Zip, Unzip it, one more time - a daft punk Pentatonix reality. Kirstie really rocks in blue.
I am here alone and a total psycho - acting on my own to inflict revenge upon beings of human, that just don't get it at all. Their reality is duality and everything in between is a muddle in the middle.
These people are removing constraints by penalizing value and self worth, by making actual ability out to be an enemy of the sheeple. The timeline is such that souls are leaving earth at every transformation. These human entities are replaced by automatic orgasmatrons, which feed on excitement. They exist on timelines that have left the current scale earth.
Energy vampires push our rest energy up and feed on ill will - with complaints and bothersomedness that irritates the logical mind. The numbing of empathy comes from the steady feed of violence and pornography. Nexium is a doorweigh - a path i chose not to take long ago. Too many others sold their own souls.
The path less taken avoids delusions of grandeur. Self-sufficiency means working with others to complement movement toward common goals - with different rewards based upon level of appreciation. Forerunners ahead of the game don't look back in the wake of disillusionment caused by odd personal behavior - a failure of group morals and ethics.
The ideal solution is not attainable in most situations. The right solution can be made as long as false and true are conditional, like Schroedingers cat. The cat can be in either state; once determined it can only be changed in one direction. A live cat can always be killed, a dead cat bounces and cannot restore itself to corporal life.
To get back to human scale, we should listen to all the voices in our heads and facilitate an agreement for the betterment of all. The optical delusion of televised news media and Hollyweird movies disorients the mind away from how it is. We are stalled in 1950s thought in America, without organic growth - because they rewrote history and made it so that people conformed to the belief as written.
Nowadays, belief depends on what is seen and what is heard. Not much can be based on written history, because that was published via the gatekeepers of knowledge. The US Academic community rewards imitation as the very best form of flattery. Cryptofiction has more reality than fake news and fake edumacation.
Science advances one funeral at a time. Original thought is dissallowed because you have to build upon foundations set in stone by persons unknown, in times past, who insist we pay debts into a system that treats us as cattle and chattle.
The cost of living was once free. Those who could survive the circumstances of nature kept themselves healthy and hearty in mind, body and spirit. Our due diligence is to ourselves, on an individual basis and and as a group of kindred souls. Like attracts like.
If you truly enjoy what you are doing with who you are doing it with, then by all means keep doing it. However, if you want to stand down and supplement yourself with good food, clean air and water, and fairness in justice and liberty - withdraw yourself by completing your commitments and then do something different. Start actively looking toward a Knew Weigh: a personal evaluation system that connects to other folks that you can agree to dialog with.
Group theory suggests that groups need to start small in number on human scale. Each person should accurately account for who spends how much time doing what. We all eat, sleep, drink, pee, wear clothes and go places. Can you track what you do to the point where you know your routine? How would you do that?
Be who you are ... doc
Highly rEsteemed!