PostsCommentsPayoutsledread (28)in #stratis • 8 years agoRE: STRATIS: At Key SupportThe price will rise in the next day because the team will make an important announcement friday about Breeze wallet, and more exchange platforms will list it soon.ledread (28)in #stratis • 8 years agoRE: Stratis Price Forecast - 29th AugustThe price will grow in the next day because the team will make an important announcement friday, and more exchange platforms will list it soon.ledread (28)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: My Crypto investment strategyledread (28)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: ★ NEO vs STRATIS vs ETHEREUM, What's your Choice?I vote for Stratis : Friday the team will make an important announcement (Breeze, one of the important projects is about to be released), and more exchange platforms will list it soon.ledread (28)in #stratis • 8 years agoRE: Stratis to be listed on Korean Exchanges, strong surge pricing expected after Monero & Ripple!!Friday the team will make an important announcement :one of the important projects is about to bea released soon !!ledread (28)in #stratis • 8 years agoRE: La fiche du cryptonoob: Stratis (STRAT)Sympa de tomber sur des news en Français sur Steemit !!ledread (28)in #altcoin • 8 years agoRE: NEED ADVICE : 1K in EOS or Stratis???At this moment I would recommend the stratis : Friday it will make an important announcement (one of the important projects is about to be relseased), and one or more exchange…ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: Innovation " Le Bitcoin écologique " - Inspiration recyclage ♻️💡✅Oui j'avoue que je n'en vois pas beaucoup passer des contenus et des auteurs Français....ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: Innovation " Le Bitcoin écologique " - Inspiration recyclage ♻️💡✅Super un article steem en français !!ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: bitcoin and whole market down ? whats your take on it ?The potentiel hard fork is an other reasonledread (28)in #gaming • 8 years agoRE: Mass Effect Andromeda Second Look: The calm after the storm.Nice game !ledread (28)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: Hodling antshares litcoin and golem what about stratis?This is one of the projects that I believe most ... This piece is not yet very expensive, but in a few months it will probably be worth much more ...ledread (28)in #stratis • 8 years agoRE: Crypto Contest July 18: StratisThis is one of the projects that I believe most ...ledread (28)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: DO YOU KNOW STRATIS(STRAT)….,IS IT A GOOD FOR INVESTING?I appreciate and I believe in this project. For the moment this piece is not yet very expensive, but in a few months it will probably be worth much more ...ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: Will the Bitcoin price fall as a result of the upcoming hardfork?On this site you can follow the adoption of each of the proposals : Segwit (soft fork) Emerging consensus (hard fork) Segwitx2 (soft fork + hard fork)ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: Will the Bitcoin price fall as a result of the upcoming hardfork?Yes in case of hard fork the price of the bitcoin will drop, but the hard fork of August is not certain ... Currently there is a war between different parties but in the end none…ledread (28)in #crypto • 8 years agoRE: It's a massacre today!I've never seen this before, it's a bloody Tuesday ....ledread (28)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoRE: BitcoinThere are several opposing philopsophies: the first is to regard the bitcoin as an investment value as equities, the second considers it as a libertarian system of payment, while…ledread (28)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: Buy Stratis - Bottom of Triangle..I think the same !ledread (28)in #eyeson • 8 years agoRE: Stratis $6 📉📉🌊🌊The stratis has a bright future and will continue to rise in the coming months !