PostsCommentsPayoutslonsoft (35)in #cn • 8 years agoRE: pray for my country NEPAL......为尼泊尔祈祷!👍🏻赞赞lonsoft (35)in #cn • 8 years agoRE: 尕海湖、翡翠盐湖,戈壁滩中的璀璨明珠所有图片未经许可禁止转发 谢谢lonsoft (35)in #life • 9 years agoRE: The secrets of why girls go to the bar. 女孩去酒吧的秘密。糜烂的生活lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 清晨里的声响顶一下lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 表格Steem一键安装脚本之忍者神鞭快速编译版威武!lonsoft (35)in #introduceyourself • 9 years agoRE: Sabydee! Grettings from LaosThe most exciting day I sold more than 7000 USD of software copies.lonsoft (35)in #introduceyourself • 9 years agoRE: Sabydee! Grettings from Laos眼都绿了 一天7000刀lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: can you answer this?If 3 + 3 = 30 --> (3 3+1) * 3 = 30 then 1 + 1 = 2 --> (1 1+1) * 1 = 2 then 2 + 2 = 10 --> (2 2+1) 2 = 10 so ------>>> 4+4 = (4 4+1) 4 = 68lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: can you answer this?nolonsoft (35)in #introduceyourself • 9 years agoRE: Hi, I am a nine years old girl from China, I am the first schoolchild user of steemit in China比我还溜lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: steem新手问题整理,购买,转换,提现 等。。。。。。。泪流满面呀lonsoft (35)in #steemit • 9 years agoRE: Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, she is voting on every posts of @xiaohui | 大事件:@xiaohui 被 @wang 的机器人宠幸了你错了 是女生来的 lollonsoft (35)in #steemit • 9 years agoRE: Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, she is voting on every posts of @xiaohui | 大事件:@xiaohui 被 @wang 的机器人宠幸了在一起 在一起!lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 童年的美好记忆厉害居然还在哦!!!!!! 就这么几个顶就那么多钱了哦?怎么搞的。lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴:) 谢谢lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴Click the upvote arrowlonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴哈哈。谢谢。lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴谢谢老聂。lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴不好吧。。。lonsoft (35)in #cn • 9 years agoRE: 我也发个贴哈哈。有的。