Ministeck Mosaic in Time Lapse – Episode 5: Blaziken

in #ministeck6 years ago (edited)


Lohgock fertig.png


I actually made this (and anoner one that will be uploaded soon as well) in August last year for my brother’s 11th birthday but didn’t edit and upload it until now as I didn’t want to upload anything until the channel rework is done (which it still isn’t, I’m still working on the banner and reworking the profile picture) but I want to start uploading regularly now. To do so, I chose to edit the Blaziken Ministeck footage as one of the videos that I already started but haven’t finished yet. The next Ministeck video will be the last one for now since I don’t have enough parts left for another one and they are quite expensive. When I decided to edit the Blaziken video just to upload something as filler while I’m finishing the banner, I wasn’t sure if a Ministeck time lapse is still appropriate to upload. I mean, what is that compared to Wonderful Patch and Introducing Ganondorf? Just a dirty, filthy, smelly piece of moving image. I will upload it anyway now because I’ve worked on it for two weeks and to please the YouTube algorithm. The DbD bug videos don’t have enough views.
I used this video as an opportunity to learn DaVinci Resolve, which took longer than I expected as I had to look up even the simplest things in the beginning. It took one whole day alone to figure out why putting a png image with no transparency would create a black background around it and I didn’t find anything on the web about it, it was pure luck that I found the solution myself by doing something that I thought I already tried. Resolve is amazing and can do a lot of things more and better but there is one fundamental thing it for some reason can’t do: Smooth position keyframes. Apparently many people have complained about this for years but it’s still not there. So while I love Resolve, if I want to animate the position of something like the annotations and overlay images in this video, I have to render it in Resolve, import it in Video deluxe to animate the position of images, render it in Video deluxe, import the video in Resolve and render the final version there as it has better render options and if I have to put something on top of the animated things like the text in this case. This is very annoying but apparently there is no other way.
Another thing I did was inform myself more about file formats and codecs, settling for .mov with h.264 200 mbps and LPCM for lossless audio. Originally I wanted to use DNxHR but apparently Windows’s’s default programs don’t support it. Also, for some reason, h.264 video exported by Resolve has strange big artifacts when played back by Windows’s’s default programs or VLC but not when played back by the QuickTime Player or imported to Resolve or Video deluxe. I have no Idea what causes this and found nothing on the web. I can’t put the file on my website like this if it can’t be played back without huge artifacts.
Next to learning Resolve, I also tried to do some new things like annotations in the style of game dialogues which is an idea I had a long time ago and making the background dark and blurry while showing an overlay image and meanwhile slowly transitioning the background unnoticably. It might not look like it but this video took two weeks to edit. Most of the time of course was spent on learning how to do what I wanted to do in the first place but I for example cut the pauses between nearly every single placed part when my arm is not visible to make the action more compact.
After test watching the uploaded video I saw that the artifacts are visible on YouTube as well. I guess I have to render it again and use DNxHR after all. Now the video will be postponed again. It was supposed to go live on friday two weeks ago, two weeks after Introducing Ganondorf. I expected the editing to take no more than two days.

Official website of Ministeck:

⬇ Dᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅs

📋 Mᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟs ᴜsᴇᴅ
15 × black (no. 31601)
8 × black single-piece stripes
11 × orange (no. 31607)
7 × yellow (no. 31608)
7 × beige (no. 31609)
2 × light grey (no. 31615)
1 × white (no. 31613)
1 × light blue (no. 31603) (looks like mid blue)
2 × dark brown (no. 31612)
1 × red (no. 31606)
4 × small rectangle plate (no. 1)
2 × large rectangle plate (no. 3)
9 × connector
2 × hanger (optional)

👆 Lɪɴᴋs

Twitch (German):

Secondary channel with random videos, works in progress, behind the scenes etc.: Website: Twitter: Steemit: Discord server:

🕒 Exᴘᴇɴᴅɪᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛɪᴍᴇ
Creation of the Ministeck mosaic: 5.5 hours
Video editing: 2 weeks

💾 Pʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴇs ᴜsᴇᴅ

Video editing: DaVinci Resolve Video editing: Magix Video Deluxe Plus (the same as Movie Edit Pro Plus) Image editing: Paint.NET Image editing: Affinity Photo Drawing: FireAlpaca Audio editing: Audacity Audio production: FL Studio 8-bit audio production: FamiTracker 3D modelling and animating: Blender 3D animating: Source Filmmaker Screen recording: Shadowplay Console recording: RECentral Streaming: OBS Studio

🎥 Eǫᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ82EG-K
Tripod: Hama 3D Action 165

🎵 Mᴜsɪᴄ ᴜsᴇᴅ
[8-Bit] The Legend of Zelda – Overworld Theme
Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald – Setting out on a Journey
Pokémon RSE – Double Battles
Pokémon RSE – Main Theme
Pokémon RSE – Introductions
Pokémon RSE – Littleroot Town
Pokémon RSE – Birch Pokémon Lab
Pokémon RSE – Route 101
Pokémon RSE – May
Pokémon RSE – Battle! (Brendan/May)
Pokémon RSE – Victory! (Trainer Battle)
Pokémon RSE – H-Help Me!
[8-Bit] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Ilia’s Theme