Originally I was going to post an awesome how to disassemble and restore a Model F Keyboard.
Anyone not familiar with the Model F, it is the keybard that came with the IBM PC 5150,
the computer that changed the world in 1981.
These keyboards go for a few hundred fully restored. They have a full buckling spring that makes a loud "clack"
and by far IMO is superior to any cherry gaming board produced today. This is the Rolls Royce of keyboards.
I had a key that wouldn't register. On the advice of the Vintage Computer Club I disassembled it and cleaned it thoroughly.
This story should have a happy ending right??? ... WRONG.
After reassembly I noticed the space bar just wasn't working correctly. I took it apart again and to my horror....
I broke the capacitive buckle spring assembly.
I searched google for a replacement to no avail.
If anyone knows where to get one I'd be much obliged.
Wow what a change...love it
The beauty that is found in Classics - Older I get the more beautiful they become. I will ask around and find out if I know of any