Seeing my baby's HEARTBEATS for the first time, I can't help but to cry for too much happiness!

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago (edited)

As I shared my first journey of my first pregnancy after five years of waiting still I couldn't help but to feel worried. Yes, during the ultrasound in five weeks there was a gestational sac (yolk sac) but no heartbeat yet. My OB-gyne said it was normal as I was still in the very early stage of pregnancy. Thus the first time Mom likes me, unwanted thoughts rummaged in my head at times. Like what if no embryo was develop, it was just an anembryonic pregnancy?

Of course, I don't like entertaining these thoughts in my head and I kept on thinking how smooth and all my sisters were well during theirs. Holding in genes matters!

As suggested on my last check up, TVS ultrasound should be done again after two weeks from the date. My OB-gyne was in hubby's hometown so going back for check up was not feasible. For convenience, I choose the nearest to my office so traveling wouldn't be a problem. Just a five minutes walk.


I had my appointment with the OB the other day and now visited the clinic again as early as seven in the morning for a lot of lab tests!


HIV was even mandatory but it wasn't available here so I still need to check in other nearest clinics or hospitals. Upon my arrival there was already a long line of Que preferable from nearest companies like me. All of them were for their APE (Annual Physical Exam). If given the other situations, I would just patiently wait but not this time. One of the lab tests which is to check my Sugar level I was required to fast for 8 long hours! That isn't a problem but now that I am on my first trimester? It was indeed hard! My tummy was already grumbling and like aching from too much hunger! My baby is really hungry! I am always like every two- three hours, ladies, mothers out there, is it normal? So I approach the receptionist then tell him my concern and thanks to him and I am sorry for others but I use my pregnant card.


Too much blood needed that I was pricked in both arms of those needles! Yet, anything for you baby!

Afterwards, I went to the nearest 7/11 and found something to eat as I no longer had the energy to walk to my office! Oh I was just twenty minutes though. But I am not done yet as my TVS ultrasound was scheduled at 12 noon! So, I have punched out again in our biometrics DTR. This is one of the things why I love working in this company. You can leave your work anytime as long as there are no urgent reports or meetings. Could it be to ask your seatmate to cover up for you for a while if there are urgent concerns. As long as your Group head or Immediate Superior agrees, then there is no problem. My Boss? She is one of the best!

Back to the ultrasound , here I am again, waiting anxiously! I was indeed nervous. Maybe it doesn't help that I am alone. Had no one to talk with.


While waiting, noticed this wreath! Christmas is approaching so fast and darn! Seems this will be my happiest!

Ms. Les, finally I was called. As, I lie down on the medical bed while holding my phone my heart was pounding loudly! Hey, relax, relax, open wide and inhale, exhale, the Sonologist instructed me.

Lift you butt higher, have you undergone in any operations before? She continued asking while performing the TVS. Why I couldn't found it? Hearing this words I wanted to burst into tears already. In my head I was thinking, is there a problem? Could be there is no baby?

Oh there it is! and she turns the monitor facing me! That's the heartbeat of your baby and yes with good cardiac activity. Finally she told me after a few minutes.

Doc, can I take a video? Just wanted to send it to my husband. OH no problem, she said.

That was the time I lifted my head a little and stared at the screen and I felt that mixed emotions I couldn't explain! When my prayers asking hoping to have a baby soon turns into FINALLY! This is REAL, I had this tiny human growing inside me! I could no longer hold it and I cried. I was crying so hard because I was so happy! My heart was so full!

The Doctor and her assistant just laughed at me as they are also glad to see happy reactions from first time moms.

Wait, I need to check again, can't find your other ovary. OH so that is what she is referring to earlier!

Okay done, you can wait for the result at the lobby, the assistant said.

After cleaning myself I patiently wait at the lobby along with other patients. Saw the one sitting next to me, maybe curious since it seemed I cried. Thus, I didn't mind them as I was busy chatting with my husband.

Ms. Lhes, here is you results.


I swear this is the best photo I've ever seen that made me feel like crying again! Told the assistant it's really it? I'd been waiting for this for the past five years! Came to a point that I thought I would never experience this!

Congratulations, she said and even some patients near me. Goodness didn't expect me to voice it loud! Just couldn't help it, it was like I wanted to inform the world that, HEY FINALLY WE ARE PREGNANT AND SOON TO BE A COMPLETE FAMILY! So I was there, grinning while crying like an idiot, lol. Can you imagine how I look?

Anyways, I know there is long way to go especially the journey to motherhood but I am hoping and praying everything will be alright!

All photos are mine,
Footer credit to Sensiblecast


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Oh thank you! I appreciate it

I am happy that even after five years your joy is here. I wish you the best time of pregnancy and a safe delivery in due date


Thank you! I was really thankful to experience this journey in life!

What an emotional moment! It's breathtaking. Congratulations!

It was really and something worth to remember

Congratulations! It's lifechanging in the best way possible, and hearing the heartbeat for the first time, as well as seeing them devolop from with each scan is just amazing. It's unlike anything else.

Me and my partner had our first, 7 months ago, and it has been a great experience... a little bit tiring, but well worth it. The first time we heard his heartbeat in a scan was inexplainable and the best sound ever. 164bpm.

Also, of course, my partner was hungry all the time during the pregnancy, so it's perfectly normal. Enjoy the journey and best wishes to you and the family.


First congratulations for having your first born! I am so excited to be in that stage too.

Yes, seeing the progress every check up was something unexplainable! 😁. Mixed emotions could really build up.

Did Gained wait already because I am always hungry 😁

It's really an exciting moment to see your baby especially when you're the fire time Mom, congratulations Lhes ❤️ I'm so happy for you 🤗 😘

Thanks Les! It was really and I can't help but to cry! I am so happy

That's what we call, happiness overloaded 😍💫

Stay happy and blessed ❤️


Thank you

Happy for you and for your husband @lhes! Finally! Nagpaid off din ang mga binili sa shein hahaha
Can't wait to see your baby!

Haha natawa ako! Oo worth it na worth it 😉😁.

Listening to their heartbeat for the fist time is so unbelievable!

It was like a waive of magic!

Oooh! I'm excited to see the baby bump really. I'm so happy for you, Ate Lhes. I almost cried in joy while reading the good news of your pregnancy. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you po. By the way, I think the blood samples are for CBC, Blood sugar test, and blood type, but I'm not also sure why they took so much. And yeah, it's not easy to be hungry for long when you're pregnant, so don't hesitate to always use your Pregnant Card.

Thanks much!

This indeed the twist of my 2023 and didn't expect makahabol before the year ends.
Been talkinh to the baby, to please behave! Lol

This unexplainable hunger is making me crazy 🤣

What an excitement! I'm so happy for you, congrats again, Lhes
Enjoy every minute and take care 🤗😘

Thanks much Eli! 😍
My heart was so full this days!


Congratulations @Lhes you are at your best. You have achieved a much-desired longing. Congratulations Mom, congratulations to your husband and family. Give yourself pause, relax, and live calmly every moment that will be unique and special. Trust your doctor, he/she will be your ally in this process, and fill yourself with love, lots of love, and good vibes.

Been enjoying the every changes and experiences.

Thanks much for the wishes! Appreciate it


May God be praised. It's always a joyful thing to see your own baby and hold get cute little body. Welcome to motherhood

Cant wait to hold our baby in my arms


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Your on your first baby, Congratulations @lhes don't spoil the surprise yet whether a boy or girl. Hoping for a healthy pregnancy and text book birth. 🙏

Thanks! I am excited for the next months to know the gender


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