be patient, to be optimistic because he hoped that one day a dream he had had would be fulfilled, the way all of us were created with a purpose and we can see that after a long time that purpose came to be fulfilled.
David, who was anointed by Samuel to be king of Israel had to go through difficult times because King Saul envied him and wanted to kill him for this reason he had to flee for some time, and the purpose for which he had been appointed was Go further but at the end of everything God fulfills his purpose in him.
I do not know what situation you are going through, but God knows, he is in control of your life, maybe doubts have already begun to arise because your dream has not yet been fulfilled, you may feel frustrated and helpless. that you know you can not do anything in the face of that situation that has become more complicated.
Sooner or later you will discover the purpose of that situation that you are now going through.
You only trust in the Lord and wait on Him.
To those who love God all things help him for good, this to those who according to his purposes have been called.