a Knew Weigh of Learning

in #lennythyme6 years ago (edited)

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Whaddaya want from me?

When you ask a direct question, you deserve a direct answer. The girls of Delilah do a whole lotta depth of emotion - see how they bring it together to make the song. The problems of the world are easy to solve when you remove the attachment of having a desired outcome. All we can do is set the stage and perform the song.

How do you learn? Personally, i like to be immersed in an event. I roll up my sleeves and participate with full intention, seeing how well i can accomplish the task. My role can be the alpha or the omega - I generally no longer choose supporting cast roles. Learning to act in an ensemble cast requires opportunity to perform. Our learning systems should recognize this.

Skewl is not a learning system - it is all about indoctrination. The images of what we know are set in context against what we might need to know - a smorgasbord of what ifs. Since each of us is a point source of our own energy - learning needs to be internally driven. Ask yourself - whaddaya want from me. All of us learn when each of us learns, it is how we build our morphogenic field.

Me, being curious, want to figure our the mechanism of how humans learn at human scale. I can take things apart; assembling them back together in a working order is not on my menu. Breaking things happens, you cannot create an omelet without scrambling a few eggs. Understanding your own learning style helps you get the information that you need in a weigh that makes sense, to you.


Student directed learning makes sense - you have to be here, NOW, to collect your senses. To think. Use logic. Put together concepts. You do this by watching, then trying, then practising, developing proficiency. It takes time and effort. We do not learn by osmosis. You have to be able to read. Your teacher has to be learning as they teach - the immediate feedback is essential.

QPRST is the method i learn by. Q stands for Question. Whaddaya want to learn? Why do you need to know? What tools do you need? Notebook? Pen or pencil? Questions are easy. Write them down before you start, you will come back to them later when you build your scenario from your perspective.

P stands for Preview. Once you know what you wanna know, collect the books, references, videos and data on the topic. Look at the chapter titles, the graphs and their legends, the photos and the references. Get an idea of how things relate and develop an approach to the material. Scan the content, but no depth. This is a surface review.

R is to read. If you are a visual learner, you cannot get the depth of concept as reading allows. Reading gives you time to think, to reread a sentence, to get the fit of the information in a patterned order. Perception requires a frame of reference - knowing how the pieces fit together. Read from multiple perspectives - especially when dealing with a new fresh topic.

S is the study part. Make an outline of your notes on the topic and write yourself an explanation of the topic. Does what you have just learned by reading make sense in the context of what you already know. Are there other opinions and options for changing perspective? If you change something, how does that affect the other variables?

T is the Test. Come up with a place to test the knowledge, a role play game where you share knowledge with others and see how they respond. If the form of contesting knowledge is to measure the truth in the aspects of knowledge from multiple perspectives. When you look at a ball, from your perspective, you can see only half the ball. You know how it projects in space and time - it is a ball. You cannot see the side that is not facing you.


Learning is a personal project. If it doesn't make sense to me, i question it. I preview the information, read as much as i can and study the topic in a weigh to make it make sense from my perspective - 180 degrees. You may see a different perspective - let's talk in a debate - then see how much of the circle we cover. All 360 degrees, plus the hidden extra 6 that balance the skew of the spiral.

The Knew Weigh will introduce Khantests to determine merit of individual's knowledge basis and bases. Test how much you know against others who know as much, in a search for truth. On Steempunk Radio - weekday mornings.


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