The First-Ever Stake Weighted LEO Poll on Hive | CUB & POLYCUB's Future is at Stake

in LeoFinancelast year

Pun intended at the end of that title! We are about to conduct the first-ever stake-weighted LEO POWER Poll on INLEO and Hive.

In fact, this is the Hive Blockchain's first-ever stake-weighted poll. INLEO has built a really amazing polling protocol and many of you are already using it.

The protocol that is live on the UI for all of you to use is using our 1 account = 1 vote protocol. The next iteration of polls allows for stake-weighted voting.

At first, it uses LEO POWER. We're going to test this and improve the model, then we're going to allow HIVE POWER stake-weighted polls. After all of that goes smoothly, we'll allow other tokens on Hive to be used for stake-weighted polling. This is a truly amazing feature set and I'm excited to see it rolled out.

As mentioned in last week's AMA: the first usage of stake-weighted polls on LEO will be to determine the future of CUB & POLYCUB (and really, the entire LeoVerse).

This post is one of the most important posts I've ever written. Please take your time and read the post to completion. There's a lot of information here.

That being said, I'm going to keep it as concise as possible. A lot of info may not be in this post, but all of the most important info that you need should be in the words that follow.

Note: the UI for stake-weighted polls is not yet ready but we are time-constrained to launch this Poll today. The backend will account for stake-weighted results based on LEO POWER but the frontend will look like any other Poll. Thanks for understanding why we decided to release this poll now as opposed to waiting for the frontend to be ready for stake-weighted polls.

At the end of this post, you'll find a link to the Poll to vote. Keep in mind that the results you see on the frontend are NOT stake-weighted... however when the vote is complete, the stake-weighted results will be shown.

The Last and Final CUB / POLYCUB Proposal

It is my hope that this is the last and final CUB/POLYCUB proposal. If LEO POWER holders vote in favor of what is being proposed here, the CUB/POLYCUB platforms will have their token supply reduced close to 0 (depending on participation in the execution phase).

Let me first describe the goal of the INLEO Ecosystem: our mission is to create a thriving creator economy that is centered around digital identities, tokenization and communities.

As part of this mission, we launched DeFi platforms way back in 2020. This was during the incredible DeFi summer that we all experienced. Money was flowing from the heavens. New blockchains were sprouting and creating billions of dollars in value. It was a magical time. But eventually, we all woke up from the dream.

99.99% of all DeFi platforms that launched when CUB was launched are no longer around. After DeFi summer, they all faded into oblivion. The founders rugged whatever $$ they could get and then disappeared.

CUB did not. We added constant updates to CUB. What started with just some basic farms and dens turned into Kingdoms, compounding contracts, cross-chain autocompounders, collaborations with other projects and ecosystems. New assets... Countless updates. Countless manhours. Countless hours scratching our heads trying to figure out how to build a successful DeFi platform by picking up the pieces after DeFi summer.

PolyCUB came along as an idea to expand the offerings of CUB and ultimately create an even better platform that solved a lot of the issues of CUB while airdropping the supply to CUB holders. I personally spent or invested in the 7 figure dollar range on seeding liquidity pools, marketing on platforms like Coindesk and Cointelegraph. Influencer interviews, etc. We put 6+ months of tireless effort into making it successful.

But, inevitably, it wasn't. We launched right at the end of the bull market and the beginning of the bear market. It didn't take long after for the explosion of FTX and the peak lows that we all experienced. Crypto seemed to be fading into nothing and DeFi was one of the first places people withdrew all of their capital.. All the trust in the ecosystem imploded.

I'm not trying to blame the macro evironment for what happened. I do believe that we had flawed platforms. That being said, the new MTB model worked for a short period of time. The implosion of crypto and sudden running for the exits on every crypto stage is what hit the platforms with a killing blow. That being said, the platforms are still alive. They're still operational. They may not have lived up to what we wanted them to be, but 99.99% of other platforms don't even exist anymore. We are in rare company to even be breathing as an ecosystem.

We've had multiple runs at trying to make DeFi work but it's time to push forward. Onto bigger and better things.


We spent a lot of time formulating a plan forward for CUB/POLYCUB. As we always said: we'd never just leave them behind to die off for nothing. We always worked behind the scenes to add new features and formulate new ideas that could build the platforms up while others constantly tried to tear them down (a topic for another post).

Over the years, we've been coming back to an idea and with the launch of INLEO's new application and frontend: under the "Everything App" vision, we saw a path forward.

Assimilation is the key word.

Our goal has been and is to bring everything under one banner. With DeFI in the past, we spread things out. We made ourselves thin. We focused on getting other chains integrated.

I think the idea behind that was right but the execution was wrong. Rather than expanding tokens and economics, we should have just expanded technologies within the same banner.

That means offering the same things but doing it all underneath the existing LEO platform.

Our team has been expanding and if you've seen the evolution of, then you'll know how amazing this journey has been. The UI is reaching a critical point. It's becoming as easy to use as Web2 with the core ideals of Web3 running the backend. is continually improving. Our MAUs are up 5x. The LEO token is up 3x from the bottom of the bear market. We've built revenue models with Premium and LeoAds that actually work and are buying thousands of dollars in LEO off the market each month.

Recently, our Team started building a DeFi swapping platform within This is something we are incredibly excited about. It doesn't have yield farming or anything along those lines.

Instead, it's an affiliate UI of Thorchain and Maya Protocol. It allows users to swap on those rails and each swap they do earns INLEO a swapping reward from the protocol (called an affiliate fee).

Some UIs on Thorchain are earning millions of dollars per month with their swapping UIs. INLEO is building something unique compared to those other UIs and we hope that our userbase will utilize the swapping UI frequently. We also hope to capture some users from the outside ecosystem who are looking for an intuitive, low-fee alternative to the existing UIs out there for swapping on Maya and Thorchain.

Additionally, we just announced our partnership with Maya Protocol to list LEO on their DEX. This will open up the ability to instantly swap native BTC, ETH, KUJI, DASH and RUNE for LEO.

Maya is also building an aggregator that will connect any Maya Protocol asset to any Thorchain asset. This means that LEO will be tradable on any assets supported by Maya and Thorchain.

We believe this combined ecosystem will become the #1 DEX in the world. In 5 days, LEO will be listed in this ecosystem and tradable with all of these assets.

Additionally, we're launching our swap UI (hopefully in time for the launch of LEO on Maya Protocol) which will allow any user of INLEO to instantly swap assets on these rails for low fees.

We're also adding the ability (down the road) for LEO POWER holders to pay lower fees for swaps. Creating an entirely new use case for holding LEO POWER (this is very similar to what Thorswap does with their THOR token. If you stake it, you pay lower fees on swaps).

Swaps don't just mean swapping LEO. It means swapping any asset supported by these DEXes.

So for example, if you want to swap your USDT on Ethereum for Native BTC, we hope to provide a better UI/UX and lowest fees to facilitate your swap on

This is an entirely new use case for our platform. On top of all the other use cases already built and the many more to come. The Everything App is coming together.

And what happens to all of these Affiliate Fees, you may ask? 100% of the fees INLEO earns will buy LEO and CACAO and permanently add them as liquidity to the WLEO-CACAO Liquidity Pool.

  1. Organic Buy Pressure
  2. Permanently Increasing Liquidity

Organic buy pressure is self-explanatory. Potentially tens of thousands of dollars per month buying LEO off the market.

The 2nd piece will increase the depth of the WLEO-CACAO pool. This means that trading through the LEO token will incur less and less slippage. Potential trading volume will increase.

We are also building a HIVE/HBD supported rail in our swap UI. This one could take a bit longer to explain but the long and short of it is that you'll be able to trade native HIVE or HBD through our new swap UI.

Want to buy HIVE with L1 BTC or L1 ETH? You'll be able to go to INLEO's new swap page:

  1. Connect your Bitcoin wallet
  2. Choose HIVE as the receiving asset
  3. Choose how much to buy
  4. Click swap
  5. Within minutes, receive HIVE for your native BTC

The backend of this all uses LEO as the middle-rail. It allows LEO to aggregate the trading volume and push it through to the Hive blockchain.

The technology we're building here is incredible. Maya Protocol's mission (one of them) is to be an aggregator for Thorchain.

You could say that in this scenario, a part of LEO's mission is to become an aggregator for Hive. Allowing HIVE swaps to happen through LEO's connection to these other blockchains.

All of the affiliate fees generated from making this possible? They buy LEO and pool it in the LP permanently. Creating more pool depth that facilitates even more trading volume.

In the long-run, we hope that the majority of HIVE and HBD trading volume begins to flow through these rails.

Imagine that Binance's trading volume is dwarfed by native HIVE trading volume happening 100% on-chain using these Maya and Thorchain rails.

It's an incredible future. One that we're excited to push forward.

Bringing This Back to CUB

So let's bring this back to CUB/POLYCUB.

The keyword is assimilation. As you can see, we still believe DeFi has an incredibly bright future. What doesn't have a bright future is LP Farming. It's time to leave that behind and usher in the new era of DeFi by being an affiliate to Maya and Thorchain, then connecting them to both LEO and HIVE/HBD.

The Proposal

Our proposal is now live and anyone with LEO POWER can vote on the poll (inked below) to pass the proposal or deny the proposal.

The vote will be open until Sunday at Midnight EST.

So you have the rest of the week to consider this proposal and vote Yes or No for it.

Our proposal is to airdrop LEO tokens to anyone holding CUB or POLYCUB on a $1 for $1 basis.

To receive the airdrop, a CUB or POLYCUB holder must burn their CUB or POLYCUB holdings by sending it to the 0xDead address on-chain.

We will verify the burns and then the airdrops will follow that verification process.

The current market cap of CUB is $95,477 and there are 30,980,263 CUB tokens in existence.

The current market cap of POLYCUB is $78,853 and there are 7,274,323 POLYCUB tokens in existence.

The current market cap of LEO is $2,033,287 and there are 17,680,764.5 LEO in tokens existence.

What we are proposing is to assimilate CUB and POLYCUB into the LEO token. To bring everyone back into the LEO token ecosystem and with all of the exciting new features, Premium & LeoAds revenue, Affiliate revenue from the new DeFi platform being built into INLEO, etc. etc. etc. absorb all of the value back into the LEO Token.

We believe that this gives CUB/POLYCUB holders the best chance to succeed in the long-run. Instead of a split focus across these tokens, we continue with the dev team to focus on building incredible new features on that ultimately build a thriving economy around the LEO Token itself.

Airdropping LEO to the CUB/POLYCUB holders will give them the opportunity to participate in the platform and grow with the ecosystem.

As said in the AMAs and Threads and various other places, we believe this is a no-brainer. No CUB/POLYCUB left behind. Let's bring all those holders back into the fold with LEO before we go on the run of a lifetime as we integrate with Maya Protocol just 5 days from today and launch a new aspect of INLEO that generates even more organic buying and permanent liquidity in the LEO token economy.

The Math

So there is a combined market cap of CUB/POLYCUB of $174,330.

In order to get the airdrop, CUB/POLYCUB holders will have to "turn in" their tokens by burning them.

The airdrop is $1 for $1. So this means the 100% max potential airdrop is $174,330 worth of LEO.

At current prices, this is 1,515,913 MAX LEO that could be minted and airdropped to CUB/POLYCUB holders. Less than 8.5% of the circulating supply/MCAP of LEO.

Effectively, this is using 8.5% of the market cap of LEO to "bail out" CUB and POLYCUB holders. Assimilate the ecosystem back into the LEO token and push forward on a grander vision of building a thriving creator economy using ONLY the LEO token and not having these sister tokens as a part of our ecosystem anymore.

KEEP IN MIND. This is also a MAX potential. I think it's safe to assume we won't see 100% of CUB/POLYCUB turned in. There are plenty of inactive CUB/POLYCUB holders, people who are uninterested and also people who just aren't even a part of the INLEO/HIVE ecosystems anymore.

I would expect somewhere in the range of 50-70% to actually claim this airdrop by burning their tokens. That puts our figure in the 757,956 LEO to 1,061,139 LEO range.

We're talking about less than 1M LEO (less than 5.6% of the supply) to help the CUB/POLYCUB holders join the fold and for all of us to move forward once again. Unified on our mission statement and without these sister projects dragging us down.

I believe firmly that CUB/POLYCUB dragged our ecosystem down. Hindsight is obviously 20/20. For the first year of CUB's launch, LEO Hit All-Time Highs and things were going incredibly well. We had new users and new capital flooding the LEO ecosystem. But like I said, we all woke up from DeFi summer and now it's time to return to the core mission with 1 token, 1 vision, 1 community.

I feel that there is so much more to be said, but this post is already super long.

There are going to be a lot of nuances and countless questions about both the macro view and micro executables that need to fall in place to make this all work.

The TLDR; is that we are proposing to airdrop around 5.6% of the LEO Supply to CUB/POLYCUB holders who burn their CUB/POLYCUB tokens.

You'll notice that we are doing this at a pivotal moment for LEO as we're about to get listed on Maya Protocol in 5 days and a few other major exchanges in the coming months/years while launching a new DEX inside of the UI that earns Affiliate Fees from swapping on these other platforms. Using 100% of those affiliate fees to buy LEO and permanently pool it, increasing depth and potential trading volume.

This is an exciting path forward but we need to bring CUB/POLYCUB around full circle and close the chapter on those books while allowing their holders to onboard back into the LEO Token Ecosystem.

We hope to see the LEO POWER holders agree with this vision and see that this is an abundant path forward for all of us.

Click Here to Vote on the Poll Using Your Hive Account with LEO POWER Stake

Note if you can't see the poll at first load, then click the "LeoFinance" profile page and then look for the Thread containing the poll and vote on it from there (should be 1-3 threads at the top of the profile page)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


So many things not 100% clear.

While it is easy to "burn" liquid tokens,
what will be possible to do with time-locked CUB's (in Kingdom) and with all the locked xPolycub's ?

The post is quite clear that there is info about the execution of the proposal that will be cleared up later

Otherwise this post would’ve been a 45 minute read

It was also clearly stated in multiple places that locked CUB/POLYCUB would be eligible for the airdrop with special handling. First the proposal needs to be approved.

Pls go back and listen to last AMA for edge cases. Consider also that we can’t cover every single edge case. What is clearly stated is EVRY CUB / POLYCUB is eligible for the airdrop (read the total supply figures above in the post).

So any cub / polycub will be eligible for $1/$1. The HOW of that will be handled when the proposal is approved.

Now it is clear.
Thank you.

You’re welcome🦁

lots of things to process. I don't have any cub/polycub, but i do agree on proposal to converting them to LEO. Looking forward to defi swapping platform and WLEO-CACAO pool on Maya platform.

Our new swapping platform is really incredible and in my response to Bitcoinflood above, you can see why the value proposition is very exciting for the LEO Token

I'm just curious as to why we couldn't have just integrated CubDeFi/PolyCub into the UI for swaps and keep it internal instead of using yet another new platform which is Maya?

Great question.

As stated in this post, AMAs and other places: we believe there is a much better opportunity in becoming an affiliate / partner with ecosystems like Maya and Thorchain. Listing LEO there and building our own DEX UI to handle swaps via those ecosystems as opposed to having our own liquidity farming platform

Thorchain and Maya offer unique value props that are far different than a traditional yield farming platform like CUB/POLYCUB.

What the last 2 years has shown us is that no matter how much we attempt to innovate, CUB/POLYCUB are archaic platforms at this point and the yield farming model is fundamentally broken. We tried six ways from sunday to make them work, but we could not.

Instead, this model offers us the ability to:

  1. not pay token emissions (since the emissions/yield is handled by Maya/TC)
  2. run an affiliate platform that earns revenue (swap fees for anyone using LEO's new DEX)

The combination of these two along with the assimilation of tokens into solely having 1 token for our ecosystem (LEO) is going to fundamentally change the value accrual model of the DeFi part of INLEO's Ecosystem.

Imagine our affiliate UI doing $10M in swaps per month. 0.25% of that would be $25k per month in buying pressure on LEO.

All without paying a dime in liquidity rewards to LPs (since again, it's handled by Maya and TC).

ALSO without having to worry about building liquidity for all of the pools (since that's handled again by Maya and TC).

We succeed as they succeed. And they are going to succeed because of their superior technology, critical mass and early mover advantages.

Good stuff and thank you for the extra details. I'm still stuck back in the old school defi for the most part as I haven't played much with the new versions of it. Sounds like I need to grab up some Maya and Thor and get in on these new pools!

On Maya, you swap for L1 coins. On BSC/Polygon you swap for wrapped tokens. The other difference is Maya has that feature from Thorchain that allows a big swap to be broken into smaller swaps and executed over a given time. That allows bigger investors easier access to an LP with smaller liquidity.

At first, it is unfair towards all cubdefi users who don't want or simply don't have LEO staked tokens.

99.99% of all DeFi platforms that launched when CUB was launched are no longer around. After DeFi summer, they all faded into oblivion. The founders rugged whatever $$ they could get and then disappeared.
CUB did not

Unfortunately I beg to differ, this proposal, proves the point I made here

You purposely did not do anything and turned off the bridge to keep the CUB price low and now you want us to trade it for 1/10th of value (in my case). That's rugpullish as hell


I feel the same

Wow that is a game changer amazing potential, giving folks an option to do this for polls and brining hive and other tokens into the mix is super net level !!!

Yes! This is the first kind of dry run of the Polls and we wanted to also use it as an opportunity to do something the team has wanted to put to a community vote for a while now

The stars aligned for this one. HIVE and other token options coming soon for stake-weighted polls!

I strongly believe that turning CUB / PolyCUB into LEO is a firm action to be taken! I've been holding my PolyCUB and CUB knowing that the LEO team never leaves a solid product of ours. I invest in the team before the product 🫡

I'm almost sure that the lions would like to turn little cubs to grown lions! The crypto ecosystem has a lot of lessons to learn from us 🦁

There is a much brighter future ahead with assimilating CUB/POLYCUB into the LEO Token Ecosystem and having only one asset moving forward

I'm excited for these next steps as we also get LEO listed on Maya this coming tuesday

I'm all for it....I just need to find out how to log into that poly / bsc thingy lol

If only ever have to do that one more time I'll be happy.

I feel that.

The platforms aren't completely disappearing. They are just slowly sunsetting and this is a big kick in the rear end toward that sunset

This allows anyone who wants out to get out and into LEO.

From here, we can focus on building value for LEO. CUB/POLYCUB and their assets will remain earning the small revenue they earn and buying/burning a few tokens each month. Inflation ends there and the tokens will eventually reach a 0 token supply

This seems like a good idea on the face of it. I'll have to keep reading comments (and answers to comments) to find out what I'm not factoring in right now.

A couple questions....will the Leo Bridges still be available to move between Polygon and BSC?

Are the bHIVE/bHBD and pHIVE/pHBD pools going away along with this?

one token, let alone three. Hopefully the experience gained by building these things can pay dividends down the road, even if they "failed" the first time.All in all, I don't think there can be much debate that both platforms, at best, are languishing, and it seems pretty obvious that #inleo is the best place to be expending the team's time and resources at this point. I really like the idea of trying to funnel all value into the inleo platform and the LEO token. It's hard enough getting usecases and revenue streams for

Last question: would the airdropped LEO be staked or liquid? I'm assuming it will pretty much have to be regular LEO...which means there could be a pretty major sell-off when it hits peoples' accounts. Maybe there could be a bonus for taking it as LEOPOWER vs LEO...? Free year of Premium as long as you don't power down maybe?

Anyway, I'll wait for the answers to these and other peoples' questions before voting. As it stands, I think it's a good idea but, like I said, I'm sure there will be other concerns voiced that I haven't factored in yet...

(Quick note: I will use $150K figure as I also think that not everybody will swap this)

Just two comments:

  • A potential $150K swap with Cub defi holders means a dilution for all us $LEO asset holders of about a -7% overnight. Dilution as in Loss of Value of our tokens as the supply artificially increases. I'm not sure that "Return the community" offsets this loss as I would bet 95% of the people trapped in Cub are still here with us.

  • At first glance it seems a lot of work to bail a $150K defi hustle that went wrong. (And I'm a loser in there too!) But this is crypto, you start things, 8 go bad and 2 make a x20, you move on.
    Is not better to focus all you guys energy on the Thorchain gig? It seems that potentially has much more return for $LEO holders (x10 or more!).

Still hasn't decided vote but I think this two points are worth to think about.

Thx, Renovatio.

Giving my opinion as community member, not team member.

The way I see it, this is a way to close the book on Cub and Polycub without neglecting the holders that lost in there (I lost on polycub a lot). It's not a return of full investment but a statement that the team not just goes and starts new endeavors and forgets about the community and the previous projects that didn't work out.

Will this represent a small dilution of the $LEO token? Probably, but as you say, I like to think (as community member) that those who are still holding those tokens, are looking forward to turn the page on cub/polycub and be included in what is coming next and will not sell those tokens.

We will what happens, but im positive this is the right move forward

Good points, thx

While most teams would have gone for option #2 you explained above and just left the old holders to the dust, that's not our motto.

We are all one community. Our mistake was spreading too thin and chasing after DeFi summer. There were a lot of benefits that came out of it but ultimately, these DeFi yield platforms don't work.

I can't even tell you how much $$ we spent as a team on development and marketing for DeFi. Along with investing our own capital and liquidity.

This was a massively failed experiment. But there were tons of lessons we learned as a team and community that we can now carry forward into the future.

The new swapping platform is really exciting because it completely does away with the two shortcomings of CUB/POLYCUB:

  1. Liquidity
  2. Paying yield

On our new DEX, we are using Maya Protocol and Thorchain's Liquidity Pools which means that we neither have to worry about building liquidity for all the assets nor do we need to pay yield to Liquidity Providers... as it is all handled by those protocols.

Instead, we become an affiliate and an interface for those protocols. We generate revenue and that revenue buys LEO off the market every day.

Assimilating CUB/POLYCUB into LEO before this takes off is a huge moment to bring all of the community together and align us on a singular vision of the future

Read my comment above to @bitcoinflood if you want to see more details on why we think this is the best move

Right, well said. Agree, I also saw the incredible shipping on those days, I entered into CUB really pumped and brought a couple of friends too... Bitter times to remember. But as you say, either we win or we learn.
I will vote yes, fuck it, the -7% dilution will be long forgotten if we hit gold with the RUNE project.

How can I burn my CUB, POLYCUB or xPOLYCUB holdings. Do we know the address? When will we know how to do it. Will there be a step-by-step video or a post how to do it especiaally for xPOLYCUB?

More details on this soon, we couldn't include all of this on this post or it would become a 45 min read. Once the proposal is approved we'll publish all details about how to proceed fren

More details on this once the voting window ends, if it's approved the team will publish all the process and details

The details of how all of this goes down will be released if/when this proposal passes

This post surely brings good news for all the CUB/Polycub holders. The opportunity to convert their tokens to LEO could be the best thing to happen to the loyalists who are holding their bags for long.
The growth of LEO tokens would help them recover their initial capital

Assimilating everything in this moment before we go live on Maya Protocol is HUGE. I think this is the best path forward for everyone

Assimilating would give a positive thrust to the valuation of LEO and this can be great opportunity for ever LEO holder and specially those who got into Cub closer to peak.
Cub>Leo conversion is the best opportunity for them based on the LEO revaluation potential.

Moving everything into the leo token sounds a better procedure, let's see how the community decides to move forward

Indeed it is a great opportunity for all cub holders.

If voting yes means I don't have to deal with freaking Metamask and ETH chain crap again, that's what I'm doing. I don't really know how much I've lost or gained playing with Cub and Polycub I just treat it as a learning experience but for sure I've got more than a few $1000 there and I'd like to see something from it.

I'm kinda right there with ya. Hopefully something comes of this because I for sure lost a lot playing in that Cub DeFi game.

What happens with xPOLYCUB? I had already moved all of my CUB/POLYCUB back in, but xPOLYCUB is locked.

I assume (maybe falsely) that since it is locked, it may not be allowed to flow out until the unlock date. Is this the case or is there some work-around?

Hmm... if there is a work-around that is actually a little bit concerning from a security standpoint, but I'll take it :-)

If there is no work-around will xPOLYCUB holders be compensated down the line and if so was that entered into the calculations of the 7M POLYCUB?

I echo this question? Will the number be multiplied out for the guaranteed interest we were receiving?

Our proposal is to airdrop LEO tokens to anyone holding CUB or POLYCUB on a $1 for $1 basis

But the $price of CUB or POLYCUB now is very less. @india-leo please vote the proposal as I have already delegated my leo stakes to you.

Your vote counts because you still own the $leo tokens even if you have delegated them, so make sure you get your voice heard!

Oh, I thought, the delegation makes my vote useless. Thanks for that, I will vote.

Exactly and this gives an opportunity to get out of those and into LEO which will ultimately be benefiting from the growth of the INLEO Ecosystem and all the exchange listings that are on the way (maya Protocol being the first)

Defi didn't turn out as expected yet I must say there still remains opportunity to grow it. It's a wonderful proposal in entirety. Hoping it works out just as expected. Thanks for the update.

I'll burn mine. It does nothing as it is and leo should be the focus.
I do think that there should be a set ratio of cub:leo and polycub:leo set in stone as prices could change over the course of this process.

If it's set at 1 LEO = 50 CUB or whatever the current prices dictate but it makes the process clearer then $1 to $1.

This is a good approach @khaleelkaazi

I haven't got any POLYCUB, so my opinion is based on what is good for HIVE and LEO, but I like the sound of this because it improves links between HIVE and the rest of the crypto world. Anything that helps us climb out of our silo is worth considering !

But I do have two questions;

What happens to CUB/POLYCUB holders who don't burn their tokens and get the airdrop ? Either because they don't want to, or because they've gone dormant.

Secondly, are there any measures that can be taken (and if there are, should we ?) to make sure that more access to exchanges leads to an inflow of HIVE and LEO to increase our market cap, rather than an outflow ?

I got involved in cub/ polycub to support the rise of LEO and have kept all my tokens for brighter days that I hoped would come. But it was a bit of a pain to use. There have been so many times that I have tried to shift around funds around only for the transactions to fail for no apparent reason. Metamask was probably a large cause of my confusion.
It does sound like a good idea to assimilate it back in and keep the whole LEO ecosystem simpler, I will have to read more peoples opinions before I cast my vote but I take your points on why you think this will be good for LEO in the long run.

I love this idea of a "bail-out" and really putting it all back together under on token.. I'm just confused about the airdrop. How do I do that:

To receive the airdrop, a CUB or POLYCUB holder must burn their CUB or POLYCUB holdings by sending it to the 0xDead address on-chain.

I think integrating with a young growing ecosystem like Thorchain without wrapped tokens is a great idea.

My regret is the price of Cub never recovered after many innovative changes, which I thought were very well thought out.

But the market can stay irrational longer then we can stay solvent, so it's best to take our lumps and move on...

My question is in the thought of one token Leo, what happens to WLEO?

We still have the ETH-WLEO pool on Uniswap?

And you just announced the WLEO-CACAO pool on Maya.

What happens to the WLEO-CACAO Pool?

Thank you

yes i would vote in favor if Cub wasnt 0.02 atm, think you should look at that my roi is gone in this case. I mean its a good idea but needs some adjustment, feel like the people who voted for are not involved in Cub!!!

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Good plan.
A liquidity pair definitely has better liquidity then the savings account, it's instantaneous.
Question for my education:
Why Polycub instead of Cubfinance where APRs are higher?
Is it easier to sell HBD on on Polygon?
Is it easier to transfer back to Hive from Polygom?
Please share some Alpha.

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