The cost on United States Taxpayers of illegal immigration is $135 billion a year

in #politics6 years ago

In 2017, FAIR's "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers" report put the total cost of illegal immigration at $135 billion a year, while claiming undocumented immigrants paid only $19 billion a year in taxes. That leaves a net cost to local, state and federal governments of $116 billion a year.

Let the POTUS use the 716 Billion allocated for the Military to pay for the Wall. That would pay for itself in the first year. Criminals, whether they are Men or Women and Children do not deserve special treatment.

Lady Justice is BLIND, for a reason...Not looking at SEX AGE RACE CREED Political Affiliation, Wealth, Status, nor Appearances when applying the ROD OF ORDER ie the Rule of Law.

SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD...does not mean a stick to beat your children or each other with. The Rod is the story sick that Carpenters use for measurement. Just as one would measure the contents of a cup and the levels.

Good, Bad or Evil...judged by a persons mistreatment of a victim of SINS ie Breaking the Laws, the Commandments, or the Golden Rule. not the Way of Christ... the Living Jesus, Our High Priest, the Rabbi, preaching and teaching the Good Word to the Poor (in Spirit).

What does Jesus as Our High Priest, that Paul Follows, as do all Disciples, in the Millions...Say about War Slavery, Murder, Stealing, Conquer, Famine and DEATH. And those that do these things to others. Those that Christians judge according to their religion of...

Faith only used to judge whether someone os good or evil as the Enemy, like Satan...

Following a religion that has divided everyone and is not following the Good Words of the Messiah, the Golden Rule, the Commandments and the Rule of Law, the ROD of Order.

What controls and rules the heart of the People, is the same heart that PRODUCES the Good Fruit of the Spirit or the fruit that is Carnal. God does not control whether you are Woke or asleep. Whether you look and listen or remain blind deaf and dumb to the Spirit and the Spirit of Truth.

The Truth that Christians AKA Disciples AKA Christians since Antioch...Christians are called to be Disciples and Good Sons and Daughters of Man and God our Father, the same God and Father that is the Head above the Messiah, his Master, and Ours. Jesus the Christ a FELLOW SERVANT that GOD says, this is my Son, In him, I am well Pleased, Listen to him...

Are Christians being like the Disciples...calling themselves brothers and sisters of the Messiah? The Children of man and A Good God and Father? The Good Tree Produces good fruit, not Corrupt; Evil and Good...the Cup both Hot and Cold... "As you are told to believe so shall ye be" good or Evil.

You are in control, you can choose to run the race, to pick up your own cross and follow, the Good example of the Best man at the feast.

Running the Race and doing your best, not your worst and demanding forgiveness. Like the servant that buries their gift, the servant that does not fill her lamp with oil, the servant that demands Jesus be Crucified, the beggar that does not dress for the feast. Choosing to fill your hearts with fear and hate that is enmity of love. Choosing to pick up or drop the sword, being Warmongers believing...

Fight or surrender as the path to peace between Neighbors and not Love and cooperation. Compassion, Mercy, Kindness, Empathy etc.

Christ says to love your enemies, he does not say to make Satan the Greatest of Enemies...the Master You Fear is the Master you Serve!!! Who are the Churches serving being deceived like Adam and Eve...that God would not be offended by their disobedience. Calling everything bad and evil they do to the women and children the goodwill of God.

The People suffer from the Lack of Knowledge yet both the Mother Church of Rome and her Daughter the Church of England, both ruled by the Monarchy the Exalted, would have everyone ignorant and fools, believing they are wise in their lack of knowledge, knowledge made evil... when the Knowledge of good and a Good God and Father is good.